The Exorcist

Chapter 6 The Lost City Chapter 1 Hongqing Town

In a dry well.

Abai Yajin's remains were actually sitting in a dry well behind the Octagonal Tower! The place was so close to their residence, but with Ruan Zhan's ability, he did not detect any ghost or yin energy, and it was extremely difficult for Abaya to convey the message to Xiaoxia. What are the seals and restrictions so powerful?

Ruan Zhan spent a whole morning in the well, only to discover that a spell built on the wall of the well suppressed all the breath in Abaiya's forbidden soul. The appearance of this talisman and the sealing technique are so familiar that it reminds people of the forbidden talisman made of bricks and cement on the basement wall in the Japanese ghost incident!

This turned out to be the work of Abaya's forbidden ghost husband, Sima Nan!

This made Xiaoxia more determined to take Abai Yajin to find Sima Nan. She also wanted to ask this kind and beautiful woman: Did he really love her at all back then when he was so ruthless enough to do this? !

After that, they returned home with Abaya's forbidden soul, but Sima Nan disappeared again. The entry and exit records showed that Sima Nan and her mistress Hong Haohao, who is also the nominally richest man in the city, Zhang Qun I went abroad with my daughter Zhang Xue!

Under this situation, Xiaoxia had no choice but to chase him abroad, so she had to let Abai Yajin live with her to wait for the opportunity. She didn't believe that Sima Nan would never come back. He hasn't harmed Ruan Zhan yet, and he hasn't gotten the things in Abaiya Jin's hands yet, so why would he just let him go? !

She thought childishly in her heart, just think that Abaya is forbidden to travel, and go out of the mountain to see the colorful world in a few decades. Therefore, she would wander around with a mirror on her back every night, and then hang out in the "Yeguiren" bar, secretly carrying out her plan of "surrounding the city from the countryside" to pick up handsome guys. Although there is still no result, she has been enjoying herself for a month.

As for her work - during the time they were staying in the mountains, news came out from the Boheng Group that the chairman of the group, Huang Boheng, had passed away suddenly, and the funeral was actually held in style. Then according to the will of Mr. Huang, who is one of the city's top ten outstanding young entrepreneurs, all his property was donated to the "Yingshou Law Firm" as a legal charity fund. This act of righteousness won many admirations and praises. Only Ruan Zhan and the others knew that this was either Sima Nan's fault or Guan Zheng's earlier arrangement!

Now that the funds are in place, legal aid affairs should proceed as usual, so after Xiaoxia was unwilling to make progress and took more than a month's salary in vain, the new leader of the aid firm came to her and said that her vacation was over and she was dismissed by her boss. Forgotten, but the hope of getting a salary was completely frustrated.

Moreover, she was given a new job.

"What does a business trip mean?" Abai asked.

Because she has been with Xiaoxia for a long time, Abaya's honorific title has been replaced by the more intimate first name. For Xiaoxia, it is also very pleasant to have someone living with her in this small apartment, even if it is just a 'person in the mirror'.

"I just go out to work for a period of time." Xiaoxia hugged the watermelon and ate it without any image. "This time it is a rural legal promotion. I will go to four villages with relatively weak legal awareness within a month to publicize to people that if they have legitimate rights and interests, If you are violated, you must use legal weapons. That is to say-" Seeing that Abai didn't understand what she said, she explained in another way, "If someone does something unreasonable and hurts you, don't bear it. , but you should sue the officials according to the method I told you, and find a place where you can reason."

"This is a kind act to help people!"

"Yes, this is a good thing!" Xiaoxia compared Abai's excitement with her own helplessness, fully despising her own mentality, "I am a mean-spirited urbanite, I don't like to endure hardship, I am selfish, I dislike trouble, so I don't want to Go. But now that you say it, I think it can really help a lot of disadvantaged people and become less resistant. Okay, pack your things!"

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Wan Li, Ruan Zhan and the others?"

"Notify me today that I will leave early tomorrow morning! Really, I won't give you a buffer period! Forget it, just make a call later."

Seeing that the curtains in Xiaoxia's room had been hung, Abai floated out of the mirror and helped Xiaoxia pack her luggage. This makes Xiaoxia feel a little strange. Although Abai often helps her with housework, she is still not used to it. I always feel that I got a kind-hearted snail girl to help me, not that she wants to help others!

"Can you take me there?" Abai asked timidly, "It's that business trip!"

"Of course! Otherwise, if I leave you here by yourself, it won't be the same as you in the well -" Xiaoxia stopped hastily.

Abai understood what she meant, but just smiled gently, "Yes, it's very lonely! But there is someone to think of, and the days go by very quickly!"

Looking at Abai's sad yet sweet face, Xiaoxia didn't know what to say. Abai should know who sealed her, but why doesn't she hate him?

"I'll attach it to other things." Abai changed the subject, "You can't always run around holding a mirror."

"Yes, this bronze mirror is really heavy." Xiaoxia immediately cooperated and stopped talking about it. Instead, she searched around and saw a silver bracelet on the dressing table.

She brought the bracelet from the mountains. It was a half-inch-wide thin silver ring with hollow carved patterns. The style was extremely simple and simple. There was a red coral stone the size of a peanut kernel in the middle, close to the broken part of the wrist. There was also an inlaid inlay on one side. I bought a smaller green stone, which gave it a wild beauty when worn on Xiao Xia Baixi's wrist. Wan Li's evaluation was - very sexy.

"You hide here, and I'll wrap some more braided silk around it. It'll be more beautiful and more convenient for you, okay?"

Abai nodded happily, happy to be able to go out with Xiaoxia.

Twist silk is a name given by Xiao Xia randomly. It is actually just some colorful silk threads that Xiao Xia made into a twist rope. It was given to her by Ruan Zhan, and the silk thread had sealing power. When she tied the silk thread to the bracket behind the bronze mirror, she sealed Abai inside. Although Abai couldn't come out unless she untied the twist silk, this method had a huge advantage - Abai You can walk around with Xiao Xia in broad daylight.


In one month, Xiaoxia traveled to four places and stayed in each place for a week. Fortunately, the office's itinerary was relatively reasonable. Although they were private and not official, they not only contacted the local receptionists We have cooperated with the work and have been carrying out legal education propaganda in subordinate towns in a large northern province, and have not carried out large-scale 'transfer'.

However, she originally thought that the four township-level places she was going to were all poor towns, but she did not expect that the last place was not, even though it seemed so on the surface.

This town is called Hongqing Town and has a population of more than 50,000. Because it is backed by an unknown hill, the wind is very strong in winter, and the cuts on people's faces are very painful. Therefore, the name of the town was called Lazikou. Later, it was renamed Hongqing based on the suggestion of a famous Feng Shui master. town.

There are two characters in the name of the town with three dots of water, which means to bring water and wealth to this water-scarce and impoverished town.

Oddly enough, in less than ten years since the town's name was changed, Lazikou has changed a lot. Not only has rich underground water resources been discovered under the town, but under the leadership of the current mayor, it has quickly gotten rid of poverty and become rich. The richest town in the northern province.

On the surface, it still looks like a poor area because the main appearance of the town is still the same as it was ten years ago. The houses have not been built and the dirt roads have not been repaired. Except for a few local private hotels and restaurants, they still look good. At first glance, It’s still the look and feel of a poor township.

It is said that the local government is quite clean and simple. The reason why it did not immediately build and renovate the town is because it has been planning, preparing and accumulating strength for scientific planning and overall construction of the new town. At present, the new town has been built, just a few kilometers west of the old town, and is waiting for the town to be moved in the autumn.

The person responsible for receiving her was named Mao Fu, the deputy mayor, who was in charge of political, legal and cultural affairs. He is about forty years old, with a lean body shape, clothes and hairstyle that are neat and simple typical of small-town intellectuals. His style is a bit official-like, and although he is gentle, he has a sense of unreasonable elegance.

Xiaoxia was a little surprised or flattered that the deputy mayor personally received her. After all, she was just a representative of a private organization and was somewhat charitable. In the other three places, although there were local staff related to politics and law to assist her, they were not as grand as sending out 'official' personnel, and these were real 'officials'.

Besides, she didn't like this scene either. She never liked false greetings, not to mention that Mao Fu also talked about a lot of red tape, such as how important it is to build the legal system and how rare private legal aid is. He also praised Xiao Xia for being so beautiful and generous, which made Xiao Xia's skin crawl. Not to mention, I was still so irritable that I wanted to sleep.

Especially when she learned that, in addition to the two political and legal staff, there would also be Deputy Mayor Mao Fu, two local journalists, and two "sincerely" invited Reporters from the provincial TV station, as well as officials who didn’t know who they were, actually had a total of fifteen people accompanying them. They immediately understood their charitable deeds of helping the office. When they arrived in Hongqing Town, they turned out to be a tool for individual officials to gain fame and flaunt their political achievements. .

When she leaves, the newspapers and local radio stations here will report how much the town leaders care about the construction of the legal system. Maybe she will be regarded as a model by the province and bring benefits to many officials. When so many people make a fuss, the law popularization propaganda The meaning and effect will be much reduced, or even nonexistent, and then the trip that made her extremely tired will be meaningless!

"Miss Yue is indeed from a big city, and even the bracelet is so beautiful!" A long-faced man named Zhao Jiayuan said flatteringly, and 'accidentally' touched Xiao Xia's wrist.

Xiaoxia immediately glared angrily, not sparing any face. Mao Fu immediately smoothed things over when they saw him, but Xiaoxia no longer wanted to stay with these people. On the pretext that she had to prepare tomorrow's promotional content, she refused the dinner they arranged at the largest hotel in the town and returned to the hotel alone.

This hotel is also the largest in the town, and the environment is not bad. The owner has an all-round, warm and gentle look on his face, which is unique to his profession. However, Xiaoxia always felt that when he looked at her, his eyes were a little tentative and playful, and he was hesitant to speak, which made her a little strange.

"What's the matter?" she asked the shop owner who had followed her to the room.

"It's okay." The boss put on his professional smile, "Come back so early, I'm afraid Miss Yue hasn't had dinner yet? What do you want to eat?"

"You can have whatever you like, but no beef." Xiaoxia was really hungry, so she wasn't polite.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away." The store owner agreed, but stood still. When Xiaoxia glanced over with doubtful eyes, he quickly asked, "The room - are you satisfied?"

"Fine—are you really okay? If you have legal problems—"

"No, no, no, no, no." The store owner waved his hands hurriedly, as if he was afraid that people would think he was in trouble.

His behavior really made Xiaoxia a little curious, but she was really tired. The trip to the mountain village in the past three weeks had greatly consumed her energy, so she did not pursue the question further.

She is going to a village closest to the town tomorrow. She will leave early in the morning and return to the town in the evening. She thought that if she came back early tomorrow and didn't have to deal with those local bureaucrats, she would research what the store owner's problem was and help him if she could!

She went to bed after taking a shower, and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell into the most primitive kind of sleep, dark, groggy, and dreamless. However, she had always been a light sleeper. When she was sleeping until midnight, she suddenly heard a very slight "dong-dong" sound, as if someone was walking with their feet.

In a daze, her first reaction was what A Bai was doing. Although A Bai had the same schedule as hers in the past three weeks, he would sometimes go out and walk around at night. Abai is curious about everything in this world, like a real child, which makes Xiaoxia very willing to fulfill all her wishes and never stop her. Anyway, she is so kind, she will not scare or harm others at all, and she will help people everywhere. I do it often!

With this thought in mind, she turned over and continued to sleep, but a consciousness suddenly penetrated her mind, causing her to wake up immediately, with a thin layer of cold sweat breaking out all over her body!

Abai is a ghost, he walks silently and never wakes her up! Moreover - after she took a shower, she put the bracelet on the dressing table in the bathroom and forgot to untie the twist silk that had a sealing effect on it. Probably Abai was also tired and had already fallen asleep in the bracelet without reminding her at all!

So who is in the room? She obviously locked the door! Could it be a thief? !

After a heavy 'gudong' sound, there was another 'gululu' sound of rolling objects, as if something had fallen and rolled to the bathroom door!


A man's voice warned the 'thief' near the bathroom to be careful. This shock made Xiaoxia even more afraid to move, because the sound actually came from the side of the bedside lamp behind her!

Has more than one 'thief' entered her room? What is she going to do? She is now defenseless, and Abai cannot come out to help her at the moment! If she jumps up and calls for help or fights, the pajamas she is wearing are very sexy. What if the other party rises up and robs not only money but also sex? !

She was sweating profusely. Unexpectedly, a voice behind her suddenly rang out——

"It's so hot - I can't breathe - let me out - it's really hot! Please! Let me go!"

Then a cry of ‘woo woo’ came!

All men’s voices!

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