The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1476: What does the doctor ask: miss, send away one by one

Chapter 1476 What do the doctors ask: miss, send away one by one

Listening to "Dad" one by one, even though he didn't call his father seriously, Li Yunze's heart still burst with happiness.

This is his and Ening's daughter, his little lover...

Do you want your daughter not to have a complete home because of past mistakes?

He and Yining still have a lot of future, and a lot of time to complete the family, so that the regrets of the older brother can be eliminated a little bit, okay?

The corner of Li Yunze's mouth was grinning, it was a smile from a loving father.

Nodding, Li Yunze asked: "Where is your answer?!"

"I still like you very much..." He slumped his shoulders slightly, looking at the cake in front of him, thinking seriously, "But mother has only one."

Li Yunze was a little nervous. His question was not a multiple choice question. What he wanted was not one choice, but one approval.

He raised his eyes one by one, blinked his eyes lightly, and asked curiously: "Why do you choose? You and your mother can live together, so you can live with you one by one, you don't need to choose!"

If the ‘father’ just said one by one made Li Yunze's heart irritated, then the answer at this moment simply made Li Yunze feel that there is no past that can’t be let go, let alone a past that is not directly related to Yining.

"Why are you asking me such a question?" He tilted his head, as if he couldn't figure it out.

Li Yunze looked at them one by one, and said with deep eyes: "I just want to see, do you want to live with me."

"Oh..." One by one was a little silly, thinking why the adults have such strange ideas.

She has always said that if her mother likes it, she likes it!

After eating the cakes one by one, Li Yunze listened to the piano for a while before leaving.

He did not go back to the hospital, and went directly to the ‘Lin’ jewelry customization shop.

The ring of ‘1+1=1’ was thrown away by Ening, and he did not find it back, so it will be regarded as the end of the past...

He wants to propose another marriage. This time, he thinks very clearly and will not give up.

"It will take about a week for the ring to come out..." the designer said after drawing a rough pattern according to what Li Yunze said, "I will send the complete design drawing to your mailbox tomorrow."

"Good!" Li Yunze nodded, his gaze fell on the first draft design.

It is still the ring of ‘1+1=1’, but this time three letters of fancy English are added to the interface...MLY.


Yining is also a doctor, representing the two most important things in Li Yunze's life, medicine and Yining!

"If Young Master Li has no other instructions, then turn back and contact us online."

Li Yunze answered, got up and left the ‘Lin’ private order.

Sitting in the car, Li Yunze's mouth overflowed with a slight smile, took out his mobile phone, just wanted to text He Yining, and told her a week later, he told her his answer.

Only when the text message interface was opened, Li Yunze's phone was covered by the call, which was from the hospital.

"Shao Li, Mayor Fu's son was sent to the hospital," the head nurse's voice came over the phone, "Director Li has advanced to the operating room. Let me inform you."

Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows slightly, "I will go back soon."

"it is good!"

Li Yunze hung up the phone, before he had time to think, he hurriedly fastened his seat belt, started the car and drove to the hospital...

Mayor Fu is kind to Li Jiyuan. His son has congenital heart disease and has been treated at Huakang. Only a few months after he was discharged from the hospital, he came back in unexpectedly.

Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows, knowing that this time he might only be able to perform a heart exchange surgery... even if the success rate is extremely low.


He Yining and colleagues from the hospital met at a farmhouse in the suburbs. When she came back to the city, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. She was just about to go through Spencer. She simply got off the car and went to see one by one.

"Mom..." Unexpectedly, when Li Yunze had just left, He Yining came, "You missed it perfectly again."

"Huh?" He Yining didn't react.

Pulling He Yining one by one, he raised his face and said, "That uncle is here, but he just left."

The same light flashed across He Yining's eyes, and she knew that the uncle she was talking about was Li Yunze.

"Really?" He Yining gave a dry smile.

He nodded his head a little and made a small mouth, "You don't come together every time, either it's not the same day, or the time is missed... I almost think you did it on purpose!"

He Yining lowered the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to explain it to his daughter.

Lying on the table one by one, with his chin on the back of his hand, he asked curiously: "Mom, will you be with that uncle?"

"One by one," He Yining's eyes flashed a little, "If I were not with him, would you be lost?"

He Yining knows that Li Yunze has been getting along well with Yi Yi's concern recently, perhaps because of the nature of blood. For the same thing, A Si and Li Yunze are obviously more inclined to Li Yunze.

One by one pouted, "Why do you all ask me strange questions today?"


Together, "That uncle asked me today whether he likes to live with you or with my dad... Well, it seems that he meant if he was a dad!"

When He Yining heard this, his heart suddenly slammed.

"I don't want to choose very much, so I want to live with you..." One by one said his hopes, "Mom, you should like that uncle very much, right? But, why have you not made a breakthrough for so long? What about development? Xiaojie said, people who love each other can't wait to be separated all the time..."

One by one, they were talking babbledly, but He Yining didn't listen to a word.

Her thoughts stayed one by one, and Li Yunze asked if she wanted to live with her father...

Sure enough, he still couldn't forgive, did he want to compete with her one by one?

He Yining's eyes were a little red, and he suddenly stopped voicing one by one. The little hand held He Yining's, and the urn asked angrily: "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine..." He Yining hurriedly withdrew her thoughts, she looked at one by one, her heart was already turbulent.

The violin teacher came in at the right time. When it was time for the class, He Yining didn't leave the school because of his unsteadiness.

Just after leaving school, He Yining called Jin Shaoshi, "Asi, what should I do?"

Jin Shaoshi frowned, "What's wrong? Yining, what happened?"

He Yining's sigh, tears fell, "He really can't forgive him, it's been a long time... He originally said it was a little time, but it has been more than a month. Now he still comes to ask. One, do you want to live with him one by one... He can't get out, he wants one by one..."

Hearing He Yining's intermittent voice, Jin Shaoshi's eyebrows frowned, "Could it be... a misunderstanding?!"

"How could it be a misunderstanding?" He Yining collapsed a little, "I said each one very seriously..."

She gasped hurriedly, her eyes floating back and forth weakly, and her voice was full of a breakdown of gains and losses, "No, no...I want to send away one by one, I can't lose one by one, I can't! That's the only thing I have. It's..."

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