The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1003: The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind

Chapter 1003

After Gu Beichen left, Jian Mo lost the mood and continued to sleep.

After simply going to wash, plan to continue writing her and Gu Beichen's love story...

I haven’t updated it in the past few days. The post was originally cursing the male lead, but now it has turned into cursing her as the author...

Well, it means that the baby is feeling emotional, but She has to record the little things about her and Achen.

Coming out of the bathroom, Jian Mo suddenly curled his eyebrows and looked at the door.

There was a weird breath with a slight noise, that feeling...

Jian Mo's first reaction was that someone was prying the door? !

Thinking of this, Jian Mo's eyes widened subconsciously, and hurriedly wanted to call Gu Beichen with his mobile phone.

But the phone hasn't gotten yet, the door has been opened...

I saw a man wearing a baseball cap and a black mask standing there, full of the sense of abduction on TV.

Jian Mo tried to calm down, "Who are you?"

At the same time she asked, the phone was quietly held in her hand, and she opened the screen based on her memory...

There are not many numbers dialed on her mobile phone, as long as she can dial one out, she can call for help successfully.

It's a pity that the other party clearly saw through Jian Mo's pretense and calmness at a glance, as well as careful thinking.

Just before Jian Mo had time to respond, the man had already snatched her phone that was too late to dial the number, and cut her backhand to the back...

The whole process is easy for the other party.

For Jian Mo, she was caught off guard!

"Where are you taking me?" Jian Mo asked through gritted teeth.

The man didn't speak, just took Jian Mo and walked out...

Jian Mo didn't cooperate at all, and didn't care about the arm that hurt because of the man's rude movements.

Can be delayed for a moment, is a moment...

Although, it seems useless to drag.

It seems that the call just now was obviously deceived by the other party to Achen, so as to start her.

It's just that Jian Mo doesn't know if this person is from the church or another group of people.

"Are you from Dajun?" Jian Mo asked deliberately, looking at the man's face.

Unfortunately, with a hat and a mask, Jian Mo couldn't see any expression on that person...Naturally, there was no way to know whether her temptation was effective.

"Or..." Jian Mo's eyes were dim, "Are you the group who hurt Sister K?"

Now, she can only think of these two.

Dajun’s people naturally caught her and threatened Achen to do something for the church...

Then, she should be in no danger, and she also believes that Achen can solve it.

But if it’s the people who hurt Sister K...

Jian Mo's mind flew around, trying to find a situation that was good for him.

Ke Ren had been dragged to the door, and she was sad to discover that at this time...If this person can escape the boss of Long and come into the hotel, I am afraid that she is a bit "bad and bad"!

"You let me go..." Jian Mo shouted in English loudly after arriving in the corridor, "Who are you, let me go?!"

She tried to attract the attention of others, but this time is when people are sleeping very heavily, and the sound insulation of the hotel is very good...

In other words, someone heard it and didn't want to cause trouble. No one came out of the room.

The man did not speak from start to finish, as if he was dumb.

Jian Mo struggled, even if she knew it well, it was useless...

The man just pulled Jian Mo towards the stairwell. Jian Mo looked at the door of the stairwell, already a little desperate...

"Let her go!"

Suddenly, just as the man was about to pull the stairwell door, a voice came from behind him that was so cold that he couldn't refuse.

Jian Mo's eyes lit up suddenly, and the familiar voice almost made her cry.

She almost turned around with the man who was holding her. When she saw Shi Shaoqin standing there in the middle of the corridor wearing her nightgown, Jian Mo felt that she had never been so lucky to see this man.

Shi Shaoqin looked at Jian Mo's eyes with joy, and a faint smile unconsciously shrouded in her beautiful handsome face, and her narrow and long eyes contained a profound charm under her.

Lifted a step and walked forward.

Even though he was only wearing a nightgown, his steps were light... Shi Shaoqin gave people an indescribable pressure.

Even as he approached, the whole corridor gradually filled with a depressed atmosphere.

"Who are you?" the man holding Jian Mo asked.

Jian Mo secretly rolled her eyes, this is her line...

If you don't answer me, why should Shi Shaoqin answer you?

Jian Mo secretly slandered...

Well, she has a backstage at the moment, so she is not afraid of troubles!

Shi Shaoqin did not answer, and he didn't even glance at the man holding Jian Mo...

The man pulled Jian Mo subconsciously because Shi Shaoqin approached and retreated, his face was guarded until there was no way out.

"Let her go!"

Shi Shaoqin spoke again, his voice already getting colder.

"If you want her, it depends on whether you have a book..."

The man's words came to an abrupt end, and his eyes filled with panic.

Almost instantly, even when he didn't even see what was going on, Shi Shaoqin was already holding a gun and leaning it against his forehead.

The gun is the smallest palm thunder, but the power at such a close range can definitely make his head blossom!


A word, revealing the cold and domineering under scrutiny.

The man was almost out of control, and instinctively let go of Jian Mo.

Jian Mo hurriedly reached behind Shi Shaoqin, and saw that he had already withdrawn his hand...

Immediately afterwards, Shi Shaoqin turned around and signaled Jian Mo to return to the room, but he already lifted his footsteps.

With Shi Shaoqin by his side, Jian Mo is at ease...

Although, she wants to know at the moment, why is he here, or even seems to live on this floor? !

Jian Mo's thoughts deviated a little. When the loud bang came, she turned her head back in surprise, and saw the man holding her, kneeling on the ground with his belly, curled up...

Just now, the man wanted to make a sneak attack, but Shi Shaoqin turned around and gave him a vicious kick without mercy.

Seeing how painful this man looks, he is obviously not weak!

"Go!" Shi Shaoqin said coldly.

The man didn't even care about the pain in his abdomen, and he rushed into the stairwell...

"Just let him go?" Jian Mo frowned.

"The person arranged by your husband is outside the hotel..." Shi Shaoqin said coldly.

"Then how did he get in?" Jian Mo asked subconsciously.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at Jian Mo lightly, and a touch of emotion flashed across his eyes, revealing a trace of contempt.

These people were obviously arranged in advance. As for how to take Jian Mo away after catching Jian Mo, they have their own way...

But in the end, whether you can escape the eyes of the doorman for the night is completely dependent on your ability.

The corners of Jian Mo's mouth twitched, and he snorted coldly. After squinting at Shi Shaoqin, he walked to his room...

"Moer..." Shi Shaoqin frowned and shouted.

Jian Mo stopped, turned around, sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Young Master Qin, have you ever heard that you were pregnant for three years?"


The smile at the corner of Jian Mo's mouth became less and less warm: "So, it is normal for you to despise me for not having a brain."

Shi Shaoqin's beautifully handsome face suddenly shrank, for Jian Mo was just happy because of his appearance, and instantly became cold because of Star.


'Ding! ’

Just when Shi Shaoqin wanted to say something, the sound of the elevator arriving came.

Because the corridor was too quiet, this sound became particularly noticeable.

Shi Shaoqin and Jian Mo subconsciously looked in the direction of the elevator...

I saw Gu Beichen, who had originally gone to the church, walked out...

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