The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1450: What does the doctor want: the log in the safe

Chapter 1450 What Does the Doctor Need: The Log in the Safe

He Yining leaned the painting aside first, and walked over curiously, wringing his eyebrows, but still couldn't figure out why Dad should put a safe on the wall...

Even, use the picture block.

He Yining twisted her eyebrows and looked at it and tried to pull it. It was obvious how childish she was at the moment.

"No wonder Dad doesn't let anyone move this painting..." He Yining murmured, "Are you afraid of seeing this safe?!"

He Yining sighed softly, thinking about the password on it...

She tried several times, but none succeeded.

Whether it's mother's birthday, father's birthday, her birthday, father's and mother's wedding anniversary, and the days imaginable, He Yining tried it again, but none of them can unlock it.

"It's stupid!" He Yining scolded himself.

If the password set by Dad was so easy to guess, wouldn't it be unnecessary to put the safe in such a hidden place where no one would find it? !

He Yining's mind was running, thinking about the password He Tianshu might set...

After thinking about it a few times, there was no way to open it, and He Yining's eyebrows tightened.

"what exactly is it……"

He Yining thought hard and couldn't help looking around.

The study is still that study, and even the main furnishings have not been moved.

It was used as a warehouse before, except for some sundries, basically nothing changed.

He Yining walked to He Tianshu's desk, flicked his hand across the desk where the years had remained, suddenly remembering something...

His eyes lit up instantly, and He Yining suddenly looked at the safe.

Once, she seemed to have heard her father say a series of numbers. Could it be that the number mentioned was actually the password of the safe?

He Yining stood up suddenly and hurriedly walked to the safe, constantly permuting and combining the numbers...

There was a ‘click’, and He Yining’s eyes suddenly struck surprise.

She slowly opened the door of the safe, not knowing whether it was because she was about to discover some secret or what, she swallowed secretly uncontrollably.

turn on……

What rushed towards his face was a turbid air with the smell of desiccant. He Yining coughed and frowned slightly.

She fanned her eyes and saw that there were only a few very thick notebooks in the safe.

"What is this?" He Yining murmured, and took out the top book.

turn on……

"Recording the growth of baby Yining, a wedding gift for my baby... fifth!" He Yining looked at He Tianshu's words on the title page, his eyes suddenly red.

Is this destined?

Tomorrow she will get the certificate with Li Yunze, and she found this safe today and got this gift...

He Yining sniffed, preventing the water from under his eyes from misting into tears.

She gently traversed the notes left by He Tianshu with her finger, and looked at the slightly yellowed paper, feeling sour and warm in her heart.

He Yining flipped the page, although she had a premonition that her father was recording her growth, but when she saw the words between the lines that came from her father's love, her heart fluctuated with the log.

——Under the vine with my baby, tell her about Barbera, Brunello, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Camry and other grape varieties. My daughter, nothing like my hobby, a bit My child is lost!

—— Yining told me today that she secretly kissed the kid Li Yunze, and I was a little unhappy when I saw my daughter happy at that moment. Hey, I won't admit it, I'm jealous, eat the jealousy of that kid Li Yunze!

——Xiaoya told me today that if I could give Yining a younger sister or younger brother, they would not be afraid of Yining being alone if they left. I told Xiaoya that as long as we persisted until Yining could catch up with Li Yunze, there would be nothing to worry about. Although Li Yunze is very arrogant and drags the same as two-five-eighty thousand, but I know that he is dedicated, as long as Yining can catch it, I can let go of my baby girl and give him.

When He Yining saw this, his eyes were already extremely red, "Dad, you are really the clearest father in the world, you know me, and you know him..."

He Yining sniffed and continued to look at the growth record.

——It is true that it is said that the daughter is the intimate little padded jacket of father. Think about He Tianshu's life, the greatest joy is to meet Meng Ya, and cherish her, because I like to grow grapes and wine, and work together in twilight. And the happiest thing is that she gave me a beautiful and lovely daughter...I have nothing to ask for, I just hope to be happy and peaceful forever!

He Yining turned page by page, but gradually, from the daily log, a long period of time became blank.

"Huh?!" He Yining frowned slightly in doubt, and sent the notebook to his eyes, only to realize that the notebook had been torn off several pages neatly.

"How could it be torn off?!" He Yining murmured, continuing to flip.

There were records later, but it was intermittent...

——Some things have happened, although I have never thought that I can always hide them, but I wish all this was just a dream.

—— Yining came back to me today and told me that she and Weiwei fell out because of that kid Li Yunze. In fact, I have long discovered that Weiwei has some unspeakable concerns about Li Yunze, but even if Yining is my daughter, I cannot obliterate others' right to chase love because of selfishness. Besides, I now hope that Li Yunze will refuse Yining more firmly, so that Yining may be happier.

The sudden style of painting made He Yining a little resisted, but she could understand her father.

After all, after so many years of chasing without results, my father will feel sorry for her.

——These days, I often have some nightmares. I am afraid that what Yining will discover, or what Li Yunze knows? ! Seeing Yining becoming more and more obsessed with Li Yunze and not backing down because there was no hope at all, the more I was afraid...I was afraid that my baby would be hurt!

——I know that I should destroy some things, but people are sometimes weird, and they are always hesitant about major choices. On the one hand, I was afraid of what Yining knew, and on the other hand, I was afraid that Yining would continue to cling to it without knowing anything. When the truth was revealed, she would suffer even more.

——Xiaoya told me that our parents should bear the pain and guilt, so that Yining can be happy, but can all of this really happen?

He Yining's breathing is getting heavier and heavier, that is a strong sense of uneasiness invading the nerves!

What is it that makes the log behind Dad more and more restless, and what is it that they are so afraid that she will know? !

He Yining, with doubts, couldn't wait to turn back...

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