The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1361: What doctors want: step by step

Chapter 1361 What does a doctor ask for?

Since childhood, Qu Weiwei has been living behind He Yining.

Even if you look at Li Yunze, you can only look at He Yining behind...

At that time, her mother always said to her: Weiwei, you have today, it was He family who gave it to you, you must study hard, and then give back to He family.

Ha ha!

Study hard, so that you can return to Ho's house to be a servant again?

Do not!

From that moment on, she told herself that she must be free from such a fate, so why is Ning born a young lady and she is born a servant?

Facts have proved that she can also be a master, and He Yining will be inferior to her, right? !

But what?

No matter how hard she tries, no matter how much Yining wants something or people that she can't get, in the end she can get...why? !

Qu Weiwei stared at Li Yunze unblinkingly, losing the tenderness and vigor of his youth. Today, he is fascinating and energetic.

If it is said that she thought of Li Yunze before, only because He Yining wanted to get it.

So now...

Qu Weiwei's mouth was tight, looking at Li Yunze's sight, which became extremely complicated.

"Yunze, you never know how much I want to love you over Yining..." Qu Weiwei smiled self-deprecatingly, "But, I always live behind her back."

The words softly whispered, revealing self-pity under self-deprecating.

Qu Weiwei put a quilt on Li Yunze again, got up, sighed slightly, turned and left the room.

At the moment the door closed, Li Yunze slowly opened his eyes.

Slightly frowned, the words Qu Weiwei had just said and even her behavior echoed in her mind.

Could it be... he thinks too much?

Li Yunze sat up slowly, his gaze fell to the front, gradually becoming deeper.


Qu Weiwei did not leave the hotel, she opened another room, next door to Li Yunze.

Los Angeles at night is prosperous and beautiful.

Sitting on the cushion of the lazy man in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his gaze fell outside, and the corner of his mouth slowly curled up with a sneer.

She had never seen Li Yunze drunk, but she remembered that she had heard He Yining say that Li Yunze and Gu Beichen made a bet. After drinking a lot of alcohol, she became a little drunk.

Even though Li Yunze drank a lot today, the mixes and spirits were almost mixed.

But are you really drunk?

She was not sure, she was not sure.

At that moment, at that moment, she almost wanted to do the same for He Yining and Li Yunze's drunk night.

Just a little bit, she suddenly thought, what if Li Yunze wasn't that drunk?

If he was upset just because of He Yining's affairs, nothing more, wouldn't her behavior disgust him? !

Qu Weiwei retracted her gaze, took the red wine brought by the waiter, poured a glass, and sipped slightly.

If she doesn't leave the hotel, there will naturally be reporters staying outside to write something.

He Yining saw that if he didn't ask Li Yunze, he would naturally feel uncomfortable. Besides, Li Yunze didn't believe her in front.

If you ask...

Qu Weiwei sneered, "Yining, you know Li Yunze, so thanks to you, I also know him... Once you ask, his control will only annoy you more."

Ask, don't ask!

He Yining, this is uncomfortable, I am afraid that even if you are like a throat, there is no way to resist it.

Just as Qu Weiwei thought, she and Li Yunze entered the hotel together, but the paparazzi did not see her leaving. It is conceivable that during the operation of Mr. Lin, the news of Li Yunze instantly blew up.

"Damn, bitch!" Fang Zihan bounced off his chair at home and stood up.

She looked angrily at the news on the computer, her eyes staring like copper bells, and her hands were raised and clenched fists, as if she wanted to smash the computer screen to a smashing smash.

"Li Yunze, you, you..." Fang Zihan looked at the picture, gritted his teeth and said, "If what happened to that scheming **** between you and Qu Weiwei, even if I make He Yining hate, don't expect to be with Yining in your life. Together...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

She hadn't finished scolding those people, and now Li Yunze had another news.

It's good now, there are all kinds of things.

Why Yining had a medical accident and was left in the operation team upset Li Yunze and even got drunk. Fortunately, she was accompanied by a beautiful woman...

beautiful woman?

Qu Weiwei is a dummy!

Fang Zihan gritted his teeth angrily, feeling that he was a media person, and he was so annoyed by the media's reading and talking, that he was also a bull!

Online news and messages swept the crowd squatting in front of the computer and reluctant to put down their mobile phones.

But all of this has nothing to do with He Yining at this moment.

He Yining washed and went to bed after eating the takeaway ordered by Li Yunze.

As for those things on the Internet, she had no idea.

When I saw it the next day, because Li Yunze had been vaccinated in advance, she did not make herself uncomfortable as Qu Weiwei expected.

"Watching the news?" Li Yunze asked while lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Well, I saw it in the morning." He Yining turned the pages of the book, "You are pregnant with a beautiful woman. Isn't it appropriate to call me?"

Li Yunze smiled, "Why, not jealous at all?"

"You said, what you saw may not be true." He Yining paused, "However, if you really have something with Qu Weiwei, I will be very angry."

"Oh?" Li Yunze slowly opened his eyes, "Is it because of other women, or just Qu Weiwei?"

"You can have no woman, but especially Qu Weiwei."

"Why?" Li Yunze's eyes were slightly deep.

He Yining opened his mouth and swallowed what he was about to say, "It's nothing,"

There was a small emotion in the squeezing voice, even though there was a radio wave, Li Yunze still heard it.

He Yining is a person who loves and hates clearly. She likes you, she will show it, and she will not like you, although she will hide, but she can always feel it.

When I was young, Yining and Qu Weiwei had a very good relationship. Since Qu Weiwei was in his class, the relationship between the two seemed to get worse...

Just because of him? !

Li Yunze's eyes deepened, "Remember to have breakfast, huh?"

"Yeah." He Yining replied, "I will not go out or watch the news for these two days. I will concentrate my energy on Grandpa Lin's surgery."

"Yeah." Li Yunze had a few more conversations with He Yining before hanging up.

He was lying on the bed without moving for a long time, but his head was spinning fast.

The past, frame by frame, went through my mind like a movie film until it was frozen last night.

When a person, everything is seamless in front of you, so that you can't be found, it often makes people think deeply.

How can someone behave so perfectly in front of another person without any excessive emotions?

In this situation, either the other person treats you as air, or is too thoughtful.

After thinking, Li Yunze's cell phone rang, he picked up and glanced at the call, Mo Shaochen called...

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