New books have begun to be distributed, and this worm is about to come to an end.

I know that many friends in the book "The Evolution of the Zerg" are looking forward to his growth.

However, maybe Tangerine didn't plan it well, and the insect collapsed in the later stage. I didn't find a few pitfalls, and the more I wrote later, the more I collapsed, so I simply added an extra protagonist.

This is a major mistake on my part. I shouldn’t have written like this. I have brought myself into trouble and failed to live up to everyone’s expectations.

The Zerg is a race with a different evolution method. It may be a problem with my settings, which caused it to show its invincibility after growing up a little.

However, everyone should know that when a book becomes invincible, its journey is coming to an end.

Therefore, Orange is here to say sorry to everyone, "The Road to Evolution of the Zerg" has become watery and turned into the sea.

Here, Orange lists some of its own shortcomings:

1. I didn’t make a clear outline and settings. I just thought about it while writing and saved it in a document. It was so messy that I couldn’t find it myself, which made me a little confused in the middle and later stages.

2. The description of the creature is not detailed enough, and it is not described carefully from the front or side, resulting in a little blurryness when reading.

3. The pace in the early stage is too fast. It can be slowed down a little when developing on the planet. However, it is very slow in the middle stage, and the connection between the previous and later chapters is somewhat confusing.

4. The battle mode of the Zerg is a bit confusing. During the battle, the methods adopted are not satisfactory, and there are always some deviations in terms of quantity and strength.

5. My writing skills are a problem. I like creatures very much, but large-scale biological integration operations require description from multiple angles. The Zerg’s description of the battle is too hasty.

6. Use characters indiscriminately. There are so many characters in Bugs that I almost couldn’t find them when I looked for them later, and I often forgot the names of the characters.

7. The characters are not prominent enough. There are a few accidents that often appear. The other supporting characters feel like passers-by and are not well set up.

8. The background of the story was based on the Kardashov Civilization Index, which almost made me unable to hold on. It was quite a drag on the plot.

9. Regarding the level of the universe, the understanding is not detailed enough. Many things should not be described in that way, but in order to clearly divide them, some unnecessary factors have been added on their own initiative.

10. I attach great importance to the evaluations of book friends, but sometimes I do not consider them carefully.

In fact, there are many, many shortcomings in this book, which I understand and want to correct.

However, I really couldn't hold myself any longer and was stuck to death.

Moreover, many small characters who were supposed to appear in the early stage did not appear, and I was scared because of the many foreshadowings.

I would like to say sorry again, the Zerg planned to end it before the year.

The new book "The Cute Lord is Invincible" has been released. It also follows the biological route and is also a farming style novel.

The biological descriptions will be different, and are more divided according to the order, order, family, genus and species.

In addition, "The Invincible Lord of the World" is not set in the second dimension, because its setting is a bit inconsistent with science fiction, as there are fantasy creatures.

To put it bluntly, he is a science fiction love letter disguised as a second dimension.

Finally, I hope you can give a lot of support to the new book.

Welcome to join "The Cute Lord is Invincible". Orange is relatively new, group chat number: 976420474

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