The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1684: Lies, is it kind or deliberate?

Chapter 1684 Lies, is it kind or deliberate?

The toll collector smiled apologetically, "Because it is real-time pricing, I cannot check who has handled the pricing account here."

Zhang Nian frowned slightly, and did not embarrass the toll collector. He just nodded and expressed his gratitude, then turned and left.

Is it a senior? !

Zhang Nian frowned, thinking it was Qiao Jinnian, or... Could it be Jian Mo? !

After sulking his lips, Zhang Nian decided to ask Qiao Jinnian first, if he was not a senior, then it might be Jian Mo.

"Xiao Nian, have you finished signing it?" Qiao Jinnian passed by because of a temporary incident in the department just now. After finishing his work, he came to find Zhang Nian and met him halfway.

Zhang Nian nodded, "It's all signed." After a pause, she seemed to ask in a tangled manner, "Senior, that... is the cost..."

"Don't worry about expenses." Qiao Jinnian smiled comfortingly, "You are now to adjust yourself, and then bury your aunt."

Zhang Nian's lips lowered, "Senior, I have some money recently, I can pay..." She lowered her eyes, not daring to see Qiao Jinnian, but said, "You have helped me a lot, and I can't continue without reason. Let you help. How much can you figure out the money in the discount account?"

Because Zhang Nian lowered his eyes, and did not see Qiao Jinnian's expression of surprise and doubt for a moment.

When he clarified what was going on, he looked at Zhang Nian's sight and it became a little complicated.

Zhang Nian hesitated when he saw that Qiao Jinnian had not answered.

She knew that she was so clear now that it was a kind of harm to Qiao Jinnian.

However, there are some things, she can't hurt others even more because of her escape...

"Xiao Nian," Qiao Jinnian said after enduring, "We are a family, do you have to see me like this?!"

The ambiguity did not directly answer Zhang Nian's question, and it cleverly misunderstood her.

Qiao Jinnian roughly guessed who it was, but now he decided to deceive Zhang Nian. On the one hand, he didn’t want her to remain trapped in the whirlpool, and on the other hand, he would also look for opportunities to return the money to those who should be paid .

Zhang Nian felt a little nervous, and her unclear urgency made her feel uncomfortable.

She raised her eyes to look at Qiao Jinnian, slammed her mouth, and forbeared her, she still said: "Senior, the bill came back, I'll give you the money." When the words fell, she didn't say anything, and wanted to leave.

"Xiao Nian," Qiao Jinnian yelled in a slightly deep voice, "Are you going to keep me out?" He leaned to look at Zhang Nian who stopped walking, and looked at her slightly pale face. The eyes flashed across his eyes and said distressedly, "I just want to take care of you, and I don't want my aunt to be uneasy when I leave... Do you have to push me away?"

Then, it hit Zhang Nian's heart fiercely.

She closed her eyes painfully, thinking of her mother's hope and urgency before leaving, and still helplessly instructing her, her heart kept tugging.

"Xiao Nian, I don't ask you to accept me immediately, but can you not resist me?" Qiao Jinnian ridiculed himself somewhat sadly, "Although I know, it is not appropriate to say it now. But sometimes, there are some things that I don’t say. ...There is really no chance."

Zhang Nian's nose was sour. She bit her lower lip before saying, "Senior, I don't want to think about this now..."

"Then don't push me away, at least let me be by your side..." Qiao Jinnian's voice was low, "In this way, maybe when you want to think about it, I still have a chance."

Qiao Jinnian said so, and Zhang Nian didn't know how to refuse.

Sometimes, there are things... no one has powerlessness and greed.

For example, at this moment, Zhang Nian subconsciously needs a person's company... and Qiao Jinnian has become the most suitable candidate.

"I want to be alone." Zhang Nian felt contradictory and pulled the corner of her mouth with self-deprecation, "Thank you, senior."

Qiao Jinnian didn't stop Zhang Nian again. After watching her leave, his eyes deepened and went to the toll office.

"Who opened Yang Yi's pricing account?" Qiao Jinnian asked.

Because it was from this hospital, the person at the toll office happened to be quite familiar with Qiao Jinnian, so he checked it without saying anything.

"It's an account opened by Chu Zixiao."


"When did it start?" Although Qiao Jinnian guessed it, he was still surprised.

"In the morning..." the toll collector looked at the operating time and said, "around ten thirty."

Qiao Jinnian frowned slightly. That time was his time in the emergency room...

If Chu Zixiao had been there, even if Zhang Nian couldn't see who opened the discount account, he would think of Chu Zixiao first, right? !

After thinking about it, Qiao Jinnian felt a little uncomfortable. After leaving the toll office, he went to the monitoring room and adjusted the monitoring of the emergency room around ten o'clock.

When he saw that Zhang Nian hadn't seen Chu Zixiao from beginning to end, he was secretly in his heart.

Chu Zixiao, since you like to be the person behind so much, don't bother Xiao Nian again.

Xiao Nian had a hard time because of her inner entanglement with you... I will not tell her about your silent contribution.

People are selfish, right? !

At least, me and Xiao Nian, as long as she slowly forgets you, she will be happy.

But if Xiao Nian is with you, the affairs of uncles and aunts will always become a thorn in my heart and will never be happy...

Qiao Jinnian left the monitoring room. In the empty corridor, only his figure and footsteps reverberated slightly. The air filled the space, and the air became heavy and filled with a strange breath.


Chu Zixiao had just gone to court, and while turning on his mobile phone, he explained things to the assistant beside him.

There was a sound of information coming in, he saw Jian Mo, and opened it first...

When he finished reading it, his face suddenly changed, and he didn't even have time to explain, he had already left in a hurry.

"Chu Bian, that..." Before the assistant had finished speaking, Chu Zixiao's figure was gone.

Chu Zixiao got in the car, hung up the Bluetooth headset, first called Zhang Nian, but no one answered him, so he called Jian Mo again.

"The court is over?!" Jian Mo picked up and asked smoothly.

"Yeah." Chu Zixiao responded, and the car had already left the court. "What happened to Zhang Nian? How could it be so sudden?"

"Human life is sometimes very fragile." Jian Mo sighed, paused, and asked, "Zi Xiao, I'll just ask you, is there really no possibility between you and Zhang Nian?"

Chu Zixiao was silent, and finally stopped the car on the side of the road.

Jian Mo didn't hang up, but just waited.

"Momo, I hope it's possible..." Chu Zixiao's voice was filled with grief and helplessness.

"But," Jian Mo said for Chu Zixiao what he didn't say, "you know, it's impossible!"

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