The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 574 Super Concentrated Essence

In this way, Bai Kai began his cultivation process. There were only 20 days left, and he had to seize every minute and every second.

He did not open the injury door and was prepared to open it again at a critical moment.

Because after the fourth gate, Qi Men Dun Jia is really harmful to the body.

Bai Kai did not let his hair turn black, it was still waist-length white hair.

He felt that this was the only way to be worthy of the name Bai Yaksha.

The old Heavenly Master flew farther and farther, he had left the human world and came to a completely unfamiliar territory.

"The valley ahead should be where the gods are buried. I haven't been here for a long time." The old Heavenly Master sighed.

Immediately afterwards, he felt an indescribable pressure.

"Is this? True Essence Diffusion? What a terrifying power. No, I must see the true face of the alien giant." The old Heavenly Master sped up his flying speed.

The closer he got to the Valley where the Gods were buried, the expression on the old Heavenly Master's face became more solemn.

You must know that everyone possesses true essence, and the so-called true essence is the essence of a person's life.

But the terrifying giant in front didn't care about the loss of true energy, and looked like he was practicing.

The old Heavenly Master had good eyesight and spotted Bai Kai from a distance. He put down a protective shield around himself.

"The terrifying alien giant, how much real energy does he have?" the old master thought with slight horror.

He suspected that this was the true meaning of life from another world, a creature composed of true essence.

Then, he saw the ultra-concentrated essence scattered in the valley.

After the Master thought for a moment, he flew towards the essence.

After landing, Master Tian carefully avoided Bai Kai's gaze.

He quietly hid behind the essence and hid.

He thought with lingering fear: "He is indeed a giant from another world. Such a close distance actually puts such great pressure on me. His strength far exceeds that of a real person. Could he be the real king?"

The old Heavenly Master secretly revealed his head, and after observing Bai Kai with half of his eye, he retracted his head again.

Looking at the essences that looked like mountains, he touched the film on the outside and said, "It feels slightly cool to the touch, and the whole body is purple. What is inside."

At this moment, Bai Kai drank another bottle of essence.

Wiping the remaining essence on his mouth, he shouted: "It's great!!"

He didn't know that with a wave of his hand, a drop of purple essence flew in the direction of the old Heavenly Master.

"Not good!" The Heavenly Master was shocked.

He circulated his true energy and his whole body turned into a ghost: "Transformation!"

Lao Tianshi moved at high speed and quickly escaped from the place where the essence dripped.

"Boom!" The essence fell to the ground, making a loud noise in the ears of the Heavenly Master.

It is well known that water droplets falling on the ground create a sputtering effect.

The same is true for the essence. It explodes like a goddess scattering flowers, powerful and fast.

As soon as Lao Tianshi's front feet landed on the ground, the essence followed closely behind him. Lao Tianshi's old eyes stared, and there was a strong infuriating energy all over his body.

"One Way of Heaven and Earth!" The old Heavenly Master's body seemed to blend into the sky, his body became looming, and the drop of powerful essence could not move forward.

When Master Tian released his skills, he didn't forget to observe Bai Kai's condition.

He found that the alien giant did not notice his existence and let out a long breath.

The momentum of the essence weakened, and the old master also released the special defensive state of his own Qiankun Yiyu.

There are large and small purple droplets scattered in front of you. They have not penetrated into the soil, but are quietly waiting for you to pick them.

The Heavenly Master lurked cautiously and crawled to the side of the essence.

He sniffed with his little nose.

"Huh? It smells delicious." The old master was a little surprised.

He raised his head slightly and glanced at Bai Kai again, then found a small wooden stick on the ground.

Holding Fuchen in one hand and a small wooden stick in the other, he poked at the purple essence.

"Colloidal substance, not very strong." The old master continued to think.

Then, he inserted the small wooden stick straight into the lump of essence, and saw that the small wooden stick fell at a very slow speed.

Finally he fell gently to the ground.

When the Heavenly Master saw that the small wooden stick was not corroded by the essence, he knew that this thing was not harmful.

After mobilizing the energy in his body, he took a dollop of the essence and looked at it carefully.

The crystal clear purple color gave Lao Tianshi an intoxicating feeling, and the tangy fragrance continued to fascinate him.

The Heavenly Master gritted his teeth, then stretched out his tongue and dabbed on the purple essence.

After quickly retracting, the old master squinted his eyes and kept stirring his tongue in his mouth.

"Sweet, sour, and harmless to the human body." The Heavenly Master licked his lips.

The delicious taste that filled his mouth continued to attract him to lick the essence.

He held the essence and tiptoed behind the cyst.

Then he looked at the essence in his hand with a crazy look on his face, and took a deep breath on the essence with his puffy mouth.

As his body trembled, everything became boring.

There were two blushes on the face of the old master, which was an expression of intoxication.

A Ge Youli appeared, and the old master said to himself: "All the fine wines are not as good as the things in my hands, burp."

After burping, some purple gas was emitted from the mouth, filling the air with a fragrant aroma.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Praise, praise, praise!" The old Heavenly Master's spirit was excited.

He tiptoed again and picked up a bunch of purple essence, checking to see if Bai Kai had noticed him.

Bai Kai didn't notice the movements of the Heavenly Master, and he didn't care about the extra essence.

What do aliens have? Some are this essence of life!

After taking some more essence, Bai Kai felt much better.

He sat cross-legged, returned to his original state, entered meditation, and adjusted the force in his body.

The old master felt that the tension around him suddenly relaxed. He was overjoyed and searched for the essence everywhere.

After a while, all the scattered essence entered the stomach of the master.

The Heavenly Master was swaying. At this moment, he really wanted to write a poem, but he also remembered that he was a Taoist, so it would be better not to rob those Confucian cultures.

There are also hundreds of schools of thought on the Dark Giant, but their history is different from that of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. There is no need to go into details here.

The old Heavenly Master felt that his body was light and airy, as if he had returned to his youth. That purple gel was really a good thing.

Then, he looked at the cyst behind him.

He had seen before that the alien giant took out the delicious substance from this cyst.

The old master's head was spinning rapidly, and he decided to start from the side to obtain this substance.

As the saying goes, start from the side, it means purely literally.

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