The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 71 Abyss Forest

There is no way to accurately define this forest, Zhang Fan tentatively calls them the abyss woodland.

This forest is like the mouth of an abyss, no matter how many creatures there are, they will be swallowed up by them.

Of course, this is not absolute. Some particularly flexible and alert creatures live very well here, but large creatures cannot survive in it.

For example, there is an insect called the short-jawed cricket. It looks a bit like a centipede, but it moves much faster than a centipede and can even jump.

Not only that, it can also dig holes, climb trees, camouflage and more.

It is very difficult for this short-jawed insect to live like this. Although this guy is proficient in technology in various fields, he will still become a meal once he encounters carnivorous plants.

Zhang Fan tried to let a tick lurk on the body of the short-jawed frog, but he didn't expect this little guy to be so alert and dodge it with a slight twist.

The louse wanted to pursue it, but what greeted it was sharp teeth. The front jaw of the short-jawed frog was relatively small, but its bite force was not small. It bit the louse into two pieces in one go.

You must know that the current Zerg armor and the muscle cells in the body have been greatly optimized, which shows how terrifying the bite of this short-jawed frog is.

The short-jawed frog did not leave. It looked at the half-segmented tick and seemed to have no intention of eating it. After observing it for a while, it quickly crawled away.

At this moment, a green needle suddenly pricked down from the air, and the other lice discovered it.

It is a moving plant, somewhat like a jellyfish, with branches underneath supporting its movement.

There is a bright flower growing on the top, which exudes a charming smell. Special flying insects are attracted by the floral fragrance, and then are wrapped and swallowed by the flower.

Those green needles are the tentacles of this plant. There are more than ten in total. They will kill the creatures on the ground and then send them to the flowers.

Moreover, this guy was very big, half a head taller than the entire forest, but it moved slowly. Zhang Fan called it the devil tree.

Why is it said that the devil tree is a plant but not an animal?

Because there is a fundamental difference between animals and plants. Their growth organs are different. Plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds, but animals do not. Animals inherit more genes from the previous generation and have the same organs. .

Plants can be self-sufficient through photosynthesis. Without food, devil trees will not starve themselves to death at all. They will open the leaves on their bodies to absorb sunlight, but they are not satisfied with this slow absorption method.

The most critical point is that plant cells have cell walls and green leaves, but animals do not. Animal cells only have cell membranes. Such cells will be more energetic.

So although Zhang Fan saw this devil tree and moved slowly, he could not define it as an animal.

Every time at this time, Zhang Fan would always have some fantastic ideas. If he got this tree, what kind of troops would he create?

He shook his head and put aside this idea. There is no plant that can compare to the creep. If you need a tree, the creep can grow by itself. There is no need to use this greedy and bloodthirsty devil. Tree.

In this forest, it may be a king, but it is too useless for the Zerg.

It doesn't matter if the target of the short-jawed frog is lost, it is not the only creature here.

Zhang Fan also discovered a kind of bee here. I can't say whether it is a bee or not, but it has some obvious characteristics of a bee.

One is the head, like that of a bee or wasp, and the other is the tail needle on its abdomen. Through these two points, Zhang Fan determined that it belonged to a bee.

However, other parts really don’t look like a bee. First of all, judging from the legs, there are no doubt six legs, but these six legs are extremely thick. The outward side is densely packed with small stingers, and the inward side is rows of white sharp teeth. tooth.

Why are they called sharp teeth? Because the bee's mouth is on its chest. These six legs are not only its weapons, but also its mouthparts.

Finally, let’s take a look at its wings. Normally, it has one or two pairs of wings, but this kind of bee has six short pairs of wings behind its back. It moves comfortably and extremely fast. If it were not too small, it would not lose to the Aedes mosquito at all. speed.

Moreover, they turn faster than Aedes mosquitoes and disappear in a few teleports. Zhang Fan calls this kind of bee breast-chewing wasp.

The hive of breast-chewing wasps is not difficult to find, because they are the largest group in the entire forest. Only they trouble others and no one ever troubles them.

These breast-chewing wasps do not feed on pollen, but seek life by sucking sap from trees like cicadas.

They also exhibit the characteristics of social organisms, with a queen bee and a group of worker bees.

Zhang Fan regretted not creating some small-scale soldiers, otherwise he would have touched off these breast-chewing wasps and obtained their genes like he did back then.

Now there is only one creature available on hand, the lice.

"Let Adam show the speed and jumping ability of the lice later. It's time to get the genes of these bees." Zhang Fan thought in his mind.

The lice in the forest were still observing, but Zhang Fan felt that it was getting colder.

After this cold weather appeared, the entire forest seemed to come alive, and insects kept digging tunnels underground.

Even flying insects such as breast-chewering wasps burrow into prepared underground nests and transport food to their nests.

Zhang Fan saw a very magical scene at this time. The forest was surprisingly harmonious because of the cold winter, and no more bloodshed occurred.

The insects are busy carrying food and will not attack when they meet. The trees seem to have adapted to this kind of survival.

They opened their huge leaves, absorbing the remaining sunlight and fighting against the water.

An even more magical thing happened. The trees seemed to be influenced by the earth and were slowly diving down. They did not stop until most of their bodies entered the earth.

Zhang Fan finally understood the reason. It was because the underground creatures were digging passages for the plants to come down.

This is the way of life coexistence that belongs to the entire forest. At this time, the tree becomes a tree instead of a carnivorous demon.

The weather is getting colder, but Zhang Fan doesn't mind this. He is also a race that is often affected by the weather. He has experienced hot and cold weather, but he is still very open to things like winter.

But real life hit it mercilessly, and the weather gradually became colder. It didn't blow or snow, but it was trying to keep you cold, and thick frost began to form on the ground.

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