The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1070: Palpitations or heartbeats?

Chapter 1070: Palpitations or Heartbeats?

Ye Chenyu seemed to be joking, but it was not a joke. Everyone looked at him and wanted to throw him six points!

Chen Lu really wanted to lift his foot and kick Ye Chenyu over.

If it weren't for the two days of "getting together day and night", she knew that Ye Chenyu was owed something...

Qiao Rui held back a smile, anyway, he was no stranger to the "thing" between Yu Ge and Mei Zi.

Lu Xiaowei now really likes Ye Chenyu's tune...

That kind of wind and clouds, the feeling of winning a thousand miles, especially drag!

Yang Jinyu's gaze fell faintly on Chen Lu's body, just a glance, and then continued the things in his hands.

When Xie Qifeng had just contacted Ye Chenyu, he looked at Chen Lu with a certain degree of faith in what he was saying, and there were doubts about human nature in his eyes.

Chen Lu was too lazy to explain. After taking a few deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "I don't think there is any problem with me!"

"I said yes," Ye Chenyu tilted his head to look at Chen Lu, his eyes were not always indifferent, and he became fierce and said slowly, "That is there!"

Chen Lu opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But when he came into contact with Ye Chenyu's warning sight, he whispered in his mouth and didn't say anything.

Xie Qifeng looked at Chen Lu deeply.

After training together before, I still know Chen Lu's temperament quite well.

This woman, arrogance is not acceptable to ordinary people.

In addition, she has strong abilities in all aspects. Under her arrogance, she naturally formed a dominant position in many cases...

Over time, no one seemed to convince her.


Xie Qifeng looked at Ye Chenyu again with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Maybe one thing drops one thing? !

"There is no problem with me," Xie Qifeng said. "It's about action and you. Let Chen Lu go. It's just our suggestion... If you think Qiao Rui is more suitable, OK!"

Everyone has no opinion.

After all, it was Ye Chenyu who went undercover this time, and Interpol did not have much say.

As for Ye Chenyu, he is the leader of the team. He has no opinion. Anyone else can have any opinion.

"Chenyu, let's talk about the process in detail later..." Xie Qifeng looked around, "The others will leave first."

His words fell, everyone stood up and saluted, and left the temporary accusation center.

Chen Lu put his hands in the pockets of his combat uniform.

She is very good-looking, and her body is heroic. In the dark, she exudes charm that urban women don't have.

"Sister Mei," Qiao Rui stepped forward, "Are you worried about Brother Yu?"

"Should I not be worried?" Chen Yan glanced sideways, stopped, and sat down on the side of the stone.

Qiao Rui sat down cross-legged...

Because everyone had a rest in the afternoon, so I feel refreshed.

"Brother Yu, we were unconvinced at first." Qiao Rui looked down and grabbed the grass to play with, "It's just that I've been together for a long time... In fact, he is really worthy."

Chen Lu knew about Ye Chenyu's entry into the SWAT team, and she also knew the "rumours" that were passed on internally.

"Men rely on force..." Chen Lu said deliberately.

There was an inexplicable resistance in her heart, as if she was unwilling to sink some aspects of Ye Chenyu.

such as……

personal appeal!

"But we are willing to let him fight!" Qiao Rui grinned, "Fight with Brother Yu, you will find that you have many shortcomings. Really..."

When he was there, he looked at Chen Lu with a heavier tone, "Sometimes it's not enough to be unconvinced, and no amount of training can compare with actual experience."

Chen Lu looked at Qiao Rui.

There was a gleam in his eyes, the kind of worship was heart-breaking, and there was no need to cover up.

"I admit what you said..." Chen Yan retracted his gaze and looked forward, "But, have you forgotten...the strongest people will be injured."

"But we were originally high-risk professions!" Qiao Rui answered easily.

Chen Lu looked at Qiao Rui again, feeling incomprehensible.

"It is because of the high risk that Brother Yu wants him to take the lead..." Qiao Rui said with a smile, "because he can be in the range of his own control, not the uncontrolled range."

After a pause, Qiao Rui said seriously: "The most important thing is that he doesn't want his people to get hurt..."

Regardless of any job position, for the people below, there is no reason to make you feel happy at work than having a leader who thinks about you wholeheartedly.

Moreover, it is still such a high-risk occupation.

"But he chose you..." Chen Lu said deliberately.

Qiao Rui shrugged and replied with a smile: "That's because he wants to minimize the danger."

"Don't believe my ability..." Chen Lu gritted his teeth.

Qiao Rui looked at Chen Lu's smile more and more brilliantly, "Sister Lu, why don't you think about it, actually... he just doesn't want you to be hurt?!"

In a word, Chen Lu's entire watch froze.

At that moment, she couldn't tell how she felt...

Throbbing? !

Heartbeat? !

beat? !

Or... All the emotions were piled up in the heart of the heart at once, making her complicated to understand.

Qiao Rui stared at Chen Lu deeply, "Although I don't know what you have reached with Brother Yu, or what secrets there is... But I know Brother Yu, he doesn't want you to be hurt, at least... this time! "

When the words were over, Qiao Rui gave Chen Lu a deep look, then got up and walked to the rest area...

"Girl, good night!"

Qiao Rui waved his hand to the back without knowing his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Lu just watched Qiao Rui leave. Gradually, there was something stuck in his heart. He wanted to vent, but hoped to settle in his heart.

What kind of person is Ye Chenyu?

He obviously did a lot for everyone, but he used his "unique" method to let everyone not know about it, without being burdened to thank him.

This is so good, not to be found...

Isn't he unwilling? !

Chen Lu's nose suddenly became sore.

In the night, a thin layer of mist was in the eyes...

The softest position in his heart was touched, and that feeling made Chen Lu gradually lick the corners of his mouth.

Withdrawing his gaze from Qiao Rui's back, Chen Lu looked at the temporary command center.

Obviously, she couldn't see anything, but at that moment, her heart was beating as if she was going to escape her throat.

Chen Lu sat on the rock like this, looking at the command center and forgetting to react...

From a distance, Yang Jinyu leaned on a tree trunk, turned his head and glanced at Chen Lu, followed her sight and finally landed on the command center.

Secretly sighed, Yang Jinyu withdrew his sight and lit a cigarette.

Solitude and loneliness linger around.

Yang Jinyu suddenly thought of a sentence popular on the Internet very early...

Lonely, with smoke as company!

The wind of summer night blew gently.

The "silence" outside makes people feel less nervous.

In the command center, Xie Qifeng looked at Ye Chenyu who was flicking soot, and asked solemnly: "Do you know what you might face this time?"

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