Lin Xiangnan raised his hand, rubbed Ye Ziyu's head fondly, rubbed her forehead with the thumb of her thumb, and said, "Well, my little fish is someone who understands."

"That is!" Ye Ziyu raised her eyebrows happily when Lin Xiangnan praised her.

Seeing Ye Ziyu doing this, Lin Xiangnan also laughed, "Get out of the car!"

Ye Ziyu didn't move.

Lin Xiangnan stared at her, and asked in an evil voice: "Why, do you want to go back with me to see the parents first, and taste the meal cooked by the future mother-in-law?"

"No..." Ye Ziyu pouted, but she still didn't move, just staring at Lin Xiangnan with a pair of eyes.

Lin Xiangnan watched Ye Ziyu like this, a smile flashed across his eyes, his big palm supported her head and he was attached to her, after torn her lips a few times, he kissed her fiercely...

In the courtyard of the small villa, Ye Peiyao just came out of the house...

She stood at an angle and could see the car parked outside the courtyard, but she could not be seen outside.

Originally, she didn't pay attention, but in a blink of an eye, she vaguely saw the movements of the two people in the car as if they were very close. With curiosity and instinct, she looked carefully...

Looking through the windshield, she couldn't see who was inside because of the light problem.

How do you feel like Ye Ziyu? !

Ye Peiyao frowned slightly, her eyes fell on the man...

Who is this man?

Suspiciously, Lin Xiangnan and Ziziyu were confused because of the hot kiss, and the two reluctantly separated... In due course, Ye Peiyao's eyes widened!

Lin Xiangnan? !

"Go in!" Lin Xiangnan's voice was dull.

"Yeah." Ye Ziyu responded softly, and got out of the car reluctantly.

Just after pushing open the hollow iron gate into the yard, Ye Peiyao's eyes flashed at her.

Ye Ziyu frowned slightly.

Ye Peiyao looked at Ye Ziyu's slightly swollen lips because of being kissed, and said coldly, "Shameless!"

Although Ye Peiyao didn't live in this house, she knew that Ye Peiyao could see the door from where she stood. "What's the face?" Zi Ziyu slammed her eyelashes innocently, "What you don't want, why do you ask me to ask for it?" She smiled softly, as if she was chatting with her sister instead of being stunned. , How normal is it for me to kiss my boyfriend in my normal relationship? Than those who dig walls

I'm too pure to go to bed! "

"Ye Ziyu!" Ye Peiyao immediately became angry, "There is a kind of you say it again!"

"What are you angry about?" Ye Ziyu stepped forward, and when Ye Peiyao was too late to react, she gave her a big hug, and said with a sincere smile: "Sister, tomorrow is your wedding, please keep smiling today... because , Those who love to laugh will get happiness!"

"Don't be pretentious." Ye Peiyao snorted and pulled Ye Ziyu away.

Hearing an exclamation of "Ah", Ye Ziyu's ankle fell and she suddenly fell aside...

Suddenly, someone pushed open the glass door, strode forward and caught Ye Ziyu.

Ye Ziyu's face was a little pale because of the situation just now. She tilted her head to look at Ye Quande who was holding her, secretly swallowed, then tugged at the corners of her mouth and said, "Dad, fortunately you pulled me... Be careful of falling down, it's too ugly... Hey, even though it's in my own home."

Ye Quande's face was a bit heavy, he glanced at Ye Peiyao, clearly angered in his eyes, but he suppressed it.

He saw clearly just now that Tzuyu came back to see Yaoyao and stepped forward to hug her and bless her, but Yaoyao pulled her away in disgust, almost causing Tzuyu to fall.

"Dad, I'm okay..." Ye Ziyu smiled and tried to stand still, but only when her feet touched the bottom, she made an uncontrollable sizzle.

"Did you have a bad foot?" Ye Quande asked concerned.

Ye Ziyu curled her eyebrows and looked at her left ankle, "It seems..."

"Can you go?" Ye Quande asked, "Go in and let me see, do you want to spray some."

"Yeah, good!" Ye Ziyu nodded, and with the help of Ye Quande, he jumped into the house, and didn't forget to say, "Sister, the sun is quite strong now, you come in quickly. The face will not be beautiful tomorrow."

"..." Ye Peiyao said nothing since Ye Quande came out.

Is this person still Ye Ziyu?

Although she wouldn't let her be pinched before, when did she start to be so scheming? !

Ye Peiyao didn't react for a while, but just stood there until a servant came and told her to go in and drink soup.

"I don't know if the swelling can be reduced tomorrow..." Ye Peiyao's voice came when Ye Peiyao entered the living room, "Sister will let me be her bridesmaid tomorrow!"

Ye Quande twisted his eyebrows. He couldn't manage the things that his daughter and wife didn't like Tzuyu.

To make Tzuyu a bridesmaid tomorrow, Yaoyao obviously wants to make Tzuyu uncomfortable...

"I really don't dare to bother you," Ye Peiyao said coldly, "If tomorrow suddenly falls and makes others think that our sisters are at odds, you are still thinking about your brother-in-law and deliberately falling to frame me... how unpleasant?"

Ye Ziyu slammed her mouth, looking at Ye Peiyao with anger, but she didn't say anything.

She was so forbearing in Ye Quande's eyes. He was distressed and angry. He glanced at Ye Peiyao with a warning in his eyes.

Ye Peiyao glanced across Ye Ziyu's innocent face, and for a moment, she seemed to see the sneer in her eyes.

Coupled with her father's attitude, Ye Peiyao just wanted to have an attack, but Luo Suya called out.

"Yaoyao, come and drink soup..." Luo Suya seemed to ignore what had just happened, "After drinking, the person who came to do your skin care is almost here...Where is so much free time?"

Ye Peiyao squeezed her hand slightly, then turned to the dining table in response.

"Sister, don't you need me to be your bridesmaid tomorrow?" Ye Ziyu asked unwillingly.

Ye Peiyao clenched her hand tighter. If she hadn't come into contact with Luo Xiya's sight, she would have turned around and scolded Ye Ziyu.

However, she endured it. Turning around, smiling, with a cold smirk in her voice, "No, Tang Lu and the others have formed a bridesmaid group. If you hurt your foot, you won't participate." After a slight pause, a vicious trace of her eyes passed, "However, There is one more person on the best man team. Luo Yan said that it is the one from the Lin family...Look

Come, only one can be removed from the others. "

"Oh..." Ye Ziyu's voice was calm, without any waves.

Seeing her doing this, Ye Peiyao twisted her eyebrows, then sneered coldly: Ye Ziyu, pretend to be calm? Oh, I just watched you pretend!

Ye Ziyu really didn't pretend to be calm, how could Lin Xiangnan be the best man for Tang Luoyan?

Not before, now she is in the middle, let alone!

She is not a fool.

At that time she just played a trick, but she didn't expect her father to see it.

She was just for the fall behind that, so that Ye Peiyao had a chance to make her a bridesmaid. With the goal achieved, Ye Ziyu was in a very good mood.

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