The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1381: What does the doctor ask for: Rogue Li Shao

Chapter 1381 What Do The Doctors Want: Young Rogue Li

Li Yunze was stunned for a moment when the hung-up sound of ‘toot toot’ came, and then he murmured: “Yeah, I’m good to go, dare to hang up my phone...”

Li Yunze called again, and He Yining hung up when it rang this time, without hesitation at all.

"He Yining, I think you are really going to peel your skin!"

After humming something in his nose, Li Yunze tore off the Bluetooth headset, his eyes filled with arrogance to settle accounts.

On the other side, He Yining held the phone, rolled his eyes, and was speechless to himself.

She didn't intend to hang up Li Yunze's second call, but when the phone rang just now, she subconsciously pressed it...

Then, I hung up.

"One more call..." He Yining held the phone, "I must not hang up this time!"

Unfortunately, after waiting for several minutes, the phone did not ring again.

He Yining wrinkled his nose and hummed and put the phone aside, "Li, Yun, Ze, you, die, settle, huh!"

Getting up angrily, He Yining turned around and went to the bathroom, planning to wash and sleep, starting from tomorrow, he will get the qualifications of obstetrics and gynecology as soon as possible.

Time slipped a little bit, He Yining washed it out, wiped her hair with a big towel, then took a hair dryer to blow her hair...

‘Ding Dong! ’

In due course, the sound of a doorbell came.

He Yining frowned slightly, wondering who this point was?

She put down the hairdryer and walked over, looked in the cat's eyes...

I saw Li Yunze leaning lazily on the door, his face where she could see.

He Yining smiled at the corner of his mouth and leaned on the door lightly. He didn't plan to open the door or speak.

Seeing that no one came to open the door, Li Yunze wondered why Yining and Jin Shaoshi did not come back after they left, right? !

Thinking about it, he rang the doorbell again.

"I won't open, I'm so angry with you!"

He Yining pouted and thought of Li Yunze's "attitude" at that time. She felt that in order to cooperate with the performance, she had to get angry.

"He Yining, if you don't open the door, I will leave..."

Suddenly, Li Yunze's voice came.

It's not too big, it just happened to be heard by He Yining behind the door.

He Yining stood up straight, a little confused, how did he feel... he knew she was by the door?

Li Yunze actually didn't know, just by feeling.

"Why Yining!" Li Yunze shouted again, tilting his head and looking in the direction of Maoyan, "One minute, I will give you two choices... Either open the door by myself, or I break in."

"Your hand is for holding a scalpel, not for unlocking..." He Yining said with a smile, "I want to see, how did you break in!"

Li Yunze lowered his eyes and smiled, "Hey, you let me be at the door like this, how come you feel that your jealous wife is not letting your husband go to bed?!"

He Yining's face blushed for a while.

"Li Yunze, this is the family building..." He Yining gritted his teeth, "You let the neighbors hear it, and you didn't let me go out?"

"It's just right not to go out. I'll wait for me to pamper you in bed every day..." Li Yunze didn't care at all, and even said in a joking tone.

"..." He Yining said anxiously, gritted his teeth, "You just talk nonsense outside, I won't open the door, see how you come in, hum!"

After speaking, He Yining turned around angrily, plugged in the hair dryer, and started blowing his hair.

There was a ‘buzzing’ sound coming from inside, and Li Yunze lowered his eyes, feeling helpless because of love.

He Yining looked back at the door while blowing, because of the sound of the hair dryer, she did not hear the sound of unlocking the door.

When Li Yunze opened the door and walked in calmly, she opened her mouth slightly because of surprise, and even the hair dryer kept blowing in one place without even moving.

"Li Yunze, how did you come in?" He Yining waited until Li Yunze closed the door before suddenly reacting, "When did you learn to unlock?!"

Li Yunze pursed his mouth and slowly raised his hand...

He Yining looked at it subconsciously and saw that he had a key in his hand. In that way, it belonged to her.

After turning off the hair dryer, He Yining stepped forward...

"Why do you have the keys to my house?"

With that said, He Yining wanted to take advantage of Li Yunze's unpreparedness and grab the key.

It's a pity that Li Yunze had already seen through her thoughts, and when she raised her hand to grab it, she drew an arc, just to escape He Yining's sneak attack.

"When did you have the keys to my house?" He Yining asked with teeth.

Li Yunze indifferently put the key into his trouser pocket, and said with a smile: "I took it last time!"

"..." He Yining's mouth twitched, "Since you have the key, what do you mean by ringing the doorbell?"

"Always behave!" Li Yunze encircled He Yining's waist and pulled her towards him, "Why, angry?"

"Am I not obvious?" He Yining raised an eyebrow.

Li Yunze frowned slightly and looked at He Yining, then nodded, "I can see..."

"Then how do you plan to appease the angry me?" He Yi said with a smile, "Li Yunze, I'm really curious, what do you want from Qu Weiwei? Why should she misunderstand the relationship between us? Relationship has become frozen again?"

"Guess?!" Li Yunze's voice tightened a little vaguely.

He Yining felt his face a little red, "I'm serious, don't...start Gu Zuo talking about him!"

"Where did Gu Zuo talk about him, huh?" Li Yunze's eyes deepened and his voice was a little dull.

"..." He Yining's blushing mouth twitched, "Hey, I'm still angry!"

"Well, so you put the fire out for me..." Li Yunze's voice was filled with ambiguous heat, "I will put you down."

Li Yunze's actions made He Yining's face even redder, "Rogue!"

"Well, you must be a gangster!" Li Yunze kissed He Yining, his voice low and dull, it was madness driven by lust.

On the sofa, the two of them dyed the beautiful scenery of a room.

He Yining feels that Li Yunze is a master flirting...

Under his caressing and offensive, her brain is hypoxic.

Therefore, many questions have forgotten to think.

For example, she wants to ask Li Yunze what he wants to do...

"Yining, you don't need to do so much..." Li Yunze blew He Yining's hair first after doing a round, "You should be able to avoid it then?"

"Huh?" Why did Ning dress not understand.

Li Yunze sighed softly, "Why do you want her to put you in such an environment?" He said, a little angry, "Yining, I don't want to see others say you!"

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