The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 81 Parasites

Zhang Fan looked at these black scaly locusts from the lord's perspective irritably: "Are you a Zerg or are we a Zerg? How did you evolve so fast?"

The offensive of the Zerg army began to weaken, but in some areas, the scaled locusts began to organize a counterattack.

I don’t know what kind of natural enemies would pose a threat to them, but they are obviously a bit invincible, okay?

At this time, Adam had already analyzed the active gene, which also had an evolution gene with a nice name.

Evolutionary genes originally live in the cells of living things and evolve through natural selection and survival of the fittest.

It may be a few years, or it may be ten thousand years. This depends on the activity of the evolutionary genes. The scale leech belongs to the type with particularly high activity of evolutionary genes. Eighty percent of the cells contain such evolutionary genes.

Although this is terrible, it also has a bad result, that is, the overall vitality of the scale leech is relatively weak.

In order to evolve, they gave up the right to survival that living things should have, which is not worth the gain.

Zhang Fan feels that this kind of evolutionary gene must be dealt with carefully. It is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it will benefit the Zerg. If it is not used well, it will stagnate forever.

In the end, Zhang Fan decided to let the incubation pool take on the responsibility. After all, this building was specially used to synthesize and preserve genes. In the face of special circumstances, the incubation pool would also produce a state that could reverse the situation.

After solving the problem of evolutionary genes, Gaia also developed a parasite. This parasite imitated the scale locust, and also increased the evolutionary gene attributes of the parasite to 90%.

From this point of view, parasites are creatures that evolve faster than scale leeches.

But this parasite has three shortcomings.

The first drawback is that they must absorb enough nutrients to undergo four or five mitotic divisions before the fight even begins.

The second disadvantage is that every time a newly hatched parasite starts all its evolutionary attributes from scratch.

In other words, every time you fight with parasites, you will return to the original state.

The third disadvantage is the lifespan of the parasite. It evolves too fast and seriously overdraws its life. After several divisions, the first female will die, but this does not affect the development of subsequent parasites.

Zhang Fan decided to release these parasites on the battlefield. In the current situation, the host will be used as the mother body to provide nutrients.

As the first battle against parasites, Zhang Fan specially sent a hundred hosts as transportation, and those parasites parasitized in the bodies of the hosts.

The host floated above the scaly locust, and then Zhang Fan activated the parasites. Then the parasites seemed to transform into terrifying devouring beasts, greedily sucking everything from the host.

The hosts began to shrivel up visibly to the naked eye, and then the parasites began to bite out small holes one after another in their bodies.

The hydrogen in the body had leaked, and the host was shaking. Finally, with a tearing sound, large holes were opened on both sides of the body.

The milky white parasite just fell into the swarm of scale leech.

As soon as these scaly locusts see the parasites, they bite them without saying a word, causing great losses to the parasites.

At this time, the characteristics of mitosis were revealed. After withstanding the first wave of attacks, the parasites began to divide, making up for the shortcomings in an instant.

Then it’s time for the parasites to counterattack. Like scaly locusts, they jump up and bite.

This is not controlled by Zhang Fan, but comes from the instinct of the parasites. This is a fighting method specially designed by Gaia.

They are like biological and chemical weapons, they will continue to expand. In this case, Zhang Fan will be overqualified if he tries to operate them.

As the saying goes, there is no need to kill a chicken with a bull's knife. Zhang Fan just needs to be a spectator.

There are only two concepts in the parasite's mind, phagocytosis and evolution, and they only need these two concepts.

Because they are pure wild creatures, if these parasites are not under Zhang Fan's control, they will be indistinguishable from friend to foe.

The parasite's counterattack did not do much damage to the scaled locusts at first, because the evolved genes have not yet shown their prestige.

If you just rely on the sharp teeth in the mouth to bite flatly, it will be difficult for the parasite to bite through the scales of the leech.

After the first counterattack, the evolutionary genes in the parasite began to mutate, and a chaotic combination of purines began. This combination was only suitable for the parasite and could not be transcribed by Gaia.

In the mouthparts of the parasite, the sharp teeth slowly grow long enough to bite through the scales of the scaly locust.

Another round of rapid mitosis follows, doubling the number of hundreds of parasites.

The scaly locust and the parasite have begun an evolutionary chase. If your attack increases, then my defense must increase. If your scales increase, then my sharp teeth will lengthen.

Gradually, the parasites began to gain the upper hand, and the body turned into a very tough gray-brown color, and the sharp teeth in the mouthparts had grown to the outside of the mouth.

On the other hand, the scaled locusts have been blindly improving their defense, and now they look a bit bloated, with their attack speed and movement speed greatly slowed down.

The parasite begins chasing the scaled locusts, expanding outward from the center.

The first batch of dividing parasites has died. They have exhausted all their potential. Each mother worm has split into thousands of daughter worms, and the second batch of daughter worms have also become Female worm.

The scale leeches were eaten away step by step, and the parasites had reached the edge of the Zerg army. When they saw the springtails, they opened their mouths and bit them.

Zhang Fan easily restrained them with his own thinking, and then ordered the parasites to change direction and move towards the north.

When the last scaled locust dies, the parasites begin to look for food around them.

The green shoots of grass that have just grown up have also become their dishes.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Fan felt a little awkward. These little guys looked harmless to humans and animals, but the exponential growth method of reproduction frightened all living things.

Seeing that there were no other living creatures around, Zhang Fan gently fiddled with the fat bonds in the parasites, and saw that all the parasites froze as if time had stopped.

Then all the parasites' bodies began to collapse and turned into a pool of thick water that fell to the ground, nourishing the land.

"Okay, let's move on, Gaia. Please arrange for the worker bees to lay the carpet and create ground thorns. I don't want the land I just occupied to be invaded by other creatures." Zhang Fan ordered.

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