The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1437: What does the doctor ask: the grief in the memory

Chapter 1437 What Does the Doctor Seek: The Grief in Memory

Li Yunze watched quietly one by one. After watching for a few seconds, he slowly said, "This is a question of detection. Turn around and wait for you to find out by yourself, okay?"

Hearing them one by one, he nodded with light in his eyes, "Well, good!"

She likes this kind of exploration and that kind of surprise, which always makes her feel happier than telling her directly.

Xiaojie said that sometimes his own thirst for knowledge will make the answers he get more deeply rooted in his heart, which others cannot give.

One by one, his little fingers touched the place of ‘BB: Ze’ lightly, and then touched the words ‘the only one in my heart’, shaking the small body happily.

"If you have time in the future, will you come to see me often?" His eyes were full of expectation, "I will be at school these days because I have to practice the violin."

Li Yunze was a little surprised one by one such efforts, "Don't you go home on weekends?"

Shaking his head one by one, his little face was a little red, and his voice was uncontrollable and nervous, "I want to master the basics quickly, and then I can practice a piece of music first. At the New Year's Eve party this year, I can join Xiaojie. Performance."

Li Yunze's heart was a little convulsed. He didn't want to hurt his daughter's enthusiasm, but he didn't want her daughter's efforts because of Jianjie!

"Also," said one by one happily, "Xiaojie said, I hope I can perform with him during the kindergarten graduation ceremony. He said that the violin is a very elegant instrument. I look forward to standing with him like the little princess. Next to the piano, play graduation repertoire with him..."

Li Yunze quietly listened to them one by one, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I hope to do this one by one, working hard because of hope, and fearing that she will become the second He Yining.

Li Yunze took He Yining's hand and walked along the river in Luocheng, thinking how to get rid of Jian Jie's "curse" one by one...

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the orange street lamp on the road dimly stretched the two figures under the shadow of the whirling tree that had no leaves.

"What are you thinking?" He Yining turned his head to look at Li Yunze.

Li Yunze stopped and turned to He Yining, "I was thinking, if the years can come back, I won't make you so hard again."

When the words fell, Li Yunze took He Yining into his arms, rubbed his chin against the top of her hair lightly, sniffing her breath, that kind of satisfaction is not something that parents or brothers and sisters can give.

"I am lucky and happy..." He Yining wrapped Li Yunze's waist contentedly, "because my efforts have been rewarded the most."

In this world, many people are working hard, but not everyone’s hard work is rewarded, right? !

Li Yunze let go of He Yining, took her hand with both hands, and dropped a kiss on her forehead, "Yining, I want to hold your hand and keep walking...forever!"

He Yining smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Li Yunze, you can't go back on what you say."

Li Yunze looked at He Yining's eyes deeper and deeper. Just when He Yining was a little overwhelmed by what he saw, he slowly opened his mouth, his voice said with the charm of the night: "This heart takes a kiss as a mirror. !"

He Yining's eyes had just passed the hazy emotions, his lips were already wrapped in Li Yunze...

Deeply, lingering kisses, not overbearing, only the deepest affection in the heart, and the love that can never be said.

At this moment, the two people who were obsessed and kissed by the Luocheng River couldn't think of it. All of this was so beautiful, and it was so beautiful that God was jealous.


Standing in front of the villa window, Li Jinxi lost his gaze to the sun and looked outside, gradually losing focus.

"Miss, have some soup?" Aunt Qiao put the soup that had just been simmered on the table, and sighed secretly, "Miss, your health is still not very good, don't keep standing."

"I know, Aunt Qiao." Li Jinxi twitched the corner of her mouth, smiling a little ugly, but she smiled hard.

She is strong and doesn't want people who care about her to worry about her. Her elder brother once told her that she shouldn't be let down by anything. She told her that she must persevere when encountering something.

So, even in pain, she was smiling hard.

There is no taste in the mouth, it is obviously delicious soup, and when I drink it, it is like a sip of coptis water.

Li Jinxi clenched his gums, swallowed secretly, and pressed down the grief that came up uncontrollably.

Li Jinxi forced himself to finish drinking one mouthful of soup.

"Aunt Qiao, I'll go up and rest first..."

When Li Jinxi finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs, because his steps were a little eager, and he didn't even find Li Jiyuan who happened to come out of the bedroom.


"Um, vomit... vomit..."

Li Jinxi lay on the toilet and vomited out the soup he had just drunk.

She looked at herself embarrassed in the mirror, and tugged at the corners of her mouth, "Li Jinxi, can't you live without love?" She stared at her red eyes because of vomiting, and asked as she gritted her teeth. , "Without Chen Xuan, are you going to die? Ah?!"

There was a ‘bang’ sound, and the lotion bottle hit the mirror, and instantly split from where it was hit to the surrounding area, making the face that Li Jinxi feels disgusted with so much that he couldn’t see clearly.

Li Jinxi weakened weakly, and tears welled up in his eyes uncontrollably.

In my mind, it was the scene of Li Yunhao committing suicide in front of him...

"Yunze, Jinxi, I'm sorry... Brother really can't make it anymore... I can finally get free..."

"No, no...Brother, don't..." Li Jinxi's eyes were completely scared, and she flinched back in horror until she reached the corner, curling herself into a ball.

In his ears, Li Yunhao's last voice kept reverberating, Li Jinxi covered his ears with both hands, and shook his head relentlessly, trying to get rid of the voice in his mind.

But no matter how she resists, the voice is like a curse, covering her...

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jin Xi cried, choked and muttered, "I know I was wrong, I know I shouldn't be with Chen Xuan, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Li Jinxi kept torturing herself. She thought that she had been able to face Li Yunhao's suicide calmly in the past so many years, but they were all fake.

My mother left, my brother committed suicide in front of him, the blood was so dazzling...

In such a situation, a family member committed suicide in front of him. The pain... Li Jinxi couldn't let go!

At that time, Li Jiyuan seemed to hear a noise from Li Jinxi's room, but it was only faintly. He didn't know if he heard it wrong?

"Sir, what's the matter?" Aunt Qiao came up and saw Li Jiyuan standing in front of Li Jinxi's door, not knowing why.

"Ah Qiao, do you think there is anything wrong with Jinxi coming back these few days?"

Aunt Qiao thought for a while, "Except for a lot of silence, she is still very strong." She sighed deeply, "If the child is gone, it is inevitable that the lady is not in the right mood."

Li Jiyuan nodded and didn't say much.

Aunt Qiao didn't know about Chen Xuan, and everyone hadn't said about it in a tacit understanding.

But Li Jiyuan knew that the death of the eldest son was a deep harm to both Jinxi and Yunze.

His pain is the loss of his wife and excellent son, and the pain of Jinxi and Yunze is not only the loss of his brother, but also the cruelty of suicide in front of them.

Li Jiyuan was worried about Li Jinxi, fearing that her silence these days would explode even greater psychological pain, he wanted to go in to see his daughter and have a chat by the way.

Knocking on the door, no one answered.

Li Jiyuan frowned slightly, he became more worried, thought about it, and after saying "Dad is in", he opened the door...

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