The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1398: Doctor why ask: I don’t want to check it

Chapter 1398 What is the doctor?

After Li Yunze went home first to wash the **** breath on his body, he changed his clothes before going to Shuya Hospital.

He went there with integrity, and before going, he called Ma Guangming.

Ma Guangming has exhausted his mind for the new batch of Huakang medicine.

Regardless of giving the green light to He Yining in all aspects, or trying his best to please Li Yunze, Ma Guangming can't wait to see Huakang's new medicine right away.

And for such a dogged him, Li Yunze promised that after he called Ma Guangming, he would come to the parking lot to pick him up.


Li Yunze squinted lightly when he saw his car and immediately pulled the smiling Ma Guangming, sighed slightly, stopped the car and got off...

"I just heard that Young Master Li saved the driver of an out-of-control vehicle on the side of the road..." Ma Guangming stepped forward and said with a smile on his face, "It's fortunate that Young Master Li is on the sidelines, or maybe that person There is no good luck."

Li Yunze twitched the corners of his mouth, "Dean Ma, are you going to talk here?"

"Ah?!" Ma Guangming immediately patted his forehead, "Look at me, because you think of your friend's emergency incident, you forgot the occasion...Come on, Young Li, please!"

Li Yunze took the lead in copying his pockets with one hand, and walked into the building...

Because Ma Guangming was fat and the length of his legs was slightly different from that of Li Yunze, he could only speed up his pace.

When he arrived at the office, Ma Guangming was a little out of breath because he was "catching up" with Li Yunze's footsteps.

"Dean Ma should lose weight." Li Yunze joked.

Ma Guangming grinned immediately, "I still exercised when I was young, but now I can't care about it..."

Li Yunze smiled, looking at Ma Guangming's somewhat hesitant expression, and said lightly: "I came here today, there is actually nothing special."

"That's Master Li..." Ma Guangming's eyes moved slightly, and a lot of thoughts were already in his mind.

"The new drug that Huakang is going to release recently has entered the final round of drug testing. If it is soon, it is estimated that it will be put into use in three to five months." Li Yunze did not continue.

At this moment, Ma Guangming felt like a feather in his heart, constantly scratching, and itchy he wanted to jump his feet.

"I heard, how many hospitals will Huakang launch this new drug?" Ma Guangming asked tentatively.

Li Yunze nodded, "I have this plan..." He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Is Dean Ma's disappearance very smart?!"

"Hey, I heard, I heard!"

At the right time, the secretary came in with coffee.

"This was brought back by a friend from abroad some time ago," Ma Guangming said flatly, "Young Master Li is a master, see if it suits your taste..."

Li Yunze took his cup and took a sip, casually admiring a few words.

For those of them who were born with a diamond spoon, many things have lost their sense of novelty.

Ma Guangming naturally knew, but just to find a conversation, and then continue with the new medicine.

Li Yunze played too many such dealings, and while playing Tai Chi was able to stir up your inner desires, he didn't say anything to you.

Ma Guangming didn't expect that today's conversation would be able to take down the new medicine, but he had a fascinating confidence that He Yining could get some care of Shuya as long as he was in Shuya.

Don't ask him why he thinks that way, anyway, he just thinks.

So much so that Ma Guangming was so confident, and in the end he was clever and was mistaken by cleverness, and he missed a batch of Huakang's new drugs that he wanted most!

"By the way, Young Master Li..." Ma Guangming seemed to think of something suddenly, "If you are not busy, can you help me?"

"Huh?" Li Yunze frowned slightly.

"That's it. Dr. He is studying a topic recently, which is a bit troublesome, but he is very stubborn and refuses to ask for help..." Ma Guangming opened his eyes and said nonsense. "I heard that you were in school. She is a teaching assistant, and you have cooperated again after the surgery. If you come forward, I think..."

Ma Guangming stopped talking, observing Li Yunze's expression and wondering whether to continue.

Unfortunately, Li Yunze didn't have too many expressions on his face. It didn't seem that he wanted to refuse, but he didn't seem to want to agree.

"Little Li, look..." Ma Guangming asked again cautiously.

Li Yunze raised his hand and looked at the time, "This point..."

"Oh, I have an appointment with the dean of the Second Hospital for dinner. If Young Master Li doesn't dislike it, just eat with me?" Ma Guangming immediately vacated his seat, "Wait for my secretary to bring food over... Don't worry, you will be tight-lipped about what you teach Doctor Ho privately."

Li Yunze just twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled, such a smile, completely without temperature.


He Yining was notified by Ma Guangming's secretary. She checked the time, it was almost noon, and some were reluctant to go to Ma Guangming.

She was afraid, and Ma Guangming was talking about it later, which delayed Li Yunze from coming to find her.

Why Ning knocked on the office door angrily, then pushed the door in...

When she saw Li Yunze sitting there, she was completely shocked, unable to react for a while.

"President, how did you look changed..." He Yining said blankly.

Li Yunze curled his eyebrows, "Is that short and fat guy handsome as me? I have a style? What does it mean that looks have changed..."

He Yining laughed immediately, "I am making you fun!"

With that said, she entered the office and looked around, but she didn't see Ma Guangming.

"Li Yunze, you let our dean'take advantage' again in order to come over?!" He Yining stood still in front of Li Yunze.

Li Yunze looked at He Yining's ruddy eyes and didn't say anything. He fished her into his arms and hugged her tightly...

The soft body reveals the faint fragrance of He Yining's body, how many nights, he embraces her, let her bloom under him.

At that moment, her tense voice and crying collapse made the guilt in his heart infinitely expand.

"Yining, I don't want to..." Li Yunze said in a trembling voice, "I don't know why, why we have to come in this way, we obviously don't need it!"

He Yining felt the rushing breath of Li Yunze's body. She wrapped her arms around his waist and said softly with the corners of her mouth: "Because you want to know something..."

"I don't want to know!" Li Yunze gritted his teeth and said.

He doesn't check it, go to the **** truth...

At this moment, he looked at Yining's red eyes and hugged her body. He just wanted to ignore everything and love it madly.

Even if it will eventually break up.

He Yining was silent, she felt that it was because of her emotions that had affected Li Yunze.

"Li Yunze..." He Yining yelled softly.

"Yeah!" Li Yunze responded.

He Yining thought for a while, and asked, "What do you want to ask Qu Weiwei? Can you tell me?"

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