The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1641: I forgot my love for him alone

Chapter 1641

The feeling of Yining made Jin Shaoshi a little strange.

After she woke up, she seemed to be too plain to Li Yunze.

It's not resistance, it's like...Under normal circumstances, it feels like something is missing.

Is he thinking too much?

Jin Shaoshi tucked his eyebrows and looked at He Yining again. She looked the same, but she just woke up, not very mentally.

After everyone cared a lot, they didn't gather in the ward anymore, for fear that He Yining, who had just woke up, would not be able to rest well and cause physical load.

Xiao Jing called Gu Beichen, and the corner of his mouth smiled and said, "Young Master Chen, He Yining is awake, everything is fine..."

"Oh?!" Gu Beichen's eagle eye picked up a faint arc, and a shallow smile overflowed from his thin lips, "I know, I'll go over and take a look."

"Okay!" Xiao Jing hung up after answering.

"Uncle Chen, is your mother awake?!"

Observing Gu Beichen's expression one by one, or in other words, has been observing since the morning.

She didn't know why, but felt that her father didn't come to pick her up last night, and it was related to her mother's waking up.

At this moment, after seeing Gu Beichen answering the phone, there was a smile on her eyebrows. Because she was too eager, she had forgotten that Jian Mo didn't even know about this.

"What?" Jian Mo just came out of the kitchen with Aunt Luo's cut fruits, and heard one by one, "What is meant by'Mom's awake'?" She looked at Gu Beichen, "Mr. Gu, don't give it to me. Say, it's this time, Yining wakes up after sleeping, and I will call you to report!"

She felt that something was wrong yesterday, but she didn't think about bad things either.

It seems that Mr. Gu seemed to hide something from her...

Gu Beichen looked at Jian Mo, then took another look, thinking that He Yining was already awake anyway, and it didn't matter if Jian Mo knew.

He first nodded his head and motioned her to change clothes, "Go and change clothes, I will take you to the hospital."

"Yeah!" One by one nodded quickly, and went upstairs to change clothes.

Jian Mo didn't speak, just waiting for Gu Beichen to explain the situation.

"Because of his research to protect Big Brother Yunze, Yining drove and ran into him..." Gu Beichen said with a sigh, "It was the night when he was born."

Jian Mo raised her eyebrows, thinking of Xiao Jing's expression that morning and the situation that her family Gu had been busy all day and did not show up.

"I really trust you, you don't talk about such a big thing!" Jian Mo snorted coldly.

"That's not you in confinement, am I afraid you cry?" Gu Beichen stepped forward and gently put Jian Mo in his arms, "However, Yining has already woke up this morning, and Yunze has just checked everything. all good……"

Jian Mo was sad, but it wasn't what happened just now. He Yining woke up again, and he was not so sad.

"It's no wonder that I came back one by one. What kind of expatriate exchange is Yining..." Jian Mo muttered, "I'm very strange, but one by one is the same as the truth..." She pushed away Gu Beichen, Angrily curled his lips, "You guys are also embarrassed to keep me from knowing!"

Jian Mo felt distressed when she thought of her strong looks, but her nose was still sore.

"Don't cry!" Gu Beichen said somewhat domineeringly, "Every one is so strong, are you embarrassed to cry?" After a pause, he released the bait, "If you can control your emotions, I will take you to see Yining later. , Or you can only stay at home!"

When Jian Mo heard this, he lifted his foot in anger and kicked Mr. Gu's calf.

She has discovered that the personality of her family manager is becoming more and more broken!


"What's the matter, how do you feel Yining wakes up, you are not so happy?" Fang Xiran found that Jin Shaoshi looked thoughtful when he came out of the ward.

Jin Shaoshi glanced at Xiran below with a cold eye, and then said with a deep gaze, "I feel something is wrong with Yining."

"Huh?" Fang Xiran was stunned, and then hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Isn't everything checked? It depends on the status, it's pretty good..."

As she said, He Yining had been replayed in her mind, and she didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Jin Shaoshi frowned lightly, and his gaze passed over Li Jiyuan who was talking to Li Jinxi and Chen Xuan.

He didn't answer Fang Xiran, but just walked over, "Professor Li, there is something I want to consult..."

"Good!" Li Jiyuan never stopped smiling because He Yining woke up. He said to Li Jinxi and Chen Xuan, "A Qiao stewed medicated food last night, thinking that if Yining can wake up today, Drink... You two go back and get it."

"Okay, Dad!" Li Jinxi responded, and Jin Shaoshi nodded slightly, and left with Chen Xuan.

After watching them go, Li Jiyuan looked at Jin Shaoshi and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jin Shaoshi glanced forward, "Professor Li, let's go over there and talk."

"it is good!"

Li Jiyuan nodded, inexplicably because of Jin Shaoshi's mystery, some nervous instincts.

"Professor Li, I want to ask..." Jin Shaoshi asked, "Will a person lose only part of his memory, or just lose memory of something... I won't describe it specifically, just It's impossible. When I remember everything, I can only remember one thing?!"

Li Jiyuan didn’t know why Jin Shaoshi would ask this suddenly, but he didn’t think too much about the answer: “In this case, there are...” He paused before continuing, “When the patient remembers it, right Something wants to escape too much, or because something hurts too much, it may be selectively forgotten..."

Jin Shaoshi naturally heard of such a situation, but because he hadn't encountered it before, he wanted to get confirmation from Li Jiyuan.

"However, such a situation is relatively less likely than amnesia." Li Jiyuan looked at Jin Shaoshi and said, "After all, the brain's memory is the whole, and one thing is forgotten alone. In this case, unless That incident was too traumatic!"

Jin Shaoshi frowned slightly, wondering if He Yining would have this situation?

However, her attitude towards Li Yunze at that time was not as if she had forgotten Li Yunze, but remembered the appearance of everyone...

Besides, Li Yunze is so important in her life, how could he forget it?

But what was Li Yunze's gentleness towards her at that time, what was her subconscious resistance?

It can't be, Dudu has forgotten her love for Li Yunze, right? !

The question quickly passed through Jin Shaoshi's mind, because he couldn't prove anything now, so he could only think about it by himself and couldn't say it...

"What's the matter?" Seeing Jin Shaoshi's loss, Li Jiyuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

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