The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1377: What the doctor asks: "Private meeting" of rivals!

Chapter 1377 What does the doctor ask for: the rival "private meeting"!

"Huh?" He Yining looked at Jin Shaoshi with a slightly twisted eyebrow, and cast his mouth, "I don't want to go."


He Yining shook his head, "You can let Ruomin accompany you, and there should be media in such occasions. I don't want to become a hot search figure in Los Angeles..."

Jin Shaoshi smiled and looked at He Yining's gaze, gentle and profound, "Tomorrow is private and there is no media." He paused, "Of course, if you really don't want to go there, I will go by myself."

Feeling Jin Shaoshi's helpless sigh, why Ning sighed at the corner of his mouth, "If there is no media, I will accompany you."

"Okay." Jin Shaoshi smiled slightly and looked at He Yining's eyes softer.

"Try this..."

At the right time, Tan Zhonglang handed a glass of red wine to Jin Shaoshi.

Jin Shaoshi took it, first looked at the wall hanging, then took a sip.

The lingering taste of wine spreads on the taste buds with mellowness, and when it hits the throat, the subsequent tastes surge up with an aftertaste.

"A Lang, your skills have become more profound for so many years." After Jin Shaoshi's evaluation, he looked at Tan Zhonglang, his indifferent surface, with a touch of emotions flowing in the depths, "Take this past tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll pack two bottles for you."

"Yeah." Jin Shaoshi watched Tan Zhonglang leave before he calmly retracted his gaze and said to He Yining, "Go eat first, eh?"

"Okay." He Yining stood up with a smile, and left with Jin Shaoshi.

At the right time, Tan Zhonglang, who was about to go to the wine cellar, looked back and looked a little serious when he retracted his gaze.

Tan Zhonglang stood in the finished wine storage cellar. The temperature was suitable for wine storage. At the end of summer, it was slightly cool.

Looking up, and falling on the wine that Jin Shaoshi was to give away tomorrow, Tan Zhonglang's eyes gradually turned over the waves, seeming turbulent and calm.


After the meal, Jin Shaoshi sent He Yining home and left.

"Boss, are you going back?" Lu Fan asked.

Jin Shaoshi tilted his head and glanced at the street scene passing by in the night, and before he had time to say anything, the cellphone received a vibration of text messages.

He took it out indifferently, opened it, and while deleting it after reading it, he slowly said: "Go to Heaven."

"Yes!" Lu Fan responded and drove the car to Heaven Night.

"Mr. Jin, Young Master Li is already waiting for you in the box." Seeing Jin Shaoshi coming in, the Heavenly Night waiter hurriedly greeted him and whispered the box number.

Jin Shaoshi didn't know why Li Yunze offered to make an appointment here. Although Fengyue place was a good cover, it was easy for people to discover.

When Jin Shaoshi arrived in the box that the waiter said, Li Yunze was half paralyzed on the sofa very casually, and his legs were unscrupulously placed on the coffee table in front.

Seeing him coming in, he just raised his eyebrows and glanced, "Sit down."

Jin Shaoshi walked over, "What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow I will take Qu Weiwei to Feng Lao's small party." Li Yunze said directly.

"It's a coincidence," Jin Shaoshi smiled without warmth, "I also brought Yining over."

Li Yunze's eyes flashed sharply, and it was fleeting, "very tacit understanding."

Jin Shaoshi sneered, "Li Yunze, we are not friends!"

"Under the cooperative relationship, I didn't treat you as a friend either..." Li Yunze put down his legs, opened two cans of beer and handed it to Jin Shaoshi. "I think if it weren't for Yining, we would be friends."

Jin Shaoshi still snorted coldly.

Li Yunze didn't mind, he just picked up the beer can and gestured, and then took a sharp sip.

Jin Shaoshi's beer swallowed after a whirl in his mouth. With his arms propped on his legs, his body was leaning forward slightly, and his eyes revealed a deep distance.

"Li Yunze, treat her well..." Jin Shaoshi's voice was hollow, "This is a warning, as long as you treat her a little bit badly, I will take her away."

He slowly raised his eyes to look at Li Yunze, "Luocheng, you have Gu Beichen's power, maybe I can't do to you." After a pause, his eyes were dark because of his fierceness, "But in Brunei, that's me. In the world, even Gu Beichen...I’m afraid I can’t help you."

Brunei is a small country, but because of its economic development, people who know it are well aware of what is going on there.

Jin Shaoshi's words were not exaggerated at all.

Besides, the Jin Group relies on oil to grow its size. That thing is black gold, which is the lifeblood of many places...

If Jin Shaoshi really wants to hide He Yining, Li Yunze may not be able to make a breakthrough soon.

"Will I be nice to Yining? I just need to make her feel it..." Li Yunze tilted his head, facing Jin Shaoshi's dark gaze, slowly said, "No need to promise you anything."

The sound of ‘呲呲’ was surging under the thoughts. At the moment when the two people’s eyes met, under the electric light and flint, they had already made dozens of other moves...

After a long while, Li Yunze and Jin Shaoshi slowly reduced their confrontation.

As if there was a tacit understanding of "hostility", they raised beer cans, bumped their heads and poured them out.

"If Yining's parents really had a car accident because of her..."

"Then, she wouldn't know the truth in this life!" Li Yunze intercepted the words directly.

Jin Shaoshi looked at Li Yunze indifferently, "I'm afraid, some people will be very interested..."

There was sarcasm in the cold sneer's voice, not only to the caring person, but also to Li Yunze.

Li Yunze glanced at Jin Shaoshi, put down the empty beer cans, and opened two more, "There are some things that I don't care about, so I won't pay attention."

He handed another can to Jin Shaoshi, "But if you care, you will naturally pay attention."

Jin Shaoshi and Li Yunze looked at each other, did not speak, but looked up and drank the beer in one breath.

In the night, red men and green women are seeking the stimulation of self-indulgence.

When Jin Shaoshi left Heaven Night, it was already two hours later.

What he and Li Yunze talked about last, no one knows except for the two of them.

Bentley Mulsanne shuttled in the dark, Jin Shaoshi leaned on the car seat, holding a mobile phone in his hand and closing his eyes.

"Li Yunze, I really wish I could be a little selfish, so... I have too many opportunities."

"You won't!" Li Yunze replied with certainty, "because you want Yining to be happy and happy."

Jin Shaoshi slowly opened his eyes, no more emotional turbulence just now, and just said lightly: "Let our people pay attention to Alang's whereabouts."

Lu Fan was stunned and glanced at Jin Shaoshi from the rearview mirror, "Boss means..."

"There is no deep meaning." Jin Shaoshi's voice is still very low. "It's just that I don't want some accidents, and I don't want to be led by others."

Lu Fan twisted his eyebrows. Although he was curious about the conversation between Jin Shaoshi and Li Yunze, he didn't ask much, "Okay, I will arrange it."

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