The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1062: Unable to take down the platform

Chapter 1062

Li Ju took a dish on his own and put a dish into the bowl. He glanced at the left and right side of his vision before making an "um" sound.

Iron Fist was also able to hold his breath, and did not continue to ask.

Immediately, the two started to eat their own meals...

It’s almost time for dinner and there are not many people in the restaurant.

After Li Ju finished eating, he called the waiter to check out.

"Hello, 53 in total!"

Li Ju took the money to the waiter, and he heard the waiter say: "Wait a minute, I'll get you money..."

"it is good."

Li Ju responded, and when the waiter left, he wiped his mouth while saying in a small voice: "I can't be sure, but there are two people who are inseparable..."

"Huh?" Iron Fist's mouth was stuffed with rice, a little unclear.

"Ye Chenyu and Chen Lu..."

Iron Fist's eyes shrank slightly, and he continued to eat without changing his face and asked, "That undercover?"


"The money you are looking for..." The waiter came over at the right time and put the ticket and money on the table.

After Li Ju picked it up, just like a okay person, he calmly put it in his pocket, got up and left the iron fist...

From beginning to end, there seems to be no intersection between the two.

Zhao Qianyu used his chopsticks to pick a few grains of rice into his mouth mechanically, but he looked at Li Ju's back...

Because of her natural sensitivity to sounds, she is much more sensitive than normal ears.

Because of this, she was very distressed since she was a child...

Later, slowly, I learned the method of automatic isolation.

Just eaten, so boring.

I heard the words of a corrupt man and a man with his back.

Zhao Qianyu retracted his gaze when Li Ju left the restaurant, took out his mobile phone, and took a photo after watching Tie Quan...

Just as he slid across with a light "click", the iron fist suddenly tilted his head and looked over.

Zhao Qianyu calmly took a few photos of the meal with his mobile phone, and then tapped on the mobile phone if nothing happened, and then started talking.

"See you, sister will eat this at noon today..."

Zhao Qianyu rolled his eyes, "When I think of lion heads and braised pork in the company at noon, but I can't eat it because I have to deliver the documents, I feel so sad!"

After Zhao Qianyu finished speaking, he put the phone aside, looked at the food on the table, sighed, and continued to eat.

Iron Fist retracted his gaze indifferently and called the waiter to checkout...

When Tie Fist left, Zhao Qianyu did not move either, but continued to eat while using his mobile phone to surf the Internet.

When she saw the news that Chen Lu returned to China to take over the post of deputy director of the Eastern District Bureau, she murmured, "I'll just say how this name sounds familiar..."

Zhao Qianyu continued to eat, his mouth curled, and his eyebrows wrinkled.

The undercover that the man just said was the one named Ye Chenyu? !

Zhao Qianyu tried his best to remember where he had heard of this name...

Because in retrospect, her eating movements became slow.

"Where did you hear it?" Zhao Qianyu whispered.

Her memory has always been very good. Unlike Chen Lu, the name Ye Chenyu, she definitely didn't hear it on any report.

But, the more I think about...

The more Zhao Qianyu couldn't think of it.

Occasionally, there was a flash of inspiration, and I felt like I was about to think about it, but at the last neutral position, my thoughts were turned away.

Zhao Qianyu curled his lips and took two more mouthfuls of rice.

Just when she was about to call the waiter to check out, the phone rang suddenly.

When Zhao Qianyu saw Xiao Jing calling, his eyes lit up like a kilowatt bulb.

Hurriedly picked up...

"Have you come back?" Xiao Jing said in a cold voice.

"I'll be back soon!"

Zhao Qianyu listened to Xiao Jing's voice. Although he was indifferent to her, he was still intoxicated.

No way, she can't go to Xiao to think through normal channels, so she can only comfort herself first.

"No need to come back..."


Zhao Qianyu was stunned.

"I'll give you a holiday in the afternoon and go buy a dress by myself," Xiao Jing's voice was completely explaining things, "There is a cocktail party to attend with me in the evening..."

If Zhao Qianyu just answered the phone with a one-kilowatt light bulb, then at this moment, Xiao Jing asked her to accompany him to the reception, and it would definitely be 10,000 watts bright.

"did not hear it?"

Xiao Jing asked indifferently when Zhao Qianyu hadn't spoken.

"I heard that..." Zhao Qianyu asked with a grin, " the dress reimbursed by the company?"

"Yeah." After Xiao Jing answered, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Qianyu held the mobile phone and put his hands together in front of his chest...

In my mind, I had imagined that she accompanied Xiao Jing to the reception, and a romantic waltz that belonged to the lover astounded the audience...

At the last spin, she suddenly slapped her foot and almost fell.

Gentleman Xiao Jing grabbed her waist, then he lifted her waist and turned around...

Under the glazed light, Xiao Jing's black suit was just like the prince.

She wore a red dress and fluttered the skirt when she rotated...


Zhao Qianyu smiled like the second fool, completely forgetting that he was in public.

Finally, you must freeze the frame under the light, and then...

Xiao Jing must be fascinated by her panicked, but shy beauty...

Then, of course, kiss down...

and many more!

Zhao Qianyu's "sweet dream" hadn't finished yet, and suddenly he woke up.

What Xiao Jing couldn't figure out on the phone before, now he also thought of it instantly.

She did not see Ye Chenyu’s name in a report, nor did she know it in her fanciful circle of friends...

Rather, I heard it from Gu Beichen's mouth!

She stole Xiao Jing's wallet and "committed a crime", and was caught by Gu Beichen within a few days.

When the two were deeply "chat"ing, Gu Beichen answered the phone and mentioned the name "Chenyu".

During that time, it seemed that Ye Chenyu had just taken over the SWAT team, and the people in her circle of friends had been doing it for a while.

All things are connected, and then think back to the conversation between the two people just now...

Zhao Qianyu suddenly stared in astonishment...


Gu Beichen was sitting in Wang Qiang's office, with a cup of Wang Qiang's best tea in front of him.

"I don't know if Mr. Gu is here..." Wang Qiang asked with a grin secretly.

Unlike dealing with Chen Qishan, Gu Beichen, Wang Qiang, is still a bit unsure.

Let's not talk about Ye Chenyu's relationship, just Gu Beichen's status in Los Angeles, to put it bluntly...He is not good enough in some aspects.

"I never intervene in Chenyu's mission," Gu Beichen held the cup with his slender fingers, "I participated this time."

When Wang Qiang heard it, his eyes lit up...

Unlike others, he does not have those pedantic rules.

To put it bluntly, if he can bring his people back alive, he has no morals.

"That's great……"

Wang Qiang grinned and began to laugh, "I knew Mr. Gu would take action. I could sleep more in these two days."

Gu Beichen raised his eyes, Mo Tong looked at Wang Qiang deeply.

Wang Qiang was a little hairy when he saw him, and he gradually narrowed his mouth and smiled, "That... Mr. Gu, is there... any problem?"

"The best I can do is to help him," Gu Beichen's voice was deep and deep.

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