The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1394: What does the doctor ask: what happened back then

Chapter 1394 What Do The Doctors Want: What happened back then

Qu Weiwei squeezed her hand, as if her eyes were reddening, she looked at Li Yunze and said sadly, "Master and Madam..."

She paused, these two titles are far away for Qu Weiwei.

However, the feeling of being subordinate is still clear.

"The car accident that year was related to Yining." Qu Weiwei endured the pain of grief and said, "Because Yining went to find you, because I and you, Yining went to find you... So, they It was in a car accident!"

"What are you talking about?" Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows slightly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Qu Weiwei's eyes were redder, and her voice was full of choking, "I only learned about it later, I thought it was fake, but it was true!"

Li Yunze's breathing was slightly rapid, and he stared at Qu Weiwei's face, as if to shoot through her.

"I don't know the specific situation, I just heard..." Qu Weiwei said on her lips, "I heard that Yining knew something, it seems not only because of me and you, but another thing related to you. Things... and then want to confirm."

Li Yunze's eyes were at a loss, and he quickly searched for He Yining's things about him, or what he might have something to do with He Yining...

However, their involvement in the past was not only about the chase of love? !

What else can there be? !

If Qu Weiwei wants to fabricate facts or hide the truth of the year, there is absolutely no need to use such a leaky reason...

"What's the matter?" Li Yunze asked subconsciously.

Qu Weiwei shook her head, "I don't know, I just heard that Yining found something, and then came out to find you like crazy..." She said solemnly, "Next, there will be a servant going After looking for the master and madam, and talking about the situation, their expressions changed and they hurried to chase them, and then...

What then, Qu Weiwei did not continue to say, and there is no need to say.

The car accident happened suddenly, He Tianshu and Meng Ya died on the spot.

When He Yining found Li Yunze, before he could even say anything, he was notified of the death of his parents and was called away.

But what exactly He Yining was looking for in the past, Li Yunze is still unknown.

Later, when the He family fell, He Yining was no longer as active as before.

Although he still loves Li Yunze's madness, it seems that he has lost the original zeal.

Li Yunze's eyes grew deeper and deeper, he gradually twisted his eyebrows, the expression on his face was a little weird under the dim light.

"I shouldn't talk about these things..." Qu Weiwei took a deep breath, "If you and Yining can be well, I will definitely not say, but you now..."

She sneered, and she was full of herself.

"Yunze, even if you are together now, isn't the matter between the master and the wife a thorn in Yining's heart?" Qu Weiwei asked, "Even if she ignored it, she wanted to find you back then. What about the question?"

Li Yunze sat down somewhat decadently. He covered his forehead with his hands in his hands, and said in a hoarse voice: "If there were so many things in the middle, then why did she give birth to one..."

"That's what Ening thinks of you!" Qu Weiwei almost roared.

She looked at Li Yunze's "pain" with a touch of pride in her eyes.

He Yining, after all, you won't get Yunze, he finally...can only be mine!


Tan Zhonglang sat on the ridge under the grape trusses. The autumn night was a bit cool, especially in the large grape groves.

But this kind of coolness was missed by Tan Zhonglang.

At the beginning, he, Assi, and some workers, sometimes nestled on the ridge with the master late at night, chatting about the grape varieties and the development of the winery...

Jin Shaoshi took two goblets and a bottle of red wine and walked to the cold. Like Tan Zhonglang, regardless of the expensive suit on him, he sat down on the ridge and handed Tan Zhonglang a cup.

Tan Zhonglang took it. After Jin Shaoshi poured the wine, the two clinked their glasses and took a sip.

"Something?!" Although Tan Zhonglang was asking, he could already see it.

"At that time, I was sorting the things stacked in the storage room at the winery, and turned to the previous photo album..." Jin Shaoshi sighed deeply, "I suddenly missed the thought of the time when the master was piled up with us in the wine room. Up."

Tan Zhonglang's eyes deepened, sadness flashed across his face, he raised his hand and took a sip of wine.

"A Lang..." Jin Shaoshi tilted his head to look at Tan Zhonglang, "What was going on back then? Last time Yining suddenly arrived, and I never asked again."

Tan Zhonglang did not speak to Jin Shaoshi's sight.

"Is it really related to Yining?" Jin Shaoshi asked.

Tan Zhonglang retracted his gaze and looked down, looked at the wine glass in his hand and shook it lightly. After a while, he said: "Why the master and the lady are chasing the young lady, I don't know, but because of chasing her, the car accident happened. ..."

Jin Shaoshi's sharp eyes were slightly sinking, and he could feel that what A Lang said at the moment was true.

"Yining has been dealing with Li Yunze for so many years. It is unreasonable for the master and wife to chase after Li Yunze because of her." Jin Shaoshi frowned.

After all, Li Yunze was not good to Yining, that was known to those in the circle.

Although the master was helpless, Yining was left to make trouble.

A dodge emotion flashed in Tan Zhonglang's eyes. He glanced at Jin Shaoshi and hurriedly retracted his gaze, "I don't know."

"You know..." Jin Shaoshi looked down.

"I really don't know." Tan Zhonglang did not lie.

He didn't know why the master and madam would go after the lady because of what happened.

He just knew that at the time, he went to the master and his wife, and the person who said something was Feng's wife.

I just knew that Sister Feng was talking to the master and his wife about the young lady, but what to say specifically, he asked Weiwei later, but she kept silent...


Li Yunze was drunk, very drunk, lying on the sofa half drunk, motionless.

Qu Weiwei sat aside, watching Li Yunze look like this, the expression on her face changed several times.

She basically didn't drink much this evening, basically watching Li Yunze drinking.

He turned his head slightly and fell on the coffee table where the wine was placed. The piles of wine bottles were pouring over, which made people a little scared...

Withdrawing her gaze, Qu Weiwei's gaze fell on Li Yunze again.

"Weiwei, there is another way. You can see if Li Yunze and He Yining are in contact..." Meng Yi's words came to mind. "The phones of these people are confidential. You want special means to The operator can’t check it, but if you are caught off guard, you can look at his phone..."

A dark smile overflowed from the corner of Meng Yi's mouth, "Whether it is a phone call or a message, there will always be clues."

Qu Weiwei squeezed her hand, her eyes fell, and Li Yunze answered the phone at that moment, and left her hand on the phone on the coffee table...

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