The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1865: I found a little suicide note

Because of what Xi Hong meant, Ye Ziyu's body was a bit stiff, subconsciously, his eyes flashed to Lin Xiangnan in a flustered manner.

Lin Xiangnan looked at Xi Hongwen, but said lightly, "If you don't take her, it's not appropriate."

"It's okay if you are happy." After Xi Hongwen finished speaking, he glanced deeply at Ye Ziyu, then turned around and returned to the chess room.

Some things have to penetrate slowly, that's interesting...

Ye Ziyu, Lin Xiangnan's goal of approaching you was not simple at first. Now that you are surrounded by enemies, can you really stay that way?

When Xi Hongwen opened the door, there was a smile in his eyes.

He hoped that Ye Ziyu would be firm, so... it was interesting.

Lin Xiangnan took Ziziyu and left the hotel. Li Hao didn't know when he came over and was chatting with Zhao Lin.

Seeing Lin Xiangnan coming, and Zhao Lin nodded slightly, and opened the rear door.

"Go to the First People's Hospital." Lin Xiangnan said after getting in the car.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then responded and started the car.

Zhao Lin was still standing next to Xi Hongwen's car. In his direction, he could see Ye Ziyu sitting by the car door here.

Once some things are decided, a lot of things need to be discarded... From the beginning, he knew.

However, it turns out that when you give up, the heart will hurt and the blood will flow back, stinging nerves, and at the same time pretending that it doesn't matter.

"What did you talk about from Zhao Lin?" Lin Xiangnan suddenly spoke lightly.

Li Hao glanced at Lin Xiangnan from the rearview mirror before he said, "Calm, grand, deep-minded."

"The evaluation is quite high..." Lin Xiangnan smiled.

Li Hao grinned, "Captain, this person can go to the battalion commander Xi, aren't these three essential elements?"

Before the captain wanted to check Zhao Lin, in the end even the eighteenth generation of the ancestors were turned over. There was nothing surprising about it... his wealth was very innocent.

However, as a guard, innocence is a necessary element. ,

But the captain felt that this person was hiding deep...very deep!

"Then what are the factors for you to stay by my side?" Lin Xiangnan asked casually, as if he was interested.

Ye Ziyu was also quite curious. She felt that Zhao Lin would sometimes make people ignore his existence, but on the contrary, he wouldn't really have no sense of existence.

And Li Hao... On the surface, it seems nothing surprising, maybe by Xiang Nan, he shouldn't be an ordinary person!

"Me?" Li Hao asked questions first, then grinned and said, "The biggest factor for me to stay by the captain's side is... the captain has a brick, and where do I need to move it!"

With a ‘pouch’, Ye Ziyu laughed immediately.

"Look, there's one more...make my sister-in-law happy!" Li Hao's voice was relaxed.

"I think you stay by my side, the greatest ability is to flatter!" Lin Xiangnan said coldly, but looked at the smile on Ye Ziyu's face, his eyes deepened.

Before he came out of the chess and card room and saw that she didn't know what she was staring at the juice in her hand, it seemed a bit depressed.

In addition to what Xi Hongwen said deliberately, he knew that Xiao Yu'er felt a little uncomfortable...

Seeing her smile now, Lin Xiangnan couldn't help but twitched.

His little girl is suitable for smiling, and shouldn't be busy all day long.

"Captain, did I get the flattery?" Li Hao looked at Lin Xiangnan from the rearview mirror, and when his eyes moved slightly, he passed Ye Ziyu.

Lin Xiangnan didn't answer, but tapped his fingers lightly on the overlapping legs, and the emotions in his eyes were deeply incomprehensible.

Along the way, Li Hao was there, and the atmosphere in the car was not idle.

Ye Ziyu didn't ask Lin Xiangnan who he was going to see, anyway, he would see people later... It's just that it was deceptive to say that he didn't care about Qiao Chen and Xi Hongwen's intentional words at all.

What Lin Xiangnan didn't expect at the moment was that there were some things he could do, but there were some things that he couldn't calculate.

For example, the photo that Ye Ziyu saw from Ye Peiyao's circle of friends.

And Ye Ziyu did not expect that the heroine in the photo would be the one who came to see now...

"Why are you so careless?" Lin Xiangnan looked at Ouyang Meng, twisting his eyebrows slightly.

When he first came in, he first asked the doctor. Fortunately, the collision was not serious, there was a slight concussion, and his body was only scratched... It was a serious ankle sprain, and I was afraid that he could not walk on the ground for a few days.

Ouyang Meng didn't seem to see Ye Ziyu, she just endured crying, looking at Lin Xiangnan with red eyes.

Lin Xiangnan twisted his eyebrows and looked at Ouyang Meng like this, not knowing how complicated he was at the moment.

Su Xiaoxiao was very afraid of pain, and occasionally fell down or something, he would tell her to be careless, and she would look like Ouyang Meng at the moment.

Perhaps, the two are twin sisters, so not only the appearance, but even the expressions are exactly the same...

Xiaoxiao was so afraid of pain. When he died, did he endure a lot of pain before...

Lin Xiangnan didn't dare to think further, the more he thought, the more painful his heart would become.

"I'm just thinking about things..." Ouyang Mengli sucked her nose, "Xiangnan," she shouted, and suddenly raised her hand and grabbed Lin Xiangnan's hand. She lowered her eyes slightly and said in a choked voice, "I It hurts, heartache!"

Lin Xiangnan frowned, "Is my heart uncomfortable?" He said quietly, "I will ask the doctor to come over and check it for you."

"No," Ouyang Meng raised her eyes, her eyes flickering, "It's Xiaoxiao..."

Listening to Ouyang Meng mentioning Su Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiangnan only felt that there was a bang in his head. It was an involuntary emotion, and he couldn't even think and restrain.

Lin Xiangnan didn't speak, but looked at the same face as Su Xiaoxiao with scorching eyes.

Ouyang Meng looked at Lin Xiangnan pitifully, and held him tightly with his hand.

Ye Ziyu was still standing near the door, watching the two of them look so ignorant, the corners of their mouths squashed tightly.

In Ye Peiyao's photo, Xiang Nan hugged the girl and looked at her gently, making her jealous, just like this if, wishing to give her the feeling of the whole world.

Ye Ziyu told herself that this girl was injured at this moment, so she would want to seek solace. This is human nature and instinct... But why, when she saw that Lin Xiangnan hadn’t freed the girl’s hand, she would feel jealous and want to go Torn apart?

Ye Ziyu, you are wrong!

How could Lin Xiangnan get away now? After all, the girl was injured and still crying.

"I'll pour you a glass of water." Lin Xiangnan said with a slight convergence.

"I'm coming..." Ye Ziyu said subconsciously, and wanted to pour water.

But the kettle was empty. She didn't dare to look over the hospital bed, leaving a sentence "I'll get some boiling water", and hurriedly left the ward.

Lin Xiangnan frowned slightly when he looked at Ye Ziyu, and subconsciously wanted to break away from Ouyang Meng and chase after...

However, Ouyang Meng suddenly tightened her hand, pulling him tightly.

"Xiao Meng..." Lin Xiangnan curled his eyebrows and pulled his hands vigorously. "Fang Nan, I found a suicide note in my small apartment..."

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