The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1846: The childhood sweetheart who loves deeply

Chapter 1846 the love of childhood sweethearts

Xi Hongwen chatted with the director and learned about the situation.

"I've seen the Ge family daughter," the director put the tea in front of Xi Hongwen, "the ability is very good, and the family is also deliberately training, I am afraid it will not be a worry-free figure in the future."

Xi Hongwen smiled, that kind of smile was too calm, as if there was a little sneer.

The Ge family is indeed in a good position, but with him, it's not a big deal? !


Xi Hongwen took a cup of tea and took a sip, turning the cup slowly and said, "This sky in the city is really overwhelming." He tilted his head and looked out the window, "The sun was shining yesterday, but today is so gloomy. Yes, I'm afraid, it must rain."

The director raised his eyebrows with a chuckle, and did not answer, but he understood very well in his heart.

After all, every time you change the top position, this day, you have to change.

The sky doesn’t change, those who circulate around, always have to mix the water first...

In fact, sometimes, some things are not arranged in advance.

But these big people can always seize every opportunity to turn some small things into something profitable for them.


After Lin Xiangnan sent Ouyang Meng to join the other engineers, he confessed a few words with the people over there and wanted to leave.

"To the south..." Ouyang Meng buffered for a while, and ate a little more, obviously looking a little better.

Lin Xiangnan stopped, looked back at Ouyang Meng and said, "I have something to do with my army."

Ouyang Meng naturally understood what he meant by saying that he had no time to delay here.

"The little phone keeps not getting through, what's the matter?" Ouyang Meng pressed down and asked, "I have been unable to get through her phone for years ago."

Speaking of Su Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiangnan's eyes dimmed, and the position of his heart was even more heavy. "When did you talk to her last?"

"We don't talk on the phone very often. The last time was..." Ouyang Meng curled her eyebrows slightly and groaned, "It was in October last year."

Lin Xiangnan's heart suddenly tightened, and an uncontrollable sadness flashed across his eyes.

According to the information received, Xiaoxiao died at the end of October...

In other words, Xiaoxiao actually felt dangerous, so he called the twin sisters in advance.

That's a little thought...

And in this thought, there is no Lin Xiangnan!

A touch of self-deprecation flashed across his eyes, and Lin Xiangnan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suppressed all his emotions.

"I came to China for the first time, and there are no people I know here," Ouyang Meng hesitated before continuing, "I have something to do in the future, can I find you?"

Lin Xiangnan looked at Ouyang Meng, she was a little twin sister, and she was also a little missed.

Xiao Xiao is gone, and it seems as if it is right to take care of her.

"Good!" Lin Xiangnan said lightly.

"Then give me the phone number," Ouyang Meng said with uncontrollable happily overflowing her eyes, "wait for the phone card to be sent to me and tell you the number here."

"Yeah." Lin Xiangnan replied, dialed Ouyang Meng's foreign number and asked her to keep it before leaving.

Outside, seeing Lin Xiangnan coming out, Li Hao hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door.

"Captain, do you want to change the dressing first?" Li Hao asked after last time.

At that time, the captain hugged Ouyang Meng and got on the car. Although there was no problem with his posture, he knew that the captain's wound was open.

"Go back to the army first." Lin Xiangnan spoke lightly, and his eyes passed Ouyang Meng, who was standing by the window and waving his hand, and the uncontrollable sadness filled his eyes again.

Xiaoxiao joined such a place with him on his back. Was it because he was afraid that he was worried, or... really didn't love? !

Che, in Lin Xiangnan's thoughts, entered the special forces brigade.

Just after Lin Xiangnan got out of the car, his cell phone rang.


"Chief, heard from our people that Xi Hongwen took a few girls to the police station in Yanyang District." Someone reported on the phone.

"What's the situation?" Lin Xiangnan asked, walking to the infirmary.

"The people who followed said that they went to Nanda Yard, and then picked up three girls when they were old..."

"Shen Da?!" Lin Xiangnan questioned, suddenly stopped.

Xi Hongwen likes to play, but he still has a sense of measure.

College students, he doesn't know how to play, at least in this extraordinary period!

Who else do you know in Jinda?

Mainly, the current situation, who can arouse his interest...

"Check who is it with, and for what!" Lin Xiangnan's voice was a little heavy, "The fastest speed!"


Lin Xiangnan hung up the phone, a touch of frost shrouded his stern face, and at the same time he narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes filled with darkness.


After thinking about it for a while, Ye Ziyu didn't call Lin Xiangnan after all.

Xi Hongwen just came out of the director's office, took a look at the three girls, and walked over, "It's almost noon, have dinner together?"

At this moment, the three girls are not in the mood to eat. Ye Ziyu grabbed her hands. Just when she wanted to speak, she heard Xi Hongwen say, "If you have something, you have to eat first."

The implication is, don't eat, don't mention anything.

"Okay, eat!" Ye Ziyu gritted his teeth.

She can't delay Lan Lan because she doesn't like Xi Hongwen and can't ask Lin Xiangnan for help.

That's a lifetime...

"Let's go!" After Xi Hongwen finished speaking, he had already taken the lead to walk out.

It was the car seat when I came, and the radio was broadcasting news. It was mentioned that the inexplicable fire in the Haoyun villa area last night, but did not say why, but mentioned that when the firefighters arrived, the villa area that was already incomplete was burnt down. serious.

Regarding the action last night, the explosion was not mentioned in the news... and this statement is just an explanation to the people.

A sneer crossed the corner of Xi Hongwen's mouth, his eyes deepened.

The car stopped at a Chinese restaurant, Xi Hongwen asked for a box, and the group of five people ordered some dishes and began to "talk".

However, Xi Hongwen always diverts the subject and prevents Ye Ziyu and others from talking about Song Lanlan.

"Where do you want to be transferred?" Wang Xiaoqin heard that Xi Hongwen was also about to go to Lin Xiangnan, and there was a light of worship in his eyes.

After all, even civilians like them know that that place is very powerful.

"Xi Shao," Wang Xiaoqin suddenly rolled his eyes, "that... does Lin Xiangnan have a girlfriend?"

Zhou Moran frowned and pulled Wang Xiaoqin's clothes.

Ye Ziyu suddenly ‘punk’ in his heart, and looked at Xi Hongwen with warning in his eyes.

"He..." Xi Hongwen paused deliberately, looked at Ye Ziyu with a smile, and said slowly and meaningfully, "I don't know now, there was a woman in the past. It is said that the childhood sweetheart who loved very deeply, back then I didn't serve as a soldier because of the woman, and later came back to the army because of the woman!"

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