The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 6 Fern Wall

The cells that arrived this time are Zhang Fan's secret weapon and a key factor in the true victory of this war.

Modified ordinary cells.

Zhang Fan felt that he was not qualified to play the role of creator, so why couldn't he learn from the other party's experience?

Well, it’s just a reference.

A large number of cells have died in this area, but life is tenacious, and there will always be some fish that slip through the net.

The strong phagocytes escorted a dying mossy cell to the front of the modified cells.

The modified cell looked down and saw that the other party was still struggling.

Zhang Fan nodded: "Yes, he is a strong guy."

After saying that, he swallowed the moss cells in one gulp and analyzed its internal composition.

The plasma membrane is the boundary of the cytoplasm and is close to the cell wall. The cell wall has many pores, so the cytoplasm of adjacent cells is interconnected. The plasma membrane is selective for the passage of substances.

Therefore, after the previous cells were destroyed, the two adjacent cells above and below would collapse, causing Zhang Fan some damage.

Plastids are the key factor that Zhang Fan wants to understand this time. Plastids can be roughly divided into three categories, namely achromoplasts, chloroplasts and chromoplasts.

The colorless body develops from the proplastid and can be divided into leukosome, amyloplast, oil body, protein body, etc.

The main characteristic of chloroplasts is that they contain chlorophyll, as well as lutein and carotene.

Chromoplasts contain only carotenoids and lutein and are yellow, orange or red.

No colored bodies could be found in the moss this time.

After knowing how chloroplasts and chlorophyll are composed.

Zhang Fan moved his whole body, and the entire surface of the cyanobacteria began to change color, gradually turning from light blue to green, and this green was deeper than the opponent's green.

The darker the color, the more effectively it can absorb sunlight. This is knowledge learned in elementary school.

Zhang Fan also learned the reason why moss can form on the ground through the genetic decoding of his opponent's cells.

After using this method on your own moss, the next step is to wait and reproduce.

This method is actually very simple, that is, bacterial cultivation, commonly known as bacteria carpet.

The fungus carpet expands very quickly, countless times faster than the moss itself.

Those tiny, needle-shaped bacteria are the moss' transporters.

Needle-like bacteria shuttle materials back and forth through tiny pores in their cell walls, acting like knitting needles that sew the moss together.

Not only is the expansion speed fast, but also the connectivity is strong. The water in the lake can reach the front line better through the transportation of needle-shaped bacteria.

"This idea is really great!" Zhang Fan's eyes lit up. It not only solved the problem of difficult and slow transportation, but also contributed to his biodiversity.

This kind of bacteria is not difficult to make, just imitate it.

From the first critical battle, Zhang Fan learned a lot from his enemies, the most useful of which was the germ blanket.

"Okay! Let's start the second round of attack!" Zhang Fan reorganized his troops and continued to move forward.

The expansion of the virus has become very obvious, and no matter what method the enemy uses, there is no way to resist it.

Finally, Zhang Fan led his troops to the foot of a fern.

Looking up, it looks like a towering tree whose top cannot be seen. It would take thousands of T-viruses to surround it.

"Terrible." Zhang Fan thought to himself, if this ethnic group is allowed to develop, it will definitely pose a huge threat to himself.

The decomposing enzymes of phagocytes cannot quickly break down the fern's epidermis.

After the other party learned about this situation, ferns sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

A wall was erected in front of Zhang Fan in one night.

"This?!" Zhang Fan, who had no idea, was stunned. Could it be that the other party was also a conscious being?

no! He must be eliminated!

The virus and phagocytes are no longer able to bear the burden of the continuous attack. If this continues, this attack will fail. What if the opponent counterattacks?

Zhang Fan tried to take a detour, but the ferns stretching for several meters were a hurdle that Zhang Fan could not overcome at the moment.

The base in the rear continued to send troops, but it was never able to break through the opponent's defense.

Zhang Fan observed for a moment that the opponent seemed to have no tendency to attack.

So I chose to set up camp here.

"I wonder if the worms can be transported here." Worms are Zhang Fan's secret weapon. If they can be transported here, they will be equivalent to tanks entering the country.

Unfortunately, none of the spores can contain worms up to 0.1 mm in size.

Wait a moment?

Can’t fit it in?

I can make it myself!

Now I have a piece of land of nearly one meter, and the bottom is full of the corpses of the destroyed moss.

Gathering the modified cells was not enough, so the base quickly transported them.

The wind is very random, Zhang Fan can only win with quantity, but the modified cells that fall in this area are also very few.

With the modified cells, Zhang Fan can create worms, but now he has to consider whether there are enough nutrients.

Nearly half of the modified cells turned into bacteria carpet, which provided food for the entire army.

Another part begins to divide into new modified cells.

Zhang Fan looked at the sky and saw that the sun was shrouded by dark clouds. This was a good sign. Under the scorching sun, his unit could not last long.

There is rain, which solves the moisture problem.

The rain splashed down, not a heavy rain but a gentle drizzle.

The drizzle was still blowing in the breeze.

The raindrops fell and hit the ground like a heavy hammer. Zhang Fan immediately arranged for the modified flagellates to transport water.

The modified cells divide rapidly, which is the fastest speed in Zhang Fan's life.

I don’t know how long this rain will last, but I hope it lasts longer.

God seemed to have heard Zhang Fan's request. The rain did not stop throughout the afternoon and was still raining at night.

The first worm was successfully created. Driving the giant worm, Zhang Fan began to bite the surface of the fern.

A large hole appears in the "tear", and viruses and phagocytes rush to enter and destroy it.

The second worm also came out and continued to expand its advantage.

The rain stopped the next morning and the sun was shining brightly.

Zhang Fan led all his troops into the ferns to avoid the threat of the sun.

Attack at night.

There are indeed many fern walls on the other side, and they have not been completely destroyed after fighting for who knows how long.

The fungus carpet has been laid. Although the area is not large now, it is enough as a temporary base.

Zhang Fan led the troops through layers of difficulties and obstacles, and finally arrived at the edge of the lake. Looking around, the lake was full of green plants.

My mouth is almost watering, this is all food!

Zhang Fan led his troops into the water, but then encountered trouble again.

Thanks to Linrui Xiao Feng and Zhongzhuang Xue Tong for their recommendation votes. I am hand-coded, please recommend votes and collect them.

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