The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1044: Her experience is distressing

Chapter 1044 Her Experience Is Distressing

At the moment when Ye Chenyu asked, Chen Lu's hand holding the goblet suddenly tightened...

I don't know if it's too strong, or why.

At the same time when he heard the sound of ‘click’, Chen Lu’s thoughts that had been condensed were sucked down with a ‘sizzle’ and he woke up.

The bright red liquid spread between his fingers, and Chen Lu didn't have time to think about the pain. The goblet in his hand was already held by Ye Chenyu.

"Easy hand..." Ye Chenyu's voice was slightly dignified with a hint of anger.

Chen Lumu gave him a glance and didn't move.

Ye Chenyu also looked at her and sighed, "The cup is cracked."

Chen Lu suddenly came over, she lowered her eyes to look at her hand...Looking at the scarlet blood, she slowly released her hand.

After Ye Chenyu dealt with the cup, his expression turned evil and said, "Is it necessary to do something here?"

Reluctantly to blame, Ye Chenyu went and took the medical kit back.


Chen Lu looked at Ye Chenyu dealing with the scratches on her palm, and tugged at the corner of his mouth with a mockery.

Ye Chenyu didn't say a word, just glanced at Chen Lu and continued with his actions.

The atmosphere was full of embarrassment, but even so, neither of them held their breath first.

After treating the wound, Ye Chenyu went and poured a glass of water for Chen Lu, "Don't drink."

"There are a lot of injuries on the body, it doesn't matter at this point." Chen Lu's voice was exhausted, and he did not have the arrogance of the past.

Ye Chenyu looked at her quietly, and after a while, he slowly said, "Do you know that men and women are fundamentally different?"

Chen Lu raised his eyes to look at Ye Chenyu, and heard him say: "When a woman is fragile, she likes to use toughness to cover up. She always thinks she is strong. In fact, that kind of illusion is vulnerable."

When Chen Lu heard this, his eyes suddenly filled with anger.

"And man," Ye Chenyu ignored her emotions, and just said the second half of the sentence to himself, "It's only a little direct to deal with such emotions."

"What do you want to say?" Chen Lu's voice was full of warning.

Ye Chenyu sneered, "I don't want to say anything, but do you want to say anything..."

The understatement fell in Chen Lu's ears, very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, she didn't know what was going on. In front of Ye Chenyu, who was not familiar with her at all, her heart was fragile and emotionally fluctuating.


Chen Lu did not speak, and Ye Chenyu did not say.

Ye Chenyu's experience is destined to his ability to perceive people's hearts...

From the first sight of this domineering woman, he didn't really see her as strong.

From the field battlefield, she had clearly fractured her ankle and was still holding her back. He was pretty sure that all the strength of this woman was used to cover up her inner fragility.

And today...

At that moment she lost her mind and obviously gave him an answer in some direction.

Because of the silence of the two people, the atmosphere gradually became serious.

And under such an atmosphere, there is even more sadness...

Ye Chenyu looked at Chen Lu, and she could clearly see the entanglement and pain on her face.

It seemed that something was holding her back and she couldn't break free.

"Before my fourth birthday..." Chen Lu said in a dark voice, covering his forehead with his fingers, "I was taken away by a trafficker."

Although it has been roughly guessed, Ye Chenyu's eyes still flashed with astonishment when she heard it personally.

Chen Lu was taking time out of his good health after saying this. He leaned on the sofa with a complex expression that could not be described.

"Mom said to buy me ice cream... She just turned around and I was taken away..."

Ye Chenyu frowned.

Chen Lu's nose became sour uncontrollably, her eyes turned red and her head turned, "I screamed desperately, but everyone was just watching, no one came up to help..."

Ye Chenyu suddenly became serious.

"Mom begged everyone to help her, but no!"

Chen Lu closed his eyes, his emotions were obviously at a loss because of the original scene.

"There is no one...Everyone is watching with cold eyes."

The social sentiment is cold and warm, and no one is nosy for a long time.

Even if some people want to manage, but they don't have the ability...Finally, they are discouraged.

In fact, if everyone swarms around the traffickers who want to take the children, and the time is delayed, there will always be variables.

"I was taken away like this..." Chen Lu's voice was already overflowing with uncontrollable sorrow, "Looking at my mother because of chasing..."

Her voice couldn't continue, the water mist under her eyes had blurred her vision, and her memory seemed to be pulled back to the beginning in an instant.

Chen Lu leaned over, supporting his forehead with his palm, tears falling uncontrollably...

Ye Chenyu regretted forcing Chen Lu to speak out.

Everyone has things they cannot face and cannot resist, and everyone has the right to be vulnerable.

"You don't know..." Chen Jianshou was a little uncontrollable and didn't know how to place it. She looked at Ye Chenyu with despair in her eyes.

"I was taken into the car, at that moment... what was your mood to see my mother being hit by a galloping car because of chasing?"

Ye Chenyu's pupils dilated instantly, and he never thought that this would be the case...

"I'm less than four years old!" Chen Yanai sneered, "I should have been thinking about wearing beautiful skirts, buying beautiful hairpins and eating ice cream every day..."

Ye Chenyu's eyebrows were already tightly locked, and he couldn't help but feel distressed when he looked at Chen Lu in pain.

Mrs. Chen is alive, so he doesn't worry about the unpredictable harm caused by that scene.

However, what he didn't expect was the follow-up development of this matter.

"Human traffickers have never committed crimes alone..." Chen Lu wiped away the tears on his face, "It's just that you can't imagine how big the gang is!"

"The 629 cases that shocked the country back then?" Ye Chenyu asked lightly.

Chen Lu closed his eyes, the tears that filled his eyes were squeezed out, and his cheeks were wet again.

Ye Chenyu's pupils had already been maximized because of shock, and as he gradually closed, his breath was unstable.

This case was studied specially when he was at the police academy.

The human trafficker group did not sell children at all...

It is to send these children abroad as a drug test.

On the night before being transported away, the undercover agent cooperated with the armed police and anti-narcotics police to solve the case.

Death and injury are inevitable...

However, the death of one person was counted as a special class!

One child was not rescued, the girl...because she was taken away as a "sample" for trading!

No one knows what the situation was like at that time.

However, when the coordinating personnel arrived, there were casualties everywhere, and the girl was standing next to the man covered in blood, as if she had been scared.

And the last forensic report surprised everyone...

What kind of circumstance was it that supported the policeman to protect the child even though his body could no longer withstand the injury? !

"It turns are the girl who was rescued last?!" Ye Chenyu's shock was beyond words.

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