The Exorcist

Part 7 The Yin Child Chapter 38 Shopping

Chapter 38 Shopping

Bao Datong scratched his head, "I don't remember when I offended this little ghost. I have always lived in seclusion. Apart from cooperating with you, I have never been involved in other supernatural events. How can I know them?"

"Or is it your previous life?" Wan Li said.

"Boss, I ask you to think about it seriously, okay?" Bao Datong stood up in annoyance, "The old Taoist has lost his soul, how can he be reincarnated? But he is really a scum of our Taoist world, so he will die if he dies. , and even buried boys and girls with him, hoping to cultivate with his soul body and then be reborn. I'm afraid he didn't just want boys and girls to accompany him, maybe he wanted to absorb the pure energy from them! Alas, I I don’t understand, if immortality is so important, why do you ignore other people’s lives?”

"Did the soul of the old Taoist really be eaten?" Xiao Xia was very confused. "Didn't it mean that they were all sealed in the vat? How to eat it?"

"You don't understand this. If the soul of the old Taoist priest had not been eaten, the two children who did not know how to practice would not have grown into demon boys with powerful magic. Everything would be done naturally by using this 'innate' ability. The method is passed down." Bao Datong explained, "Although to the outside world, the three cylinders are sealed, there are interlinked methods between them. How to say? It's like a unit, the outside may be locked. You can’t go in or out, but you can still walk around in several rooms inside.”

"But their attitude toward you doesn't seem casual, as if they want to kill you quickly! Why is this? There must be a reason, right?" Wan Qi said.

"You can let this issue go for now." Ruan Zhan took over, "As long as you know that they are targeting you, just be careful in what you do in the future."

Everyone agreed with what he said, and they all understood in their hearts that now that they knew the life experiences of the two demon boys, they should take the initiative to attack, and their opponents would not sit still and wait for death, so a head-on conflict was inevitable, so the top priority now was It is to restore everyone's physical strength and energy, especially Ruan Zhan who has been running around and exhausted.

But Xiaoxia can't rest, she still has to go to work. Although Wan Li suggested that she take leave, she knows that she can no longer treat her job like this, otherwise, even if Director Pan is biased again, she will face the risk of being fired.

While there was still some time before going to work, she fell asleep for two hours. Fortunately, it was summer, so she wore simple clothes and no makeup, so when she arrived at the office in a speeding car driven thousands of miles away, she was only fifteen minutes late. This was not counted against her recent record of slow work. what.

In fact, she didn't sleep well during those two hours, and she kept having strange dreams. She couldn't remember exactly what she was dreaming about. She only remembered that there were two groups of people fighting back and forth. She was very scared in the dream, but she forgot everything when she woke up, which made her feel a little uneasy. She didn't know whether it was the psychological hint given to her when Ruan Zhan talked about the origins of the two demon boys, or whether there was something to do. occur.

Days of tension and lack of sleep made her extremely exhausted. She almost fell asleep leaning against the wall while waiting to copy documents. She was in a daze all day. After finally coping with the day's work, she staggered. He ran to the fourteenth floor and wanted to go home with Wan Li, but was told that Dr. Wan had a patient who was committing suicide and he had already rushed there.

The evening sun in summer was still scorching hot, and the ground that had been exposed to the sun all day was steaming with heat. Xiaoxia stood casually at the bus stop, feeling dizzy. The sounds of people and cars around her were just a 'buzz' to her. noise. At this time, she suddenly remembered a saying - waiting for a bus is like waiting for a person. There are many cars and many people, but there will never be the car or person you are waiting for!

Where is the person she is waiting for? He was so close to her, but she always passed by, as if she could never be touched!

There are many men around her, including the perfect husband Wan Li; the cute lover Bao Datong; the fashion pioneer of the advertising company in the building; she can even have a crush on the mature uncle Director Pan, but why does she fall in love with him even though he doesn't love her? What about that elusive man? Sometimes, she felt that he loved her so much and protected her like a treasure, but sometimes, he was suddenly cold and distant, making her unable to tell whether this feeling was real or just because she was a nymphomaniac. hallucinations.

Buses during rush hour were very busy. When she finally got to the bus she wanted to take, she found that it was already crowded. She didn't have the courage to get on the bus and decided to take the subway. Although it would take a long detour, she thought the train conditions would be better. Thinking about it, it would be better to live in her own home, which is relatively close to the office. She always walks to and from get off work, so she doesn't have to suffer. However, if you go home to live, you can't stay with him blatantly!

She was thinking as she walked towards the subway station. When she was approaching the station entrance, she suddenly saw a giant billboard in a large shopping mall, advertising a brand of underwear. She has a good figure, so she cares about underwear and is willing to invest. Now seeing the beautiful models and dreamy underwear, she suddenly had an impulse to buy, an impulse that she couldn't resist!

Her steps hesitated for a moment, and her reason finally failed to overcome her desire, so she walked towards the mall.

This store is quite famous, but it has been undergoing interior renovations in the past few days, so Xiaoxia is not familiar with the adjusted counter location. But she didn't know what happened, but as soon as she entered the door, she went directly to the third floor via the escalator, and came to the underwear department with ease, as if it had been renovated. But before she could realize it, she was already attracted by the beautiful lingerie.

She picked out a suit and found that there was no store clerk to serve her, so she decided on a whim to go to the dressing room to try it on. She didn't realize that her behavior was abnormal. When buying underwear, she just bought the corresponding model and never tried it in the mall. At this moment, she didn't know why, but it felt like there was a voice in her heart commanding her, but she didn't feel it herself.

She also didn't notice that next to the underwear department was the children's clothing department.

She looked in the mirror in the dressing room several times and was very satisfied with the effect of her underwear. But just when she was about to change back into her clothes, she found that the small door of the dressing room was opened a crack. This frightened her so much that she thought there was a pervert and she was worried that she was gone, so she screamed.

However, she made no sound!

On the wooden wall of the dressing room, a child's hand reached out from nowhere and held her mouth tightly. Then, the wooden door opened, and Zhang Jialin stood at the door!

She was still the same as before, with long hair, retro clothes, a small pale face, and a pair of big eyes that were lifeless, staring at Xiaoxia, with a cold breath blowing against her face!

Xiao Xia was so frightened that she forgot to struggle and just stared at Zhang Jialin. After Zhang Jialin stood for a while, she suddenly rushed forward and grabbed Xiao Xia hard! Xiaoxia had never known anything that could move so fast. Before she even blinked, she felt a flash of pain in her left chest and heard a scream in her ears.

That was not her cry, but Zhang Jialin's. Because she was too close to Xiao Xia's amulet, she was obviously burned by the yellow light emitted by the amulet. However, despite this, she still scratched a bloody finger mark between Xiao Xia's collarbone and chest.

At this moment, Xiaoxia suddenly felt that this little girl hated her!

But why hate her? Why do they hate Bao Datong again? She and Bao Datong have never provoked them!

But she didn't have time to think about it, because the moment the amulet glowed, the hand stretched out from the wall also retracted, and Xiaoxia hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity to rush out of the dressing room in the blink of an eye!

She couldn't care less whether she was exposed or not! Fortunately, her skirt was a two-piece suit, and she was still holding her top with her other hand to block the beauty of her chest. She was betting that Zhang Jialin was not a real person, that she was afraid of her amulet, and that she would make a big fuss and attract other people's attention. , then rushed out!

The pain from her knees and elbows proved that Zhang Jialin was indeed not a real person, but her collision did not knock Zhang Jialin away, she just passed through her body. Xiaoxia didn't look back, she climbed down and ran around the shelves while shouting for help. But she immediately discovered that it was useless no matter how loud she screamed. People around her couldn't see her at all, as if she were transparent, but she could clearly hear the noise from the outside world. Why couldn't others see her or hear her? What about her?

A wooden stick stretched out from nowhere, tripping Xiaoxia up again. Before she could get up, two calves appeared in front of her. Two feet wearing small red leather shoes raised one and stepped on her head viciously.

She quickly retracted, and as soon as she turned around, Zhang Jialin appeared behind her again. When she changed direction, it was still the same, as if there were countless Zhang Jialin surrounding her. Only then did she understand that her amulet had little effect on such a powerful demon child. It could only protect her from being attacked on important parts of her body. But even so, Zhang Jialin still scratched her skin!


A soft sound rang in Xiaoxia's ears, so close that it was right next to her. She looked around in shock and found that she was sitting among several unopened clothing boxes in the children's clothing department. The sound came from behind the boxes, and Zhang Jialin was standing opposite her, staring at her hauntingly!

"Auntie." A call came from the gap in the box. The voice was stiff and not like a human voice.

A head slowly poked out from behind the box. It had a picturesque face, red lips and white teeth, but a dull smile and shiny skin. It turned out to be a wooden model of a child. While calling Xiaoxia, he walked out from behind the box, his posture was extremely weird because he couldn't bend his knees.

Xiaoxia put on her clothes haphazardly and wanted to hide behind the box, but suddenly she felt her hands and wrists tighten, and they were instantly grasped tightly by something cold and stiff. When she lowered her head, she saw that there were two more small wooden mannequins. They were a man and a woman, wearing clothes displayed in the mall, with brand and price tags on them. They pulled Xiaoxia to the left and right, mechanically turned their necks, looked up at her, and made a "kaba kaba" sound, as if Like winding a clock!

"Let's go!" they said in unison.

"Where are you going?!" Xiaoxia struggled hard, trying to get rid of the restraints of the two small pieces of wood, but she couldn't do it at all. She was just dragged towards a door that looked like an escape ladder. Zhang Jialin stepped back and led the way. As they walked, the pale light in their eyes kept staring at Xiaoxia.

"I won't go, let me go!"

She remembered that the wooden mannequins in the mall were very light, and sometimes they would fall over if she accidentally bumped them. Why were these two so heavy? Her hands were about to be torn apart, but she still couldn't break free from the wooden hand with five fingers!

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the door, she screamed at the top of her lungs and kicked over several things on the shelves in an attempt to attract its attention, but she desperately found that all these efforts were in vain. In a bustling shopping mall, it feels like being on an isolated island without any help!

When she reached the door, she kicked the doorframe and refused to leave. Seeing Zhang Jialin looking at her angrily, she actually felt a little joyful in victory.

Finally, she was no longer cold and unchanging. Finally, she could make this demon boy put in some effort and not subdue her so easily!

"Be careful of us when you go to the mall!" Her legs went numb, and a hand touched her thigh again, while words as cold as a snake sounded beside her. When he turned around, he saw that it was a wooden male model displaying a suit. This made Xiaoxia's legs weaken and she could no longer support her. She was pushed directly into the door with a strong force.

Darkness, endless darkness!

She didn't know where the door led to, but she felt it was unusually dark. The two little wooden figures were still holding her hands, but they gave her a strong sense of oppression on both sides. It felt like she was walking into a street. The long corridor with wooden floor goes straight down.

She trusts her feelings because Wanli said she has a tendency to be claustrophobic, so she is particularly sensitive to closed and narrow environments.


The sound of wooden feet stepping on the wooden board sounded on both sides of her body. In front of her, there were two cold white lights flickering forward, which were Zhang Jialin's eyes. What about her own footsteps?

Why can't I hear her footsteps? Is it Zhang Jialin who is acting weird, or is her soul leaving her body?

For a moment, she regretted it very much. She shouldn't have gone shopping. She knew it was a critical moment and those two demon boys who were so aggressive would not just defend but not attack. Why were they still careless?

"If you don't go shopping, I will find other ways to catch you." This sentence suddenly entered her mind.

Xiaoxia was startled and realized that her sudden desire to buy something was due to her being bewitched. Come to think of it, Wan Li's patient didn't commit suicide for no reason. It was all to get Wan Li away from her. After all, Wanli has a physique that is invulnerable to gods and ghosts, so it is not that easy to confuse him!

The delicate childish voice laughed sinisterly!

Xiaoxia knew that she understood her own thoughts and knew that she must have guessed correctly, that's why she was so proud.

"Come at me if you have anything. Don't use such despicable methods to set a trap for Ruan Zhan!" She thought she was being used as bait to lure Ruan Zhan into taking the bait again. She was so angry that she yelled at the two small white lanterns. Call.

She just wanted to love him, give him warmth, and pull him out of his dark inner world. She never wanted to be his burden or even his weakness. Why did everyone take advantage of her like this? She would rather die than drag him down! So she tried her best to calm down, fearing that someone as sensitive as him could sense her danger! How many times had he felt that whenever she was in trouble, he would come immediately, even during Sima Nan's Dream Killing Technique. This made her feel closely connected to him by flesh and blood, but it also made her I think it will bring him danger!

She's going to try to solve the problem herself! She must have a way!

"Who is Ruan Zhan? I don't care at all!" The voice entered Xiaoxia's mind again, "What I want is you!"

Does this little demon boy want her? Why?

"And Bao Datong!"

It turns out that the two of them are targets!

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