The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 69 Corpse Scent Konjac

These charcoal can make more gunpowder for Zhang Fan, and can also make some preparations for heating in winter.

Okay, the air inside the stone forest has finally become clear, and the host has seen the entire interior, as well as the plants that trap pests.

It is a flower, the petals are lavender, the stamens are very long, hanging to the outside, the color is purple-red, the color is extremely bright.

This flower is not large in size. It grows between the cracks of stones. The petals are divided into four petals, separated in a golden ratio shape.

Its stems are somewhat like morning glory stems, but the color is more purple.

Seeing this flower, Zhang Fan felt as if he had seen it somewhere before, definitely not in this world.

Where is it? Oh, right! It seems to be written in a book, corpse-scented konjac!

"That's right! This is the corpse-scented konjac!" Zhang Fan suddenly remembered.

Gaia asked in confusion: "Dad, what is corpse-scented konjac? It doesn't seem to be in your information."

Zhang Fan: "I didn't expect to see something imaginary here. I thought it was fake. Judging from its color and function, it is corpse-scented konjac."

The corpse-scented konjac is the devil's flower that is said to protect Solomon's treasure. When approached, it will cause hallucinations and kill each other. The color is so bright that wearing a gas mask is useless.

Corpse-scented konjac can grow in ancient tombs. It is said to keep corpses from rotting and not rotting, and it can also make corpses emit fragrance, which is extremely precious. Legend has it that the corpse-scented konjac contains evil spirits. After it grows up, living creatures can no longer approach it.

Zhang Fan told Gaia that this was all written in that book. He said that it had been too long and he had forgotten the specific book.

So now that you know this flower, you have to consider how to pick it.

Its hallucinogenic effect is so strong that you really can’t get close to it if you pick it using ordinary methods. What should you do?

Ordinary Zerg, any one that enters will be controlled by it.

To this end, Zhang Fan also conducted a small experiment, where his perspective was from the position of the host.

Throw the springtails, worker bees, hydralisks and flying dragons near the corpse-scented konjac, and then observe them, withdrawing your thoughts from them.

After a while, these Zerg soldiers began to kill each other, and the hydralisk that survived in the end also chose to commit suicide. This was all caused by the corpse-scented konjac.

The problem is serious. If you need to collect this flower, the fragrance of the flower will be diffused, and eventually the entire Zerg race may be confused by it.

It must be wrapped in a container.

Gaia then said to Zhang Fan: "Dad, Gaia has a method that you might try."

"you say."

Gaia: "We will airdrop into the vicinity of the corpse-scented Konjac, and then I will control it, and dad will supervise it. Once it is controlled, dad will pull me out."

Zhang Fan: "How feasible is this method?"

Gaia: "I think it can be done. No matter how hallucinogenic this corpse-scented konjac is, it will take some time for us to have hallucinations. We will collect it within this time gap."

Zhang Fan: "Well, I think it's ok, so what should I use to collect it?"

Gaia asked Zhang Fan to observe the larvae and said: "We can let the larvae hatch inside, cover it with mucus, and block its floral fragrance. Moreover, the larvae without nutrient solution will fail to hatch and the cocoons will not break. Condition."

Zhang Fan thought about it and felt that this method was feasible, so he asked Gaia to make some preparations.

He built an evolution chamber near the stone forest, which had a three-layer protected room. He decided to study this flower himself.

The work has begun. Since we have to cover these flowers with slime, let's cover them all without leaving any.

After gathering all the corpse-scented konjac around, the hosts carried the larvae and began to release them. Some of the larvae just landed on the flowers, and at that moment, Gaia gave the order to hatch.

Mucus began to appear on the larvae, and then Gaia was confused by the flowers. It controlled the larvae to walk in the stone forest, and then many larvae appeared in front. It wanted to fight back, but found that the larvae it controlled could not move. , and suddenly panicked.

In this instant, Zhang Fan pulled Gaia out of her thoughts. Gaia, who returned to normal, breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and once again felt the horror of corpse-scented konjac.

"Dad, this ghost thing is really scary. Fortunately, we succeeded." Gaia said with lingering fear.

Zhang Fan: "Yes, we succeeded, but the work is not completed yet. They still have to be transported out. Please be careful."

Gaia: "Well, I will be careful this time."

After ordering the worker bees to carefully transport the cocoons out of the stone forest and placing them into the deepest part of the evolution chamber, Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

The work of the evolution chamber does not need to be controlled by the brain. Zhang Fan can completely cover all aspects of his thinking.

"Okay, Gaia, once I analyze the corpse-scented konjac, you can destroy this stone forest so that it will no longer be used." After saying this, Zhang Fan plunged into the evolution chamber.

The evolution cavity seems to be like a mouth, and the thick flesh walls are still closed so that no trace of aroma is lost.

Zhang Fan slowly opened the cocoon through bacteria in the innermost evolution chamber.

Don't think that Zhang Fan doesn't know how to use scientific bacteria, he just doesn't use them as well as Adam.

After being opened, the corpse-scented konjac still looks shiny and dazzling in the nutrient solution.

Its pollen began to permeate the nutrient solution in the chamber, and these things were a little larger than bacteria.

The current pollen can no longer affect Zhang Fan, and the Evolution Chamber can conduct experiments without using any brain.

In another open space, Zhang Fan also built an evolution chamber, which is mainly an experimental place. He will execute some of his conjectures and experimental plans in this evolution chamber.

Zhang Fan also asked Adam to help with the research.

The results of the research report finally showed that the pollen of this corpse-scented konjac contains a large amount of ergot bacteria.

These ergot bacteria will produce a kind of lysergic acid, and then mix it with the diacetamide carried by the corpse-scented konjac itself to produce a chemical called lysergic acid diacetamide, which has a common name, hallucinogen. agent.

After understanding the efficacy of corpse-scented konjac, I thought it was just that, and then let Adam be exposed to this safety hazard through the genetic level.

After all these things are done, the Zerg no longer have to worry about anything that is hallucinogenic or not.

After overthrowing this stone forest and saying goodbye to the flowers inside, Zhang Fan looked at these corpse-scented konjacs and another soldier type appeared in his mind.

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