The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 8 War Escalation

The tardigrade is a carnivorous creature, and worms are its best food.

But this time the situation is a little different. The tardigrade is waiting for the arrival of worms and hunting as usual.

I’m living a very carefree life, um, not bad, today’s meat is a bit chewy and tastes good.

what's the situation? earthquake? The tardigrade felt that the ground was shaking, and the water waves were spreading very frequently.

All the water bears tilted their heads in the same direction, which was the direction of the fighting creep attack.

The tardigrade, which had never been threatened before, suddenly became excited and rushed towards the fighting worm with the same might.

They don't know that what they are facing in this charge is death.

There is a completely different difference between thinking and not thinking. Zhang Fan can completely micro-manage the army of fighting worms.

On the other hand, the water bear army charged mindlessly, trying to bite the battle worms with their strong mouthparts, but Zhang Fan easily dodged them.

Not only do tardigrades know no fear, they also know no fatigue, for they have never been tired either.

Zhang Fan used wheel fighting to deal with the water bear, and gradually the water bear began to lose its strength.

One or two water bears fell down, their mouthparts still opening and closing, completely unaware that they had collapsed from exhaustion.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the modified cells and virus entered the tardigrade's body at the same time.

Imitate, imitate, imitate, devour, devour, devour.

Zhang Fan obtained another biological map and made it at home.

Speaking of tardigrades, Zhang Fan discovered that they are both aerobic and anaerobic creatures.

How can you tell?

First of all, from the appearance, when breathing oxygen, the tardigrade's skin is brown, which is somewhat different from the gray stones around it, which proves that it has just finished eating.

During anaerobic respiration, the epidermis is gray, waiting for hunting.

In addition, it breathes through its skin, just like a frog, and produces a large number of bubbles after eating.

Judging from the current environmental conditions, the oxygen content in the water is still quite high.

The addition of water bears is like Zhang Fan getting an aircraft carrier. As long as he does not go deep into the bottom of the lake, there will be no harm.

Next, we have to look for snails. Speaking of which, snails are juicy and a good home-cooked dish.

But during this period, the snail is a deadly creature.

There is a poisonous needle in its body, and its exterior is covered with secreted cuticle, like a fortress.

For this kind of creature with strong defense and gluttony, Zhang Fan's approach is very simple, which is to let the virus army invade.

Sure enough, as expected, the snail opened its mouth and swallowed the worm, and the virus was released instantly.

The water content in snails was actually higher than that in worms, which Zhang Fan did not expect, and there were trace amounts of toxins in the water.

These toxins are like original viruses and immediately decompose the worms.

Next comes the battle of toxins against viruses.

This toxin is a chemical reaction chain, and the snail's body secretes a protective film to protect itself from being infected by the toxin.

This toxin is smaller than the virus, one particle at a time.

Zhang Fan tried to use viruses to absorb it, but the problem arose again. Once a large amount of this toxin enters the interior, the virus can be quickly eliminated.

"So this is your method of resistance." Zhang Fan thought.

It doesn't matter, there are so many others now, they don't believe that you can't use up all the toxins!

Avoiding the toxin-intensive area, Zhang Fan controlled a small virus to penetrate into the snail's body.

The virus begins to work, infecting the surrounding environment and destroying the snail's body.

At this time, the snails were not a vegetarian, so they decided to die together.

It removes all its protective films, and the toxins penetrate into the body, finding the viruses that are destroying it.

The two sides started a fierce fight, and it was very lively.

Zhang Fan estimated that the snail would be almost dead within an hour, so he sent the modified cells to be on standby.

But what he didn't expect was that the opponent's toxins were ejected from his body, and the modified cells were caught off guard.

The whole body slowly turned purple. This purple color was a sign of poisoning.

Zhang Fan was frightened, but the modified cells resisted tenaciously.

The glowing purple ball is really beautiful, as if the modified cells have adapted to the toxin.

Now it’s easy to handle, let’s renovate everything.

In an instant, along the gene map, all of Zhang Fan's body turned purple, some dark and some light.

This purple color not only resists ultraviolet rays, but also has no effect on the photosynthesis of the carpet.

With the poison-resistant body, the modified cells fearlessly entered the snail's body to divide.

"Kaka" There were even the slightest cracks on the shell of the snail.

After everything shattered, a new purple snail appeared.

My thoughts returned home, and my home began to synthesize purple snails.

This area has all turned purple, and from a high altitude it looks like it has been infected by the plague.

There are viruses and toxins, so it is not wrong to say that Zhang Fan is now a plague.

"This direction is really becoming more and more like Zerg." Zhang Fan vaguely felt this way when the carpet appeared before. Now that his body has turned purple, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Next, should I change my strategic direction towards the Zerg?" Zhang Fan thought thoughtfully.

But first we have to get over the current difficulties.

Now an area of ​​Yaohu District has been corroded.

Zhang Fan is not in a hurry to attack now, and will sort out the fruits of his labor first.

The biggest achievement is creep, and another achievement is toxicity resistance.

At present, these two are strategic transformation and upgrades. One can provide nutrients through photosynthesis, and the other can improve its own attack and defense.

He obtained the opponent's flatworm and cuticle genes, the tardigrade's anaerobic and aerobic genes, the snail armor and venom spray genes.

This combination greatly improved Zhang Fan's tactical requirements.

The next step is to rectify and re-plan the strategic deployment.

The First Legion is always a fighting worm army. The body is covered with a thin cuticle, and the mouthparts are also densely packed with sharp teeth. They are huge in number, an army of one million.

The second legion is the tardigrade snail troops. They are mainly responsible for defense. Because it takes time to make, there are not many in number. The tardigrades also have exoskeletons on their bodies, which greatly improves the survival rate.

The third legion is a combined legion, consisting of phagocytes, T-viruses, modified cells, and flagellates. They are responsible for logistics and cleaning. They are very efficient and can lurk within the first and second legions at any time.

Conventional troops have been deployed in huge numbers. The only thing missing now are strategic creatures, such as airdrops.

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