The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Who is stronger [beep] who?

Yesterday's update caused some complaints, but why are your grooves different from what I expected? How can a basilisk understand someone who is not a Parseltongue, I've written before about how Asker, who doesn't understand Giant's language, makes a deal with a giant, right? Of course, the method is different this time. Asker's not being a Parseltongue doesn't mean he can't communicate with the Basilisk. I only wrote that it would be troublesome to enter the secret room without a Parseltongue, and I didn't say that there was no way to communicate with the Basilisk... The above is the official authoritative explanation!

In addition, thanks for the mistakes found in the children's shoes who will laugh and not cry, it has been corrected! Regarding the hacking of Ron, I have nothing to criticize him for. I just write down a person's normal reaction. Don't expect a person who has no status to have a good look at another person who is even less status. Isn't it something that many people do to shirk responsibility, seek satisfaction from others, and vent their negative emotions? For example, our boss will train me when something happens, whether I did it or not, whether I am with him or not...

As a fat man, the pressure is huge QAQ...


Although he had already suffered from internal injuries and even vomited blood, the black-haired boy still stood there tenaciously. In this respect, he had the demeanor of a boss, and he would not die if his health bar was not empty. After vomiting blood, as if nothing happened, he wiped his mouth casually and asked Asker his questions as if nothing had happened.

"Wait a minute, how can you communicate with it? Are you also Parseltongue?"

Ask raised his head, looked at the black-haired boy with his nostrils, and said coolly, "Who said that only Parseltongue can communicate with the Basilisk?"

"That's what it says in the book... I haven't seen any...except for you." The black-haired boy said uncertainly. Seeing Asker's confidence, he felt a little less confident.

Asker touched his chin, and his expression was actually a little serious: "Is that so, what is said in the book? Are you sure you remember correctly? As for the introduction of the Basilisk, there are very few records that can be found."

"I only saw it in the library after I found the secret room. The only one who can communicate with the basilisk is Parseltongue." Speaking of the secret room, the black-haired boy became much more confident, and he said in a tone like singing: " Extraordinary wisdom is the most precious treasure of mankind, and what Salazar Slytherin left behind is the most precious treasure!"

"Really so powerful?"

"If you love it, believe it, but if you don't believe it, get out!"

Although the dark-haired boy's tone was a little unpleasant, Asko took the initiative to stick it up like a candy, and he said in a pleasing tone: "Oh, it's so powerful... Then tell me **** a body type. Huge thousand-year-old basilisk?"

The black-haired boy was speechless. For a long time, he looked at Ask with a very painful expression, and said like a pleading: "Please don't speak again, and die in peace! It's only after chatting with you. For a while, I feel that my IQ has been [beeped] a hundred times by you, please let me go!"


Ask suddenly knelt down to the black-haired boy, only to see him burst into tears, he was in pain, looked at the black-haired boy with heartbroken, and pleaded in a mournful voice: "I don't want to die yet, I'm still young, I just found a girlfriend, I I'm only twelve years old, and my future is bright... Most importantly, I'm still a virgin! I beg you to let me go, I really don't want to die, I beg you to tell me **** that snake Strange, I'll kill you by the way, okay?"

The expression of the black-haired boy was no longer a pain, but a broken egg. His face was tangled into a ball like a lemon, and his voice trembled. He pointed at Asker and roared through gritted teeth: "You are trying to force me again [beep] …”

"Ah bah!" Ask suddenly stood up and spit out a mouthful of phlegm in front of the black-haired boy, "Don't spit, I'm only interested in girls, you like to be forced [beep] to find a hairy guy like Hagrid. Go, don't rely on me!"


The black-haired boy vomited blood again, his body was crumbling, and the strong son supported his body. He bit his head and finally glanced at Ask, who was smiling and smiling, and ordered the basilisk in an unprecedentedly harsh and ferocious tone: "You idiot, close your Listen, don't care what that **** is saying, tear him apart!"

Probably felt the killing intent and anger tumbling in the black-haired boy's heart. This time the basilisk simply closed his hearing. Although he was a little uncomfortable, the basilisk didn't bother to think so much. Just leave Hogwarts with the scumbag who always orders him to leave Hogwarts.

Asker's words still worked. This basilisk no longer regards the black-haired boy as its master. It wants to leave Hogwarts and leave the person who annoyed it, and go all over the world to find its true master... …

This is what a basilisk should be like!

Shaking his head, the basilisk rushed towards Asker. It saw Asker's mouth opening and closing greatly, but no sound came into its ears. With a bared smile, its snake letter was drawn towards Asker like a whip. This time, it predicted Asker's possible dodging route and sealed the angle.

Spit out the letter, wrap the prey, tighten it, drag it into the mouth, swallow it, digest it, and finally expel a lump...

The perfect hunting process!

The basilisk thought so, and then it saw Asker waving at him, as if waving goodbye. The basilisk couldn't understand the meaning of this action, until one of its eyes suddenly couldn't see anything, and the pain was transmitted to its head through the nerves, and it didn't understand what happened just now——

A red arrow!

No, that's not an arrow, that's... the fiery red Phoenix Fox!

With only one eye, the basilisk saw Asker jumping and dancing, but his expression was not the joy of escaping, but the anger of running away.

"Dumbledore, take care of your bird, or believe it or not I've stewed it!"

Asker was very angry. He didn't feel any gratitude for Phoenix Fox's help. When he saw Fox pecked out one eye of the basilisk, he was instantly furious. Pass.

"Damn it! You blinded its eyes!"

Facing Fox's glares, Asker roared furiously. He stopped between Fox and the basilisk, pointed his wand at Fox, and exposed his back to the basilisk, "Get out! I like it! Do you know how much Galleons a basilisk like this is worth? Those rich people will be willing to spend a lot of money on it! If I keep it and collect some blood and body tissue regularly to sell it, I will definitely get rich!"

Basilisk: "..."

Fox: "..."

Black-haired boy: "..."

"Go'll block it!"

Asker roared at the basilisk without turning his head, but the basilisk blocked his hearing, and he didn't hear a word what Asker was saying. However, since Asker was blocking the hateful phoenix, the Basilisk felt that if he didn't run away at this time, he would be sorry for Asker's efforts.

"sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

Before leaving, the basilisk left behind a bunch of snake words that no one could understand except the black-haired boy, which probably means that the mountains are still green, the green river will continue to flow, and there will be time for their next encounter... …

When Asker goes back, he can write a paper, and the title could be "After the waves beat the waves before the Thames, the old pedant was beaten to death on the grass by Hogwarts lake. The size and IQ of the basilisk appeared after reaching a certain threshold. Abnormal Changes Refuting the Fallacy of Basilisk Size and Intelligence Quotient...".

Fox vibrated his wings and flew in the sky. It wanted to stop the basilisk from escaping, but Ask's desperate attitude made it a little confused. This situation is like when a man sees a woman about to be XXOO, he goes up to stop it, but the woman kicks his **** and says cursingly:

"He's meow! The old lady finally stopped a good-looking good-looking guy. [Beep] him, why are you meowing? You don't pee and take pictures of what you look like! If you want to be raped, Get in line!"

Fox said that if Dumbledore asked him to save a person in the future, he would definitely beat that person to half death before saving him.

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