The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1094: Stone, Star missed you

Chapter 1094 Stone, Star Missed You

In the quiet western restaurant, there are soft piano music floating in the air gently.

While making people comfortable, he slowly let go of his emotions.

A man sat next to the window.

The posture is noble, but it feels a bit lazy...

These two extreme states not only don't give people the feeling of something wrong, but they feel that the combination is just right and comfortable.

But this kind of comfort reveals an unspeakable sense of alienation.

The man is very handsome, a handsome man who combines softness and fortitude.

He just sat like that, tilting his head slightly to look outside...The coffee in front of him has gradually cooled down, as if everything is still.

"The picture is so beautiful that I can watch it all day without getting tired..." A peach blossom blooming with eyes full of waitresses.

Her words fell, and many people immediately agreed.

"I don't know what he looks like when he laughs," another waitress imagined. "This makes people unable to move their eyes so handsomely. If you laugh again, I'm afraid the whole world will be drunk..."

"But he always looks like this, as if he's lost in thought."

"I don't know what I'm thinking to make him so focused..."


Just as the waitress was chatting secretly, the man's cell phone rang.

He took it out, glanced at the call, and at the same time a small smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, he pressed the connect button and placed it next to his ear...


On the other side of the phone, Star's soft voice came.

The smile of Shi Shaoqin's mouth widened, "What's wrong, eh?"

"Carney bullied me!" Star snorted.

Carney, who was on the side, listened, and immediately looked like he was choking to death with a mouthful of old blood.

"Ancestor, you don't want to complain, okay?" Carney gritted his teeth in a low voice, "Obviously you don't eat..."

Star's little pink mouth, ignoring Carney's anxious look, said with an annoyed voice, "Stone, Star missed you."

In a word, Shi Shaoqin's heart was softened.

Shi Shaoqin's beautiful and handsome face spread a smile.

At the right time, the setting sun shone through the window, scattered on him... a thin halo was plated around him.

Beautiful people... yearn for!

"Does Stone miss Star?" Star asked.

"Yes!" Shi Shaoqin said with a smile.

Star grinned immediately, and kissed Shi Shaoqin on the phone.

"Why don't you eat well?" Shi Shaoqin's voice came softly, "If you don't eat, it won't work!"

Star's black eyes looked at Carney dissatisfied and disgustedly, and then whispered softly, "Star thinks about rocks, what you think... can't eat anything..."

If Star just said ‘thinking’ just softened Shi Shaoqin’s heart, then at this moment, it would definitely be eliminated directly.

Shi Shaoqin knew that the little guy was afraid of him accusing him, but even so, he couldn't help being moved by the little guy.

That kind of dependence made him feel at ease!

Carney looked at Star's betrayal and shook his head with a sigh, "Young Master Yue, you say...Is this a personality?"

Shi Juxi smiled warmly, watching Star and Shi Shaoqin chatting, only feeling tender years.

"When will the stone come back..." When Star asked this question, he was obviously a little sad.

"Unable to determine the time for now."

Shi Shaoqin didn't give Star an ambiguous answer, he didn't want Star to count the time.

"I'm sure, Stone will call you, huh?"

Star pursed his lips and responded dullly.

But when she saw Qingqing coming over with a glass of exotic juice, the little guy's eyes suddenly lit up, "Bye bye stone!"

Shi Shaoqin looked down, helpless again, and dropped his hand in joy to put down the phone again.

Tilt his head and look out the window...

At the right time, a family of three walked across.

The father and mother held the child's hand and didn't know what they were talking about. The family laughed happily.

Shi Shaoqin felt a little empty suddenly.

Star will leave him sooner or later, right? !

Even if you rely on...

The long and narrow eyes squinted gently, slightly concealing the helplessness deep in the eyes.

He didn't want to hide Star for the rest of his life, just...wait for him to get older, um, get older!

Shi Shaoqin's sight has been moving with the family of three...

It wasn't until he disappeared deep in his eyes that he narrowed his eyes and pulled back his gaze.

At the right time, I saw a man with a big beard and looking at about fifty years old looking at Shi Shaoqin with surprise.

Shi Shaoqin frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied.

The man hurried over, "Young Master Qin?!" He was a little awkward, "I heard that you are here, but I didn't expect to meet you."

"long time no see."

Shi Shaoqin's voice was indifferent, without any tone of voice, but he gestured slightly, "It's rare to meet Mr. Mai, let's have dinner together!"

"Good, good..." Med hurriedly responded, and after sitting down opposite, he called the waiter over.

After ordering the meal, Mede looked at Shi Shaoqin and asked, "Is Shaoqin Qin here to order the goods for the second half of the year?!"

"Yeah." Shi Shaoqin answered indifferently.

"Young Master Qin came here personally, wanting to come this year's harvest, most of them are in Mo Palace again..."

"What?" Shi Shaoqin raised his eyes slightly, "Mr. Mai thinks there is a problem?"

"No, no, how could it?!" Mede hurriedly shook his head, "In this regard, I have my own harvest. Self-sufficiency is still enough."

Shi Shaoqin did not answer.

"I heard that Young Master Qin came over, thinking if I could try my luck..."

Mai De didn't continue in the middle of speaking, and wanted to see Shi Shaoqin's reaction.

Unfortunately, Shi Shaoqin's face was always calm.

"I studied something before," Mede said with a slight embarrassment, "Basically, I have achieved little results... I just want to see if Mo Gong is interested."

"I heard something..." Shi Shaoqin said.

When Maide saw him, his eyes flashed.

However, it quickly got away.

He roughly talked about the characteristics of some new products, and saw that Shi Shaoqin was still lacking in interest, and he felt a little drumming.

After all, the Wind Puppet Group is now making a comeback. If it can hook up with Mo Palace, the future path is not only in Asia...

The European and American markets are huge, but if he wants to blend in, he must go through the Mo Palace.

"If Young Master Qin is not in a hurry..." Mede thought for a while and said cautiously, "I don't know if you are lucky enough to ask Young Master Qin to visit the base?"

"I have something else." Shi Shaoqin's slender fingers gently twirled the red wine glass, his voice always in a pitch.

Madder was a little bit disappointed, but still asked with a glimmer of hope: "I don't know...When will Qin Shao have time?"

Shi Shaoqin raised his eyes slightly and looked at Maide.

Madd suddenly felt nervous...

Shi Shaoqin looked gentle, elegant and handsome, but everyone who knew it was very clear that this person's methods were so harsh that many people couldn't match it.

Shi Shaoqin looked at him like this, even if it was him, he was worried.

"After two days," Shi Shaoqin narrowed his gaze, "I hope Mr. Mai's things will not disappoint me."

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