The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1079: Star's temper

Chapter 1079: Star's Temper

Ye Chenyu's consciousness became increasingly blurred.

The line of sight began to fade, losing focus...

There was also a ‘buzzing’ tinnitus in his ears. He could not hear what they said.

His consciousness became more blurred, Ye Chenyu's eyelids flicked weakly, feeling that the blood had soaked his entire face.

He was dragged up, and his whole body was soft without any support.

Ye Chenyu felt with the last remaining consciousness...

If he guessed correctly, Maggie must be watching him every day.

He bet, then steal money to bet...

After being chased, even this time, she should know everything.

If Chen Lu’s idea is not wrong, then this time, Maggie will definitely appear...

But if Chen Lu's criminal psychology is not in place, it seems...he can only admit his fate.

Ye Chenyu's last thoughts stayed on a bitter smile, and immediately fell into the endless darkness...

"Let him go!"

Suddenly, a lazy voice came.

When everyone looked at it, they saw Maggie put her hands in the pockets of skinny jeans, her eyelids lifted and looked over...

"Why?" Someone here sneered.

The corner of Maggie's mouth raised, sneerly, "Just because...I want him!"

"If you want it, it depends on whether we can give it or not!"

As the person's voice fell, he gestured slightly.

The two men supporting Ye Chenyu took a step back, and the rest of them had already taken their posture...

Maggie took a step back indifferently, and saw Miao Ang Deng and Dan Tuo take a step forward, and both of them also opened their posture...

Compared to the two of them, the person who grabbed Ye Chenyu was obviously not strong enough.

Within ten minutes, they were beaten down.

Miao Angdeng and Dan Tuo coldly looked at the wailing people on the ground, and they withdrew their gazes indifferently.

Stepping forward, he set up Ye Chenyu, who was already unconscious on the ground, and walked towards Maggie...

"Go back and tell you boss," Maggie said coldly, "This man, I Maggie took it away... If he wants it, come to the group to find me."

The wailing people changed their expressions after hearing what Maggie said.

Maggie coldly retracted her gaze and turned around...

At the right time, a commercial vehicle stopped at the alley.

After Miao Angdeng and Dan Tuo threw Ye Chenyu directly into the car, they stood beside the car door, waiting for Maggie to get on the car.

The car drove all the way to a villa at the junction of Yangon City and Irrawaddy.

"Go call Danmin to come..." Maggie got out of the car and ordered.

The servant lowered his eyes and responded, and hurriedly went to other places to call Danmin.

After watching Dan Tuo and Miao Ang Deng put Ye Chenyu on the bed, Maggie said with awe-inspiring eyes: "Take the device and scan him for trackers."

"Yes!" Miao Angdeng responded and turned to leave.

Dan Tuo glanced at Ye Chenyu and asked, "Miss thinks he is an undercover agent?"

"Who knows?" Maggie sneered. "For so many years, some people want to know the specific location of the Wind Puppet Group. It is not that they have not exhausted their thoughts."

"Since there is such a concern, why doesn't the young lady just do him?"

Maggie smiled seductively, looked at Dan Tuo, and gently ran his fingers across his chest, which was just wearing a tight T, "Of course because... he has an appetite for me."

Dan Tuo's breathing was a bit short because of Maggie's movements.

Maggie coldly retracted her finger at the right time, "But, for my appetite, I can't let him take advantage of it."

Dan Tuo looked at Ye Chenyu with blood on his face, and a cold stern shot across his eyes.

At the right time, Miao Angdeng brought the equipment over...

Maggie drank the coffee brought by the servant, sat there with her legs crossed, waiting leisurely for the result.

ten minutes later……

"Miss, no!" Miao Angdeng said after receiving the equipment.

"Sure?" Maggie raised her eyebrows, her eyes fluttering on Ye Chenyu who was in a coma.

Miao Angdeng nodded, "OK."

After being hit hard last time, the Wind Puppet Group has always been careful about evading police undercover and tracking.

The instrument is also replaced according to the update of the tracker. It is absolutely impossible for him to have it on his body and cannot be found.

The corner of Maggie's mouth has a weird and complicated smile, and the deep eye sockets become bewitching as the line of sight gets deeper.

At the right time, Dan Tuo answered the phone and came in.

"Miss, plain clothes from Country Z are looking for him..."

Maggie was not surprised, "Isn't you looking for it these days?"

"Need to release news?" Dan Tuo asked.

Maggie shook her head, and gently stroked Ye Chenyu's cheek with her fingers.

The blood stain on it has dried up a bit, but it feels a little damp to the touch.

"It doesn't matter if those people are acting or they are real..." Maggie's gaze became familiar, "This man, I'm going to make it."

As for whether he can hold him, that is her ability.

"Miss, brother Danmin is here."

"Let him in..."

"Yes!" The servant answered and called to Ge Danmin.

Ge Danmin is a doctor from the mansion with a high level of medical skills...

And what keeps pace with his medical skills is how vicious his mind is.

"Since the lady is suspicious, it's better..." Ge Danmin looked at Ye Chenyu with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'll give him a shot."

"No..." Maggie raised her eyes enchantingly, "It's so boring?"

Ge Danmin looked at Maggie suspiciously, saw her smiling, but did not explain.

"Cure him first..." Maggie turned around, "I don't want a person who is useless."


Ge Danmin responded. After watching Maggie leave, his eyes fell on Ye Chenyu again, "I really want to try my new results on you, it's a pity..."


Mo Palace.

Star pouted with a small pink mouth, holding a spoon in his little hand, pulling the rice on the plate in front of him everywhere, but not a bite was put in his mouth.

The spoon collided with the plate, making a crisp sound...

"Ding Ding Dong Dang" is depressing in some solemn restaurants.

Shi Shaoqin sat quietly and watched. The little guy didn't say his dissatisfaction, and just protested silently.

Shi Juxi sat opposite, he looked at Shi Shaoqin and then at Star. He didn't know why, but the atmosphere was obviously wrong, but he couldn't help but smile...

"Star doesn't like being with Uncle?" Shi Juxi said in the end.

Star stopped and looked at Shi Yuexi on the opposite side, his face bulged, and angrily said, "The stones are not together!"

Shi Juxi looked at Shi Shaoqin, only to see that the bottom of his eyes turned a touch of softness, and at the same time, he was more distressed.

"Stone has something to do..." Shi Shaoqin said softly.

Star glanced at him, and didn't know if he was too angry or what, he threw the spoon with risotto in his hand at Shi Shaoqin...

Just hearing a soft ‘bang’, the spoon slammed Shi Shaoqin’s forehead impartially...

Everyone held their breath, and they all raised their throats, standing there silently.

Even Shi Juxi looked at Shi Shaoqin with a slight frown, only to see his beautiful and handsome face, gradually darkening...

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