The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 601 Capturing Sekter

Angela also said at the side: "I am a little envious of higher civilizations. This is really the ultimate. If I can go back and study it carefully, I will definitely improve the entire alien civilization to a higher level."

Athena waved her hand and said: "Okay, don't discuss this issue anymore, the Lord still needs us, let's go."

After saying that, the three queens walked into the wormhole formed by the combination of star protozoa.

Soon, after the magical scene passed, the queens came to the battlefield and saw an extremely huge black sphere, and that was the cage created by Zhang Fan in order to control Sect.

Zhang Fan's body did not appear in front of them, and his voice appeared directly in their minds: "I can't show up with you now. This Sekter is really not an easy method to deal with. I must use all my strength to control him." Stay, Athena, I will open an opening for you, come in and help me, Angela and Elise should be careful about this guy coming out!"

Before the Queen could react, Zhang Fan quickly opened an opening in front of Athena, and Athena got in without even thinking.

The opening was closed again, but part of Sect still came out of it. Sect said sternly: "Do you think you can control me easily this way? I am invisible! I will come back to settle the score with you after I have absorbed enough creatures. ! Let’s see!”

After Sekter finished cursing, he was about to leave when he saw two women standing in front of him, a golden woman and a black woman.

Sekter shouted: "Are you his helpers?! Come and die!"

Elise said: "You go first."

Angela nodded, and then her entire body became invisible, and this intangibility was intertwined with Sekter.

Sekter said with some horror: "You are actually this kind of creature? No! You are more pure like energy! Ah!!"

The energy in Angela's body began to burn, constantly consuming Sekter's physical strength.

Sekter kept struggling in Angela's body. This terrible invasion feeling as if he was in the sun made Sekter very uncomfortable.

Even if I had lived in a relatively dangerous place, I wouldn't have felt as uncomfortable as I do now. There was no way I could just run into the sun without saying anything!

Just when Sekter felt desperate, he found that part of himself had escaped. He had just left Angela's attack range.

But being blocked by the black woman in front of him, who looked like a physical creature, Sekter roared: "Woman! You are looking for death!"

Then, she rushed towards Elise very quickly, and Elise said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth: "After the transformation, I haven't gone straight to the first battlefield for a long time."

She opened her mouth and swallowed the remaining Sect completely.

Angela said with some concern: "Are you okay?"

Elise said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, you won't die."

Sekter felt a little uncomfortable. After his analysis, he found that these two women were not Force warriors. At most, they only had the strength of ninth-level warriors.

Just why, just after leaving the devil's cave, entered the tiger's den again? Is this universe so unreasonable now?

If it was a terrifying flame before, it was now endless ice. Sekter felt cold, bone-chilling, and his own blood was slowly freezing.

However, before he was completely frozen, Sekter discovered that there were countless black ice crystal fragments hidden in this woman's body. After disappearing, he had only one thought: "This civilization is really crazy."

The two queens worked together to kill Sekter who had slipped out, but the big head was still in Zhang Fan's body.

They were frantically surrounding Athena and attacking. Fortunately, Athena was also a Force warrior and her body was basically energized, otherwise she would have been invaded by Sect.

Athena also had a very difficult fight. The opponent was a high-level force warrior who had entered the force world for a long time. She had entered the force world not long ago. If she fought alone, she would definitely lose.

After a pause, Sect, who was struggling with Athena, said angrily: "You don't deserve to be called a Force Warrior! There is an ambush! Are you so afraid of me running away!?"

When Sekter said this, he meant it for Zhang Fan to hear. Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Afraid, of course I am afraid. A Force warrior is targeting me and it will make it difficult for me to sleep and eat well."

"Ahhh!" Sect roared angrily.

Zhang Fan would also cooperate with the two queens outside to continuously weaken Sektor's strength. Gradually, Sektor learned the lesson. He knew that there was an ambush outside, so he simply stopped going out and stared at Athena. , killing one is one.

Zhang Fan discovered the abnormality in his mind and quickly contacted the brainworms: "How are the preparations for the starry sky imprisonment?"

Adam said: "Master, the starry sky prison is completely ready! Ready to launch at any time!"

Zhang Fan was overjoyed: "Okay!"

Later, Zhang Fan said to Athena: "Okay! Athena! You can go out, and leave the rest to me!"

Athena nodded, and after using her huge vitality to stir up the surrounding green mist, she was quickly submerged in Zhang Fan's black shadow, and the mist was sealed again.

Sekter said gloomily: "What's wrong? Are you afraid that your servant will die? I didn't expect that a majestic force warrior can be so ruthless in his tricks."

Zhang Fan said: "The cruel thing is yet to come, starry sky imprisonment, you will know after you try it."

After saying that, Zhang Fan's black shadow quietly dissipated, Sekter regained his vision, and the surroundings turned into a space environment again.

Seike is a little confused. What does this guy mean? Let me go?

Sekter didn't care what he meant. He would definitely run if there was a chance. After saying that, he turned around and ran in one direction.

A ripple appeared on the invisible wall. Sekter's body was pressed tightly against the invisible wall. He was a little frightened that he was imprisoned.

Starry sky imprisonment is a very early technology. After improvement, even Zhang Fan cannot escape from it, but Zhang Fan shares the minds of other creatures, so he can escape easily.

Sect, right? Obviously not, the starry sky prison is shrinking step by step. Everyone knows that the most fearful thing is not that they have died, but that they are about to know that they are dead and there is nothing they can do.

Seeing that the prison in the starry sky was shrinking, Sekter was helpless. He began to beg for mercy: "No! Please don't kill me! I am willing to be a slave!"

Zhang Fan's black shadow came to Sekter, and he said against the starry sky: "I have gathered all the brainworms now, and there are still two queens left."

Sekter said: "I do! I want to be the queen!"

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