The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1577: What does the doctor ask: He only wants her

Chapter 1577 What a doctor: He only wants her

Li Yunze didn't sleep all night.

The villa has been carefully decorated and filled with a romantic atmosphere.

Flowers, cakes, red wine...

Also, a ring necklace that will be "married" three times.

Obviously everything is fine, but there was an accident at the last moment.

Li Yunze lowered his head feebly, his forehead was emptied with his hand, his face was completely afraid of fatigue.

The night became extremely long because of waiting and anxiety.

At this moment, Li Yunze hoped that time would pass slowly, even a little bit.

But time is always like this. When you ask for it, it won't slow down for you. Dawn always comes at the time he should come and arrives as expected.

The phone vibrated ‘buzzing’. Li Yunze picked up the phone almost at the moment of the vibration. Seeing that it was Xiao Yu, he hurriedly picked it up, "How?"

"The other party is a master." Xiao Yu said, twisting his eyebrows, "I put a lot of smoke bombs, and Xiaoqiangbai and I were busy all night..." He paused, "Did the other party contact you?"

The corners of Li Yunze's mouth twitched. Thinking of the warning on the phone yesterday, he didn't dare to bet He Yining, so he could only say, "No!"

"The other party seems to want to kill your patience..." Xiao Yu was a little solemn, "The question now is, if the other party wants that research, why Yining will become your weakness." After a pause, he and Xiao Qiang glanced at each other before asking, "Young Master Li, if...I mean, if the other party asks you to exchange research, what are you going to do?"

Li Yunze's eyes were sore and swollen, he said without thinking, "I only want her!"

Such an answer was no surprise to Xiao Yu.

It is said that people are divided into groups, and he feels that there is nothing wrong with this.

Whether it is Brother Xiao, Young Master Chen, or Young Master Li now, they have an obsession with feelings.

Either do not love, love, that's all.

"Young Master Li, have you ever thought about the consequences of falling into the hands of those people?"

"What can I do now?" Li Yunze sneered at the corners of his mouth, his face was completely weak after waiting for a night, "Could it be that I want to ignore Yining because of the consequences?"

In Li Yunze's last voice, there was obviously a pain that was about to collapse

He hoped that Xiao Yu and the others would be able to find Yining within the time given by the other party, even if they knew that the other party had been staring for so long, they would definitely not find it so easily.

Xiao Yu was silent, "Let's keep looking. If you have any news over there, let's talk about the situation."

"Yeah." Li Yunze answered weakly and hung up the phone, slowly leaning against the sofa, tilting his head, his sore eyes falling outside.

"Li Yunze, Li Yunze..."

Li Yunze sat up suddenly, watching He Yining standing there with one hand behind him and the other shaking with him in the yard.

"Yining?!" Li Yunze stood up suddenly, and people rushed over.

With a ‘bang’, Li Yunze’s forehead hit the glass, and while the pain made him sober instantly, "He Yining" disappeared.

Li Yunze stood dumbfounded, ignoring the pain on his forehead, just staring blankly at the place where "He Yining" stood before, and gradually, a self-deprecating smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He has hallucinations...

Yining, I have been separated from you for 20 hours. Although we have been like "strangers" in the past three years, I know that you are never far away from me, and I am always at ease.

Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows tightly, resting his hands on the glass, only feeling that his whole body was weak.

Everything is not as important as you came, I can't lose you... can't!

Li Yunze's Adam's apple kept rolling because he was enduring grief, but he couldn't suppress his inner self-blame.


He Yining kept repeating waking up unconsciously and falling asleep in a drowsy state, but she repeated it for more than ten hours and didn't know how many times.


He Yining was groaning with a splitting headache, his dry throat had begun to smoke, and his lips had dried up and white skin began to appear.

Last night, my mild drug addiction passed, but because I didn't eat or drink, my whole body was still weak and numb.

He Yining drooped his eyelids weakly, his eyes fluttered slightly in the darkness, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

The door of the container was opened, and light came in, but there was no sunlight.

He Yining moved his eyes lightly, thinking that there was a sunset when the door was opened before. There is no sunlight at this moment. It is estimated that it is the next morning.

"Drink water."

Zheng Hao pulled He Yining up and handed the water to her.

He Yining didn't move, but looked at the people coming, with a somewhat illusory vision.

"If you want to see Li Yunze anxious because you are like this, you don't need to drink it." Zheng Hao said, sending the water forward again.

He Yining opened his mouth mechanically and took two sips. After the moist breath moisturized the dry throat, he felt more comfortable.

"You...what are you... who are you?" He Yining asked weakly.

Zheng Hao took out a piece of bread, opened the package and handed it to He Yining, "It doesn't matter who is, the important thing is that our purpose is very simple."

He Yining did not eat, but stared at Zheng Hao.

The other party didn't seem to be afraid of being seen by her this time, and the door of the container was not closed after he entered.

"You won't get what you want..." Why did you rather panting, "No!"

Zheng Hao laughed, "Will you get what you want? You will know soon." After a pause, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. We gave Li Yunze one day. Tonight, if he doesn't If you cancel the declaration in the Patent Office and bring you research, you will be very painful."

"He won't fulfill your wish." He Yining gritted his teeth and said.

Zheng Hao looked at He Yining as if grasping the last life-saving straw, and shrugged, "Didn't you say it, you will know soon." He paused, "Oh, you must be thinking, Li Yunze will I think research is more important than you, right?"

He Yining did not speak, but looked at Zheng Hao angrily.

"Why Yining, we have been paying attention to you and Li Yunze for a long time..." Zheng Hao suddenly came to nature, "Or, I will help you test it later, how important you are in Li Yunze's heart, eh?"

He Yining suddenly felt a strange cold breath from Zheng Hao, "You, what do you want to do?"

Zheng Hao looked at He Yining as his body began to tremble again, and a smile flashed across his eyes. Such a smile, with the viciousness of the cold, made his blood excited.

After getting the research, they will have time to leave Los Angeles...

And at this time, why Ning and Li Yunze must be created!

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