The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1487: What doctors want: the message conveyed

Chapter 1487 What Do Doctors Want: Message

"AL Research Institute?" He Yining was surprised, looking at Li Yunze puzzledly and asked, "Will Huakang have opened too many projects recently?"

"This is what Dad wants to get." Li Yunze didn't say much, but took He Yining's hand and entered the research institute.

He Yining broke free, and really couldn't break free, so he gave up.

Although the main body of the exterior is present, the interior is only a preliminary decoration, and the equipment and other facilities are not in place.

"Previously, this building was originally used as the Huakang Pharmaceutical and Drug Research Institute." Li Yunze said, "but temporarily changed his mind and became a special research institute."

Why did you look around while listening quietly, not understanding why Li Yunze would bring her here.

"Does AL have any special meaning?" He Yining asked, "is it the name of the new drug or what does it represent?"

Li Yunze stopped, let go of He Yining, did not immediately answer, but walked to the main console, stroked the unhanging LOGO with his finger, and then looked at her.

"What did you think of?" Li Yunze asked.

He Yining's heart has tightened, and even breathing has become difficult because of the tightening.

She wanted to say that she didn't think of anything, but it happened...

"Aaron is fierce," He Yining's nose has already begun to sore, she endured hard, gritted her teeth and said, "Is this institute in memory of Brother Yun Hao?"

Li Yunze looked at He Yining. He knew how painful her heart was right now. He also knew how cruel it was to mention Big Brother from Yining's mouth.

However, he wanted to convey a message.

He wanted to face the mistakes of the previous generation with her, and cross this hurdle together.

He Yining's eye sockets were getting redder, and water mist appeared in the bottom of his eyes instantly, blurring his vision and looked at Li Yunze.

The heartache couldn't get worse, the corners of her mouth kept shaking and trembling, trying to tell Li Yunze that it was not what he thought, everything was actually her...

But she dare not!

Dare to tell him, afraid he will suffer more.

She didn't dare to tell him, because she was greedily caught in a strange circle, thinking, maybe it could be buried for a lifetime, maybe she could still hope...

After the pain of loss again and again, she still didn't learn well, just because she couldn't escape the most persistent, deep-rooted love in those six thousand days and nights!

"Li Yunze, what do you mean?" He Yining sniffed, "Bring me here to tell me that it doesn't matter if you can do it without thinking about it?"

The ridiculous voice revealed the pain of choking, hurting others and hurting oneself.

Li Yunze turned and walked out of the main console, stood still in front of He Yining, raised his hand, gently wiped the tears on her cheek with his fingers, and said in a soft voice: "Yining, I tell you not to think about it, it doesn't matter... ... To lie to you is to lie to myself."

He Yining's heart throbbed, and closed his eyes, tears rolled away.

Li Yunze sighed softly, "But, I want to work hard, the result is good or bad, at least I gave each other a chance."

"But what if it's not what you think?!" He Yining took a step back and looked at Li Yunze dimly with tears.

Li Yunze frowned slightly, and stepped forward, without giving He Yining a chance to retreat, he directly took her into his arms, and said slowly: "Since I want to be with you, I will try to break through the obstacles... Ning, you are not a person who flinches and is not strong. Let's take a step forward together, okay?"

The soft words were soothing, He Yining closed her eyes, her body trembling.

Can she?

She can expect that since Li Yunze can take a step forward, perhaps, after accepting the "facts" he thought, and then telling her, when everything is hers, maybe he wouldn't be so difficult to accept?

But this is a double-edged sword!

In case of a stabbing, she deserves the pain, but why is she willing to let Li Yunze hurt together?

"You don't need to answer me now," Li Yunze's voice was always calm, "You can think about it, but you can't avoid me during this period, and you can't put pressure on yourself because of what I did to you."

Why Ning cried silently without answering.

"Yining, I need you to answer me about this!" Li Yunze said, "Don't put pressure on each other, get along normally... is it okay?"

He Yining bit her lip. She told herself to be rational, but she had already answered Li Yunze.

The corner of Li Yunze's mouth was raised, and he felt the hands wrapped around his waist. Such a smile instantly reached the bottom of his eyes.

"Yining, join the AL plan!" Li Yunze said, "To break through the psychological barrier, the first step we have to do... is to face it!"


Li Jinxi was lying on the sofa, covered with a thin blanket, talking on the phone with Su Junli.

"This tour is over, you can also have a good rest."

Su Junli answered, "Jinxi, how are you?"

"What's wrong with me, just like that!" Li Jinxi lowered his eyes and said.

"Jinxi, can't put it down, why not learn from Momo?" Su Junli sat on the piano stool, gently pressing a key with his slender white fingers, making a crisp sound, "Although the matter between Gu Beichen and Momo There was a misunderstanding and there was a discrepancy with you and Chen Xuan, but you also knew that the matter had nothing to do with Chen Xuan."

After Li Jinxi's miscarriage, her complexion has not fully recovered. At this moment, she heard Su Junli say that her face was slightly pale because of sadness.

"Jinxi, what a rare thing is it for people who are in love to be together?" Su Jun got up, walked slowly to the window, said in a distant voice, "It looks like a divorce or a marriage and love that only gives affection. Too much, too much... There are too many people who love each other and can't be together. How rare and happy it is to love each other but to be able to be together, why should we fail the gift of God?"

He loves Momo and has been with him for four and a half years, but he can't squeeze Gu Beichen away from her.

Are you not complaining?

how come……

But like is a thing for one person, and love is for two people!

Many people understand this truth, but there are very few who can come together in the end.

Li Jinxi's eyes were a little red, and she took a deep breath, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "So, I said divorce, but it's always exhausting..."

Pain, but she didn't want to end there.

Even if she sees Chen Xuan every day making herself a wound, she at least still feels pain.

She was afraid, Chen Xuan left, she was really numb...

"Bless you!" Su Junli spoke slowly.

Li Jinxi took a deep breath, and the sound of the door opening at the right time came, "I'll hang up first."

"Yeah." Su Junli answered.

The moonlight fell on Su Junli through the window, and the light pulled his figure out of the ground.

"Momo, there is something to do in life. If you lose Xiaoyan, you will eventually get compensation from heaven..." Su Junli murmured softly, "I will always look at you like this until you have unbridled happiness!"

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