The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1096: A moment of life and death

Chapter 1096

Ye Chenyu heard it, first glanced at Maggie, then at Madder, frowned slightly.

Madder ignored Maggie, but looked at Ye Chenyu with an indifferent gaze. Gradually, his eyes became more and more profound...

"Are you Ye Chenyu?" Mai De asked.

Ye Chenyu calmly said, "Yes!"

Mede chuckled lightly, but made people feel no sense of friendliness. "Are you not surprised that I have your picture?"

"Why is it weird?" Ye Chenyu's voice was always indifferent, "After all, my previous identity is the opposite."

"You are so calm!"

"I'm not calm, don't you know too?" Ye Chenyu asked back, a touch of sarcasm in his eyes.

Mede narrowed his eyes lightly, revealing Ling Ran.


Just as the atmosphere became a little tense, Med drew his gun...

The barrel of the black hole faced Ye Chenyu, revealing an aura of murder.

Ye Chenyu frowned suddenly, his eyes widened, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes, but he was forcibly suppressed in an instant.

Medd's vision was like an abyss, and his transformation was captured in his eyes.

"Dad!" Maggie's eyes widened, her voice clearly anxious, "What are you doing?"

Mai De did not speak, but looked at Ye Chenyu coldly and said, "Do you know why I live to this day?"

"Because I would rather kill by mistake," Ye Chenyu gritted his teeth, "Can't let it go!"

"Yes!" Mede hooked his lips.

However, because of his big beard, he couldn't see his smile.

"I don't like the danger of hiding, even if you are really not an undercover..." Mede said coldly at the same time, he had already opened the safety catch on the gun.

The sound of the machinery evokes the breath of death.

Ye Chenyu squeezed his hand suddenly, and his breath became a little confused.

He is scared!

This is the first thing that Mede saw...

Secondly, Ye Chenyu is pretending to be calm!

"Dad, you can't kill him!" Maggie stepped forward, **** the trigger position that Madd wanted to press, "I don't allow you to kill him."

"Let go..." Med's voice couldn't hold his beak.

"Don't let go!" Maggie raised her eyebrows, "I brought Ye Chenyu over, and he is also the one I want...Is he undercover? I know very well! Or do you think Dad doesn't believe my eyes?"

Mede frowned slightly.

"Dad..." Maggie yelled again, and immediately took the gun in Med's hand and took the opportunity to unload the insurance.

Mede coldly looked at Ye Chenyu who was slightly relieved, and snorted secretly, "Let me take him to rest first." When the words fell, he looked at Maggie, "You come with me."

Maggie nodded and walked to Ye Chenyu's side, "Well, you go to rest first, I will let someone prepare lunch, and I will come over to eat with you later."

Ye Chenyu glanced at Maggie coldly, and there was obviously dissatisfaction after "a moment of life and death" in his eyes.

Maggie felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing Ye Chenyu, who was leaving with Iron Fist, his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

"Maggie..." Mede shouted coldly.

Maggie withdrew her eyes and entered the largest tent with Madder.

"Dad!" Maggie was a little dissatisfied, "What did you just want to do?"

"He's an undercover agent!" Mede said coldly.

"He's not..." Maggie said calmly, "Although I want him very much, but I will not gamble with the fate of the group and our life and death."

Mede snorted coldly, and threw the photos of Ye Chenyu and Chen Lu onto the table, "Tie Fist got the news. This time, there are two people in the five-member team sent by Country Z to cooperate with Interpol."

Maggie took the photo and stared when she saw the woman was Chen Lu.

It seemed that I instantly understood what I heard before they quarrel, but didn't quite understand what it meant.

Ye Chenyu originally took advantage of this opportunity to escape...

Maggie had a preconceived idea, coupled with the contact these days, she believed in Ye Chenyu instinctively.

"This woman is dead..." Maggie raised her eyes and looked at Med.

"Dead?" Mede was a little surprised.

Maggie nodded, "Ye Chenyu killed it."

Mede frowned slightly, obviously puzzled.

Maggie gave a general overview of the situation, and even enlarged some of Ye Chenyu's things in her words to deepen Mede's trust in him...

And this kind of amplification, even she didn't know it, was subconscious.

"Are you sure you are dead?" Mede snorted coldly, "The people in Country Z are the most cunning."

"Miao Angdeng went to confirm." Maggie said, "The Chen family in Los Angeles even had a lot of problems because of Chen Lu's death."

Listening to Maggie's analysis, Mede gradually loosened his heart.

However, he was born with a lot of doubts, and he was not completely relieved.

"Let him move around the tent these days," Madd said. "According to what you said, he is indeed a talent. If you can accept him, it is a joke that I am old and sent to the police."

Seeing that Madd had softened, Maggie nodded with bright eyes.


Chen Lu's body has been able to get out of bed after these days of training.

Listening to the sound of the border guards training outside, she went to the window...

Since waking up, she was sent to the border guards.

I want the news that she has died not to be exposed, keeping a secret here is the safest and most reliable place.

The neatly lined up lines and vigorous chants gave Chen Lu a picture of Ye Chenyu's appearance at the police academy.

She has read his file.

Unlike her being at the Public Security University, the police school is relatively hard, and most of them are assigned to front-line posts.

At that time, Ye Chenyu was also very evil, but the photos of the spirit of the police uniforms were full of vigor.

He grew a beard that day, where was the vigor of his evil spirit?

Chen Lu stood for a while, leaning against the window a little tired, the corners of his mouth watching the people in front of the training gradually curl up...

It seems that those who trained in combat have become Ye Chenyu.


There was a voice, interrupting Chen Lu's thoughts.

"Come in..." Chen Lu got up.

A guard opened the door and came in. He first saluted Chen Lu before handing her the folder in his hand, "Officer Chen, this is from the front."

"Thank you!"

The guard smiled, and was a little shy and shy when faced with a beautiful woman like Chen Lu.

Chen Lu opened it, and after reading the content, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The chief asked me to ask you, do you have any news to bring with you?" the guard asked.

Chen Lu looked at the guard and nodded.

"Then please write down what you want to send back, and the chief will arrange for someone to pass it over..."

Chen Lu nodded, turned around and sat down at the table aside.

She glanced at the content of the message again, and finally wrote: Last action request to participate!

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