Li Hao raised his eyebrows, not at all surprised that Zhao Lin dropped the words back.

Neither of them answered each other's questions, and started chatting again.

"By the way, when will Chief Xi come over?" Li Hao asked, "I heard that the transfer order has been placed!"

"I don't know," Zhao Lin said indifferently, "the time that should pass will pass naturally."

Li Hao discovered that Zhao Lin was really deep.

The answer to the question is even more complicated. No matter what method he uses, no matter whether the question is sensitive or not, he will not answer you in a real way.

Whether he is careful, or his xinxing...If he is not by nature, he is deliberately trying to attract his attention.

In fact, between Xi Hongwen and the captain, there is no need to deliberately cause each other, and everyone will pay attention to each other.

So, what is Zhao Lin's purpose?

Zhao Lin took a mouthful of smoke, and a ray of light flashed through his slightly drooping eyes.

The other party is bright, he is dark.

Li Hao appears to be Lin Xiangnan's guard, but is it really just a guard... who knows?

After all, the Shitiangan people around Lin Xiangnan are said to be... there are two or three of them, and Shitiangan does not know who owns whom? !

It was already early in the morning when Lin Xiangnan and Ye Ziyu left the club.

Everyone also dispersed one after another. The people at the agency are okay. They can sleep tomorrow and Sunday.

But like Lin Xiangnan, there is no weekend. It is possible that he will go on a mission in the next second. Drinking so much alcohol is actually a violation of discipline.

But for some disciplines that were not in the way, Lin Xiangnan was originally not abiding, and he was completely happy.

This time, Li Hao didn't ask where to go, and the car drove directly to Xiguang's apartment.

At this point, Ye Ziyu’s school dormitory can’t go back anyway...

"Captain, I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Lin Xiangnan responded indifferently, and got out of the car.

Ye Ziyu got out of the car silently, glanced at the man walking towards the elevator, and followed silently... until he entered the house.

"You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the sofa!" Lin Xiangnan said in a dark voice after entering the room.

"Yeah." Ye Ziyu replied, because he has been living for one night, so he is familiar with it. "Yie Ziyu..." Lin Xiangnan spoke when Zi Ziyu just arrived at the bedroom door. Seeing her stopped, he curled his eyebrows, regretting himself and calling her, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say. Exit, "It's okay, go to bed early, tomorrow I will return to the army early, you wake up

I'll go back to school after eating something for myself. "

As he said, he rubbed his slightly swollen eyebrows, turned around and took a bottle of ice water.

Ye Ziyu didn't move. Lin Xiangnan drank the water and put it down. When she saw her standing still and frowned slightly, she suddenly ran over...

Just when Lin Xiangnan could not react, or rather, did not react at all, she already grabbed his clothes and stood on her toes, and kissed his alcohol-filled lips.

Originally suppressed emotions, at this moment, Lin Xiangnan suddenly lost his mind because of Ye Ziyu's actions, turned around, and pushed her against the wall, the wind blowing deepened the kiss.

Under the ambiguity, the alcohol rushed straight to the forehead...

The hand, even more so, did not know when it was soft.

The two seemed to vent something, even if they were about to breathe, they didn't let go of each other.

The kiss was so deep, and there was a trace of despair...

But even so, at the last moment, Lin Xiangnan sensibly did not continue.

His eyes seemed to be blood-filled and dull, as if he was going to sweep everything under the night, making people feel irritable and restless, and it seemed as if they were in the abyss.

Ye Ziyu's face blushed fiercely, and her heartbeat seemed to break through her chest... But even so, she looked at Lin Xiangnan without evading.

Lin Xiangnan didn't look at her, but was very serious, and pulled her clothes up very seriously... as if he was doing a very meticulous thing with no distractions.

"I know," Ye Ziyu's eye sockets turned red, and a thin layer of mist filled her eyes. "Lin Xiangnan, you just wanted to tell me...say..." She bit her lower lip. After holding back the choking, he continued, "Want to break up with me, right?"

Lin Xiangnan's hand holding Ye Ziyu's clothes slightly stagnated, but it was only for an instant that he continued to move seriously.

Tears overflowed from Ye Ziyu's eyes, but she still looked at Lin Xiangnan unblinkingly.

Lin Xiangnan moved his temples lightly because of tolerance.

"I won't break up with you," Ye Ziyu said through gritted teeth, "No!"

She opened Lin Xiangnan's hand, took a deep look at him, turned around and walked towards the bedroom with a stride...

"Xiao Yu'er, you will regret it." Lin Xiangnan raised his gaze, with unresolved sadness falling in front of him, but in his tone, he said calmly, "A person like me will eventually hurt you. "

"I deserve to be hurt!" Ye Ziyu froze, and tears kept falling. "Lin Xiangnan, whether you think I am stupid, you think I am obsessed... I don't agree to break up with you!"

The pain in Lin Xiangnan's eyes was getting worse and worse. He clenched his hand slightly and said cruelly: "Even if... I have a girl in my heart who can never let go of?"

Ye Ziyu turned around abruptly. At the right time, Lin Xiangnan tilted his head to look...

The eyes of the two met, the same pain.

However, at this moment, the pain in Lin Xiangnan's eyes fell on Ye Ziyu's eyes. It was an obsession with Su Xiaoxiao and had nothing to do with her.

Tears were squeezed out of the eyes.

Ye Ziyu knew that she should be a little proud now, but she couldn't help it.

Different from facing Tang Luoyan, she was still determined to feel heartache.

But for Lin Xiangnan, she was not willing to...

It turns out that the length of time has nothing to do with the amount of heart delivered.

To Tang Luoyan, she just thought ignorantly.

However, He Lin Xiangnan, that is the infatuation and self-fall that pile up every second.

"If... If I say, I can try not to mind?" Ye Ziyu asked, crying, feeling a little bit mean at the moment.

Lin Xiangnan's heart began to contract, which was even more painful than his usual task after injury.

He loved Xiaoxiao before, and was responsible for the death of Xiaoxiao.

However, he loves Ye Ziyu now...

At this point, he clearly distinguished.

Because of love, he can no longer let himself go on like this, let alone Ye Ziyu be addicted to him.

If it is destined to hurt, then all he can do is to minimize the damage now... even if she hates him!

She can let go of Tang Luoyan's feelings for so long, she can let go of the feelings between her and him for only a month...

A peaceful life is what she should have.

Lin Xiangnan's temples were tight, and his voice said indifferently, "But, I mind." When the words fell, he even withdrew his gaze indifferently, turned around without hesitation, opened the door, and left. At the moment the door closed, he heard Ziziyu's uncontrollable cry in the house...

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