The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1645: Is the word love sweet or sour?

Chapter 1645 Is the word love sweet or sour?

"When Yining was in a coma, I had her blood tested every three days..." Li Yunze said, "It wasn't originally an injection, but there was a small amount of infection. During the coma, the drug addiction did not occur, but it passed. ."

"Yeah." Gu Beichen answered.

Drug addiction is no small matter.

Now He Yining woke up, the small-scale poisoning did not cause anything, and everyone was relieved.

"At present, looking at Yining's situation, it is estimated that his emotional illness is all right..." Li Yunze felt a little bit dumbfounded.

Yining's emotional illness basically comes from his love for him, his guilt for his elder brother, plus his coldness, and suppressed symptoms.

I don’t love anymore, naturally...there is no so-called emotional illness.

Gu Beichen watched Li Yunze's vision darken, "Yining has forgotten his love for you...what about Brother Yun Hao?"

After asking one sentence, everyone looked at each other.

Long Xiao frowned slightly invisible, and then calmly said: "If you forget it, it's best to forget..."

"My way is more difficult!" Li Yunze said the result.

If Yining really hadn't forgotten about the eldest brother's affairs, then it would be really difficult for her to accept him under the obstacle of her lack of love and this incident.

Lin Xiangnan rushed over when everyone was silent.

"No one told me that my second sister-in-law was awake..." Lin Xiangnan was dissatisfied, "If it weren't for my more eyeliners, I don't know now!"

The three of them looked at Lin Xiangnan's awake look, and looked at each other. Gu Beichen said: "We are separated, you probably play until the morning. It's rare to take a vacation, so no one will notify you." After a pause, He lightly glanced at Lin Xiangnan's dissatisfaction, and slowly said, "I'll be here anyway."

Lin Xiangnan sat down, took the kettle and poured himself a glass of water, and asked Li Yunze: "How is the second wife?"

"Except that I'm a bit miserable, for you, there is nothing wrong." Li Yunze said lightly.

In the past, they were all in the same circle, and Lin Xiangnan and He Yining were also very familiar.

After all, when He Yining was a child, he took Lin Xiangnan with him and did bad things.

Well, bad things are usually related to Li Yunze...

After all, why should he be someone who only cares about Li Yunze.

By the way, this person who only cares about Li Yunze, now, is the most concerned about Li Yunze!


Fang Xiran looked at Jin Shaoshi, she always seemed to have plenty of energy in front of him, obviously not in a good mood at the moment.

Jin Shaoshi stood in the vineyard with his hands in his trouser pockets, and the sun shone on him, unable to tell whether it was loneliness or what?

Tan Zhonglang is leading people to dig the soil. During the Chinese New Year, a number of new grape varieties will be introduced. Recently, he has been studying the pH of the soil in order to achieve the best soil for cultivating grape vines.

He occasionally looked at Jin Shaoshi and Fang Xiran and sighed secretly.

Xu has mispaid his feelings in this life, but hopes that the brothers who struggle together can get out of the vicious circle and pursue new feelings.

"Now why Yining has forgotten his love for Li Yunze..." Fang Xiran tried hard to control, as if he was afraid that he would become sharp because of something, "Are you planning to..."

She bit her lower lip and did not continue to ask.

Fang Xiran was suddenly afraid of her own question, more afraid, Jin Shaoshi answered.

Before Jin Shaoshi "give up", most of the reason is that in He Yining's heart, there is only one Li Yunze, and he can no longer tolerate other men.

However, this situation is gone now...

He Yining "don't love" Li Yunze, and even completely lost his enthusiasm for him.

Fang Xiran's nose is a bit astringent, and her tears don't belong to a soldier like her, but emotionally, she is just an emotional woman.

Jin Shaoshi did not speak, but his eyes gradually narrowed.

What Fang Xiran wanted to ask, he knew.

However, at this moment, his heart was confused, he didn't know how to answer Fang Xiran, and he didn't to answer himself.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Fang Xiran laughed self-deprecatingly. After turning his head back to force the tears that seemed to overflow, Fang Xiran retracted his gaze to look at Jin Shaoshi again, "I see..."

She lowered her eyes and forbeared it, slowly turned around with difficulty, went to the parking place, carried heavy and sad steps, and walked over.

She can be brave, but when a man insists on another woman and wants to destroy another person's marriage, her persistence becomes ridiculous!

Fang Xiran really laughed, but self-deprecatingly.

She didn't know if her footsteps were too heavy, she stopped suddenly, her eyes fell to the front, her eyes seemed to be stung by something all of a sudden, tears welled up in her eyes.

That piping hot feeling, how long has she not tried?

The last time I cried... was a few years ago when a comrade in arms died!

Unexpectedly, after so long, crying again, but because of love...

Fang Xiran's self-deprecation at the corners of her mouth grew bigger and bigger, she kept swallowing sadness with her mouth tight, but the sadness seemed to spread all over her body...

Fang Xiran took a deep breath and raised her foot again.

At the right time, Jin Shaoshi turned around and looked over, his eyes fell on Fang Xiran's back, with complex emotions in his eyes, which made him a little unclear.

He opened his lips and wanted to speak, but in the end, he held back.

Without exactly clarifying his unclear thoughts, he felt... if he gave Fang Xiran any hope now, it would be irresponsible.

After all, the current grief is a wound that can be compounded.

And after giving, the sorrow that pulled the eternal pain!

He didn't want to hurt this woman, at least, in the whole incident, she was always pure... pure, wanting to get him.

Fang Xiran drove the car and left the vineyard with a sharp speed...

When he got outside, Fang Xiran hung up Bluetooth and dialed Lin Xiangnan's phone.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiangnan's voice was lazy.

"Come and drink with me!" Fang Xiran said.

"Damn," Lin Xiangnan exploded immediately, "Fang Xiran, don't let me go in the army, I finally took a vacation, you won't let me go!"

"Then are you coming?" Fang Xiran's voice was firm.

Lin Xiangnan has a headache, "I don't want to come back and soak in wine every can't spare me?"

"Okay!" Fang Xiran snorted coldly, "Then don't expect to pick someone from me when you look back!"

With that said, she wanted to hang up...

"Hey hey, don't don't!" Lin Xiangnan immediately changed his face to please, "Sister, can't I call you sister?"

"Come or not?"

"Come on, say the ground, I'll be here!"

"Hejia Winery!"

"..." Lin Xiangnan twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Li Yunze, listened to the sound of the phone being hung up, and said bitterly, "Second brother, I am blocking the gun for you!"

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