The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1499: What does the doctor ask: two people, one photo

Chapter 1499 What a Doctor: Two People, One Photo

He Yining was sitting in the car, looking at the ring that was put on his finger again, the corner of his mouth squashed, completely smiling.

Li Yunze turned his head and glanced at He Yining, and said with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: "Yining, you can find a box in my toolbox, sapphire blue..."

"Huh?" He Yining was stunned, then answered, "Oh!"

She leaned forward slightly, opened the toolbox and saw the sapphire blue box Li Yunze was talking about. At a glance, it looked like a jewelry box.

He Yining was puzzled and asked, "This?"

Li Yunze glanced, "Well," his gaze fell to the front again, "open, take a look."

He Yining had guessed that it was given to her, although there was less surprise, but there was more expectation.

turn on……

A ring with fancy English engraved on the face came into view. He Yining frowned slightly and picked it up. The design inside was exactly the same except for the difference in face and fingers.

"This is..." He Yining took the ring and looked at Li Yunze with mixed feelings.

Li Yunze glanced at her, and said lightly: "It's you..." He paused, "Just the day before you sent away one by one, I went to get this ring. I originally planned to go after watching one by one. Looking for you, but before there was time, Mayor Fu’s son temporarily entered the operating room, and I hurried back to Huakang."

He Yining licked the corner of his mouth, and the indescribable guilt and entanglement flowed in his heart, and the hand holding the ring tightened.

"Yining, it's not what you think. I didn't think about working hard for the two of us." Li Yunze sighed softly, took He Yining's hand and squeezed it in his palm, "It's just that some things are true. It's too coincidental, and we cannot resist the coincidence."

He Yining's nose is a bit sore, "I am not strong enough, nor brave enough..."

As she said, she lowered her eyes, even at this moment, she was worried and scared.

Li Yunze squeezed He Yining's hand again before letting her go and said, "That's because I didn't give you enough sense of security."

"Li Yunze, I..." He Yining lowered his mouth. Before he could say anything, Li Yunze turned his head with a smile and slapped him back.

"At this moment, as long as you don't tell me not to go to get the certificate, everything is fine." Li Yunze's voice was joking, "However, even if you say it, it is useless. You must get this certificate."

He Yining looked at Li Yunze, bit her lower lip, and was amused. "Rogue."

"Yes!" Li Yunze raised his eyebrows, "I have found out now. It's useful for you to haunt me hard before. Compared with you before, I'm thinner..."


He Yining's mouth twitched, trying to refute, but he felt that it was a fact.

Li Yunze smiled, stopped at the red light, tilted his head and stared quietly at He Yining, "Yining, many people say that we will walk 10,000 steps together, but at the end of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps , Don’t leave, do you know why?"

"Because of fear, after 10,000 steps, it's parting." He Yi said quietly.

"But is it really parting?" Li Yunze asked.

He Yining's heart tightened, "Stopping before 10,000 steps, there is only one result... but we can take the final step. It is possible that one sentence we get is the injury before the stop, but we can also get infinite possibilities."

Li Yunze tilted his head and glanced at the signal lights. When switching, he started the car and said, "So, you know, why did you stop before?"

He Yining was silent, bit her lower lip, and suddenly said, "Let me tell you one by one, she will take good care of herself."

"Change the subject..." Li Yunze sighed and shook his head, but a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He Yining frowned upon hearing this.

Li Yunze tilted his head to look at He Yining, "Fool..." He shook his head without explaining.

On the one hand, it is dangerous to start the research of Big Brother. If the child appears in the public eye, he will become the primary target of attack. Just like Xiaojie...

On the other hand, he now doesn’t want to be the one between him and Yining that must face up. In that way, Yining, who is already in a sensitive period, will always be confined in a dead end by himself, which is not what he wants. of.

The connection with Yi Yi is connected by blood. Whether Yi Yi now knows that he is his father and his daughter, he is always his daughter, right? !

At least, for the same pay, one by one will subconsciously be biased towards oneself instead of Jin Shaoshi.


Looking at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, why Ning scorned the corner of his mouth.

She thought that everything would come to an abrupt end, but she did not expect that she would come to the place where the sacred marriage began so soon...

"Get out of the car!" Li Yunze was deterred at why he wanted to.

He Yining gently flapped his eyes, and the corners of his mouth suddenly overflowed with a smile, which was very light and somewhat illusory.

"Li Yunze, you have to think carefully..." He Yining still looked at the direction of the Civil Affairs Bureau, "It is possible that you regret it, and I won't get a divorce."

"Then we will learn from Chen Xuan and Jinxi. When we meet, we will be in pain together!" Li Yunze said, "After all, there is such a thing involved, and I would not be willing to let it go easily. That way, we can always find a solution."

He Yining retracted his gaze to look at Li Yunze, his smile deepened, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Li Yunze raised his eyebrows and both got out of the car.

Because they came very early and it was not a special day, Li Yunze and He Yining were the first couple of newcomers today.

"Young Master Li, why don't you come over and say it in advance..." The Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau said with a grin, "I'll arrange it for you."

"What's the arrangement? You can also arrange to send me a limited edition marriage certificate." Li Yunze joked.

When the director heard this, he was immediately amused.

"Okay, let's get the certificate when we come over today, and the director will go to work if we have anything."

"Okay, come to my office and find me if you have anything."

Li Yunze nodded and watched the director leave before pulling He Yining to take a photo.

The couple in blue shirts were placed in front of the red drapery, their heads tilted slightly toward each other, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, "drawing" a heart.

The cameraman looked at the picture and was a little surprised. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "You are really the most intimate couple I have seen recently."

"It's not you and every pair who said that?" Li Yunze raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not." The cameraman smiled, "I'm just a cameraman, and I don't need to please newcomers... You see for yourself."

The videographer handed the camera to two people, and drew his fingers vainly on the small screen, "It's a natural heart. I rarely get such a harmonious photo."

He Yining and Li Yunze seemed to have telepathy. They looked at each other at the same time, and they laughed at each other.

In a photo, two people "draw" a heart.

When the stamp fell, the clerk pushed the two red notebooks in front of the two people and said "Congratulations", Li Yunze and He Yining both knew clearly that no matter what happened in the future, they were a little more fettered.

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