The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1876: Is it heaven or purgatory?

Jian Mo was stunned, and then his body froze slightly.

However, in an instant, she relaxed her body, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and hugged Shi Shaoqin...

Some people may not be able to walk into the deepest part of their hearts for a lifetime.

But some people, obviously should hate, but people can't hate...

After receiving Jian Mo's feedback, Shi Shaoqin's eyes were filled with strange emotions.

At this moment, he greedily wanted to hug her severely, but he was afraid... let go of her.

"I thought you wouldn't come to see me." Shi Shaoqin spoke faintly. It was so beautiful that it was easy to be in the noon sun, and the beauty was even more eye-catching than the squiggly lake.

"I had a dream, that you came to see me, so...I came." Jian Mo said with a light smile.

Shi Shaoqin met Jian Mo's gaze and did not move for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, the two stood like this, looking at each other...without affection, but they seemed more affectionate.

It was a very strange feeling, just like between Shi Shaoqin and Gu Beichen, or between Shi Shaoqin and Jian Mo.

There are obviously many grievances between them, but at this moment, no one wants to mention it.

"Come in!" Shi Shaoqin said, his eyes fell on the little princess who was rubbing her eyes with her small fist.

Jian Mo looked at Shi Shaoqin's softened eyes, and then at the little princess's pretty cute look, the corners of her mouth also smiled.

Once she woke up after the car accident, she seemed to have gradually passed away.

And Shi Shaoqin is no longer the one who made Achen fear and disgust when mentioned...

Jian Mo looked at Shi Shaoqin holding the soft little princess, and looked like he was more proficient than Gu Beichen, who was holding a baby for the first time? !

"You are proficient in your movements. It looks like you have taken a child before Mr. Gu." Jian Mo laughed and teased.

Shi Shaoqin was taken aback for a moment, and there was a hint of pride on the beautiful face.

When Jian Mo saw it, she also secretly complained "childish" in her heart!

She has found out. Now that Mr. Gu and Shi Shaoqin are facing each other, they are not the majestic outsiders at all, or two naive ghosts.

"Let the kitchen make some things you love to eat, and stay here to eat at noon..." Shi Shaoqin said, "I want to build a leisure area next to the villa. You can wait and see. You can still design it, eh?"

Jian Mo remembered the scene when he designed this place, and said jokingly: "Isn't there any purpose?"

Shi Shaoqin's eyes deepened slightly, "What if I say yes?"

"Then I can only help you design without knowing it!" Jian Mo laughed.

The two suddenly smiled at each other.

Star is in the lounge, and he can see the window of the living room.

This piece of glass, Shi Shaoqin, has been processed by people. It looks like a piece of "glass" from the outside. You can even see the "picture" inside, but you can't see Star, but Star can clearly see the outside scene.

Star looked at the little princess who was holding Shi Shaoqin in his hands, his mouth was pouted, and he took the walkie-talkie to the side and said, "Stone, I want to see my sister."

Star's voice came from the miniature microphone in Shi Shaoqin's ears. There was no change in his expression on his face, he was just chatting with Jian Mo.

Suddenly, Jian Mo's cell phone rang.

It was from the company, but it sounded, intermittently, and I didn't hear clearly.

"Is there a bad signal inside the house?" Shi Shaoqin slightly curled his eyebrows, "Go outside and try..." Then he got up, put the little princess on the crib, and ordered someone to look after him, and went outside with Jian Mo.

As soon as he left the door, he turned his head and glanced at the lounge.

Star's eyes lit up, and after Shi Shaoqin and Jian Mo went out, they rushed out and went to the small bed.

The little princess was only cleverly kicking her calves on the bed. When she saw Star, she lost her big eyes and suddenly grinned.

Star was very happy. He took his cot and kissed his sister, and shook her sister's hand again...

The group of people waiting in the house had only one idea at the moment. In order to allow Star and the little princess to interact for a while, Qin Shao’s shot was a multi-billion dollar investment project in Los Angeles, where both architectural design and interior design were handed over. To Xiangyu.

And this call right now was from Xiangyu.

Because the other party asked Jian Mo to be the master of the design, he asked to talk in person and say some requirements.

Of course, the signal inside the house is not good, it is also because of the micro jammer.

After the meal, the little princess also went to sleep.

When Shi Shaoqin and Jian Mo were choosing the location and design direction of the leisure area outside, Star was sleeping with his sister.

Well, my sister is sleeping, he is watching with his arm.

The afternoon sun gradually shifted to the west.

Gu Beichen finished a meeting and looked at the time. It turned out that it was already past four in the afternoon.

He twisted his eyebrows and glanced at the phone. There was no Jian Mo's call or message.

Mr. Gu immediately dialed over with a calm face, "Mom told Yan Yan to go back to dinner at night."

Jian Mo glanced at Shi Shaoqin who carefully put Yan Yan into the baby basket, smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Oh? No excuse?"

Gu Beichen snorted and said nothing.

"I'm going to go now..." Jian Mo said with a smile, then hung up the phone and said to Shi Shaoqin who got up, "Don't you stay for two more days?"

"There is something else, I will leave tomorrow morning." Shi Shaoqin said.

"Yeah." Jian Mo thought for a while, then said, "A safe journey!"

Shi Shaoqin's lips overflowed with a faint smile, without saying anything, watching Jian Mo get into the car...

Jian Mo started the car and left. Subconsciously, she glanced at the place of the Moon Lake Villa, her eyes moved slightly, as if she saw a small figure shaking under the window.

Jian Mo smiled and shook his head, started the car and left without thinking.

After Jian Mo's car drove away, Star walked over to meet Shi Shaoqin, clutching his fingers with his little hand, and asked a little greedily: "Stone, shall we see aunt and sister next time?"

"Not sure." Shi Shaoqin looked down at Star, feeling a little conflicted.

He wanted to keep Star by his side, but he felt owed to him again.

People are greedy, so is he!

He was reluctant to let Star leave his side... But until later, when Star was about to eat dumplings and he couldn't control his emotions, he knew at that moment that no matter how much petting under greed, he was afraid of hurting.

He must send Star away...

"Shall we go to meet Carney tomorrow?" Star smiled because of seeing his aunt and sister.


"Is Fei Luo City fun?" Star asked again.

Shi Shaoqin's gaze fell in front, and said quietly, "Okay... it depends on who it is!"

For Zhan Xiaoyun, Fei Luo City is heaven, but it is also his purgatory.

At this moment, Zhan Xiaoyun was in a **** atmosphere, the air was filled with the smell of blood, but he could no longer excite him...some, it was just cold blood.

He watched the things that were still beating slightly being put into the special box, the light in his eyes became colder.

At the right time, someone came over... "Master Zhan, Qin Luoxin and Ye Ziyu compare the DNA of Mrs. Ming, and the result will be available in five minutes!"

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