The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1334: What does the doctor want: One thing overcomes one thing

Chapter 1334 What Does a Doctor Need

He Yining sighed softly without speaking.

Yan Miao knew that He Yining was strong everywhere, but as soon as he met Li Yunze, he would admit it.

All things in the world, one thing overcomes one thing.

"Doctor Yan, Young Master Li asked you to come and look for him..." someone called Yan Miao.

Yan Miao was facing He Yining and said that letting Li Yunze go in a hurry, it is not easy to be a father.

At the moment when someone called out, Yan Miao grinned secretly, and said to He Yining on the phone, "It's over, it's troublesome for me."

He Yining was rather sad at first. Hearing Yanmiao's words, he suddenly laughed with a ‘pouch’.

Yan Miao cursed dissatisfiedly, hung up the phone, and went to Li Yunze's office.

Although Yan Miao said privately that Li Yunze was happy, she still didn't have the courage to face him in the hospital...

OK, she admits it too!

‘Boom! ’

"Come in……"

Yan Miao pushed the door and walked in, where the chief neurologist was also there, and she stood by silently grinning.

"Starting from next week, I will invest in Old Lin's surgery preparations. As for the previously scheduled surgery, you will follow up." Li Yunze explained.

"I understand."

Li Yunze glanced at Yan Miao, and after continuing to order something with his expression unchanged, he signaled the director to leave first.

When the director left, he glanced at Yan Miao, but after only one glance, he left.

"Young Master Li..." Yan Miao swallowed secretly.


Yan Miao twitched at the corner of his mouth, "That... no need."

Li Yunze glanced at her lightly and got up, "Private conversations do not involve work."

Yan Miao complained in his heart, it was a private conversation, so I was nervous, okay? !

Li Yunze made two cups of coffee, and when one was placed in front of Yan Miao, he sat down, "Go ahead, I don't believe you don't know."

"Say, what are you talking about?" Yan Miao pretended to be stupid, "What do I...know?"

Li Yunze sneered at the corner of his mouth and didn't say a word. He looked at Yan Miao quietly and drank coffee. It was so easy to take care of.

Yan Miao gritted her teeth secretly, wanting to continue to pretend, but in Li Yunze's look very casual, in fact, under your gaze, she said with a mentality of going to death: "If Master Li means one by one, then I Yes, but I have nothing to say."

Li Yunze did not speak, still looking at Yan Miao.

Yan Miao slandered Li Yunze hundreds of times in his heart, and then secretly scolded himself.

Why did she want to stay in Huakang in the first place, and she didn't want to become a big coffee like Li Yunze, can she just be a top three? !

Okay, now let yourself be trapped.

After correcting his mind, Yan Miao thought that he would not be able to escape the catastrophe anyway, and he simply said everything he wanted to say.

Big deal, Li Yunze avenged private revenge, and later put on her little shoes...

"Li Yunze, but you asked me to say it." Yan Miao straightened his posture, "Well, since you want to find abuse, I won't stop you."

Li Yunze frowned slightly, watched Yan Miao's lips move, and stopped talking.

"Li Yunze, in fact, there is today, why don't you ask yourself?" Yan Miao said, "How long Yining has loved you, how many humiliating things I have done or there is no lower limit, I think you know better than anyone else."

Yan Miao coldly snorted, "Before junior high school, Zihan and I didn't know it, but later we saw it. Yining really used a youth to love you, but what about you?"

"You don't. Not only do you don't have a little bit of love, you even hate it, and you can't avoid it... even if you can't avoid it, you are cold-hearted."

"It's a human being, and all have emotions. Do you really think Yining's heart is beaten with iron and won't be hurt at all?"

In the depths of Li Yunze's eyes, there was a slight emotional change...

"She is sad that you can't see it, because she left you all the happiness." Yan Miao sneered coldly with a mocking expression on her face. "When she was unhappy, she hid herself from crying. After crying, she continued to use the whole I am born to love you without spare energy."

"Yes, love is a matter of two people. You can't have to love Yining just because Yining loves you. It doesn't make sense..."

"But is the heart really so cold? It's too cold to warm her at all!"

"If you don't love it, wouldn't it push her into desperation even more if you gave it?" Li Yunze said.

Love now, not love before, these are two experiences.

Don’t love but give people hope, isn’t that also wrong? !

Yan Miao frowned slightly, no way to refute.

Because what Li Yunze said was reasonable, if he didn't love and gave hope to the woman who was chasing after him, he would also be a scumbag.

"I admit, your approach is not wrong..." Yan Miao is a calm person, "but Li Yunze, Yining's love for you, is the madness of obsession. It is carved into the bone marrow and cannot be removed."

Li Yunze did not refute this point.

"In the end, the matter between you and Qu Weiwei, although it was also the matter of the two of you, what Yining did was a bit too far, but it is not incomprehensible, isn't it?!" Yan Miao raised an eyebrow, "But, one Love is hurt, but Yining, who knows the result is love but can’t help but also moths to the fire, even if he is wounded all over his body, he still can’t let you go.”

Li Yunze picked up the coffee and took a sip.

The memory of the past is vividly vivid.

How many things He Yining did in the past was annoying and annoying, but it was also a deep memory.

Looking back now, his youth seems to have not remembered any woman, so there is only one...

Habits are sometimes terrible things, good or bad.

He will be lurking in your memory, so that you will be surprised when you remember, how much you missed...

"Later, the He family fell." Yan Miao's voice was a little solemn, "Yining became an orphan. She has no home and no unscrupulous backing, so she can only rely on herself for everything."

When Yan Miao said this, his eyes were red, "But, what will a wealthy daughter do? She has a persevering character under the love of her parents, nothing else..."

Li Yunze's mood also went down, lowered his eyes, and slowly put down the coffee cup.

He really didn't care about some things, and naturally, after doing them, he didn't seriously remember them.

When the He family just fell down, he asked his father to deal with some things, but he never said anything...

At that time, he thought...No matter what, there is always the friendship of growing up together, right? !

"She worked hard to enter the University of Luoyang. Although Los Angeles is not a famous university in Luoyang where you can study medicine, there is also a medical university?" Yan Miao has red eyes, "but there is no one named Li Yunze at the medical university. ..."

Yan Miao tilted his head and smiled. When he looked at Li Yunze again, he said coldly: "Then...her college life is not happy at all, is it?"

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