The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1088: One shot, is it despair or goodbye?

Chapter 1088 One Shot, Is It Despair or Farewell?

When Chen Lu's trigger was halfway down, Ye Chenyu's eyes suddenly drenched.

Chen Lu's pupils suddenly widened, as if he had foreseen what would happen next, but it was too late...

An "Ah" pain came, Chen Lu only felt that his wrist was tingling, and the gun originally in her hand had already reached Ye Chenyu's hand.

She looked at Ye Chenyu with complicated emotions, her face and eyes were full of incredible.

Ye Chenyu raised his gun indifferently at Chen Lu, "I can't go back..."

He backed away, the direction was toward the alleyway agreed with Maggie.

"Chen Lu, I don't want to die..." Ye Chenyu's voice also became cold, "After so many years, I am not willing to die!"

He slowly backed away, "I lied to you this time, come with you, I never thought about going back."

Chen Lu's breathing began to short, she couldn't believe Ye Chenyu's indifferent attitude towards her with the gun.

"You think it's okay for me to use you, whatever..." Ye Chenyu sneered, "Now that we are on two roads, we will never be in the same world, okay?"

"I don't understand..." Chen Lu gritted his teeth, "Ye Chenyu, I only know that I can't take you back today, I would rather you die--"

Ye Chenyu frowned, and saw that Chen Lu wanted to come towards him like crazy.


Ye Chenyu dropped his hand slightly, and heard a bang, which exploded at Chen Lu's feet.

Chen Lu stopped abruptly, his eyes widening.

In an instant, big tears overflowed from my eyes...

Chen Lu's eyelids trembled lightly, followed closely, and his lips trembled, "Are you going to kill me?"

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Ye Chenyu asked irritably.

Chen Yan's lips trembled more severely, and I don't know if it was because of Ye Chenyu's disgust in the eyes at the moment or because of something, even her heart seemed to be suffocated a bit.

"Chenyu, look back... OK?"

Chen Lu's eyes flashed with pleading, she wanted to get closer to Ye Chenyu one step at a time...

"You and I go back and surrender, I will wait for you, I will always wait for you... OK?"

"Don't come here..." Ye Chenyu's voice became colder, just looking at Chen Lu's appearance, and secretly tightening his eyebrows.

He and Chen Lu knew well at this moment that Maggie was already nearby and could not tolerate any mistakes.

However, the situation at this moment seems to be under control, and it seems to be out of the control of two people.

Chen Lu did not stop, she looked at Ye Chenyu stubbornly, "I must take you back today!"

She gritted her teeth, "Rather than let them catch you back, there is no chance at all, I have to take you back and surrender—"

Ye Chenyu seemed to be a little afraid of Chen Lu's fear of death. He stepped back step by step, holding the trigger bit by bit with his fingers, and instinctively began to press...

Chen Lu didn't see the movement of Ye Chenyu's finger, but pressed her firmly.

It seemed that she believed that Ye Chenyu would not do anything to her...

But often, many things, even if they don’t, happen unexpectedly.

Ye Chenyu only felt that someone was gently pushed from behind...

The tense emotions exploded in an instant, without the need to go through the brain, and under the nerve urge, Ye Chenyu pulled the trigger.



The bullet shot out of the barrel and sank into the flesh.

The world seemed to become quiet in an instant...

Ye Chenyu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Chen Lumuran slowly lowered his head, looking at the blood hole in his chest, watching the blood that kept pouring out...

After a two-second pause, Chen Lu slowly raised his head again, looking at Ye Chenyu.

At that moment, Chen Lu's expression was full of unbelievable sadness.

And this kind of sadness gradually transformed into a farewell to Ye Chenyu's love...

Ye Chenyu's lips began to tremble, and the gun he was holding was not put down, just looking at Chen Lu with a pale face.

Chen Lu's eyelids have become weak, his pupils have begun to dizzy, his vision gradually blurred...

At this moment, Chen Lu's mind was running fast, as if he wanted to interpret his life in an instant.

She looked at Ye Chenyu, at that moment, her eyes met...

She actually saw distress and a little love in his eyes.

that's nice……

At this time, I can still imagine...

"Boom" fell.

Chen Lu fell to the ground almost straight.

She looked at the blue sky with both eyes, her fingers bend weakly, and finally...not moving.

There are noisy footsteps...

Ye Chenyu stood in a daze, looking at Chen Lu who fell on the ground, and muttered dumbly, "You forced me, you forced forced me!"

"Over there..."

Maggie looked at the person who was chasing him, and then looked at Ye Chenyu's stunned look at the gun that Ye Chenyu was still holding. After a fierce cunning ran across his eyes, she dragged him, "Go..."

Ye Chenyu was dragged away by Maggie.

The moment he turned around, he glanced at Chen Lu who fell on the ground...

In the depths of my eyes, there is total worry.

After getting in the car, Ye Chenyu was totally lost, as if his soul had been taken away.

I kept forced me!

Maggie glanced at Ye Chenyu and motioned Dan Tuo to drive.

Just as the car drove away, two people chased it out...but the car had already left.



General Hospital of the Military Region.

The sound of the rollers of the emergency bed was rubbing against the floor, mixed with messy and rapid footsteps.

The air... was filled with a breath of death.

"The patient was shot in the chest and needs immediate surgery..."

"Type A blood, let the blood bank send blood over..."

"Prepare for surgery!"


"The patient's blood pressure drops rapidly..."

"The patient stops his heartbeat!"

"Prepare for an electric shock...Prepare!"



"one more time……"


The operating room was filled with a tense and solemn atmosphere.

Outside the operating room, the people who accompanied them and the people in Yuecheng who knew the action, all looked solemn.

No one thought that such an accident would occur in this operation.

Even though Chen Lu was wearing a bulletproof vest, but at close range, plus the location around the heart...

"Didn't you say that the gun was improved?" Lu Xiaowei grabbed Yang Jinyu, "Why is it so powerful?"

Yang Jinyu did not speak, but was silent.

Lu Xiaowei shook Yang Jinyu madly, his eyes were red, "Yang Zi, do you know, there can be nothing wrong with Mei Zi..."

He gritted his teeth, not only was he afraid that Chen Lu had an accident, but also that Ye Chenyu would be over after the accident!

Shooting the police, even if it is a last resort, Ye Chenyu does not need to be tried at most, but his career will be over...

Qiao Rui closed his eyes, they are now in the temporary headquarters, completely unaware of Yue Cheng's situation.

Anxiety has become their only emotion at the moment.

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