The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1907: Can you give me a kiss?

Feng Yexiao's people did not give Lin Xiangnan too much time to think about...

A new round of attacks begins again!

This time, it was tougher than any other time. It can be said that it was a totally unrestrained fight.

Lin Xiangnan continued to retreat while protecting Ye Ziyu...

The gun in his hand has no bullets, and there are three more in the dagger gun on his body!

It was precisely because of these three unknown bullets that while Lin Xiangnan bought some time for himself and Ye Ziyu, he subdued the three people and got their weapons.

It's just a pity that Feng Yexiao seemed to have considered that Lin Xiangnan might subdue their people. Therefore, when everyone was bullying him, there were almost no bullets left.

Three people, he only got five bullets.

As the night got deeper, the air became more and more condensed, as if it was about to squeeze out people's hearts at any time.

Ye Ziyu's body was already numb from the pain, so that the feeling of wetness dispersed, and she seemed to lose consciousness.

Lin Xiangnan's expression tightened, his big palm firmly holding Ye Ziyu's small hand, his eyes sharply surveyed the nearby terrain, and he ruled out danger.

He did not send any signal for help.

People who work for ten days have a consensus. No matter what the situation, as long as he sends the signal, no matter what the situation, he will come to support...

Only he has this right.

Those people agreed to join for whatever purpose.

But since he joined, he is responsible for them.

They are his last backing, and even the last knife behind all those who are interested...

The knife should be used in a powerful place, not to save him and her at this moment!

Lin Xiangnan took Ye Ziyu to a place where it could be offensive and defensive. The most important thing was that it might not be easy for the opponent to find this place for a while.

He suddenly thanked his Xiaoyuer, under such circumstances, he could still be so strong.

While thinking about it, Lin Xiangnan sighed inwardly and said, "I should be able to avoid it for a while now. I think there are a few herbs at the entrance of the cave that can be used. I will deal with it briefly for you first..."

He said that he withdrew his gaze and looked at the quiet, biting Ye Ziyu, whose gaze happened to fall on her left shoulder and arm. His eyes widened suddenly, and he could hardly suppress the anger in his body and asked: " Ye Ziyu, when were you shot?!"

I saw that Ye Ziyu's shoulders and arms were smudged with blood. The most important thing was that there was a hole in her clothes.

Lin Xiangnan was able to judge almost instantly that this bullet passed through a tree trunk or some obstruction and then rotated into Ye Ziyu's body.

In other words, when the bullet with less resistance entered Ye Ziyu's body, the bullet stayed inside!

Ye Ziyu was already numb with pain, but she didn't dare to grunt from beginning to end.

One was afraid of distracting Lin Xiangnan, and the other, she suddenly thought, if life is short, only gorgeous can make fireworks that illuminate the stars...

Isn't she, even if her life is gone at this moment, she has no regrets?

The answer is yes.

Ye Ziyu tugged at the corner of his mouth, looking at Lin Xiangnan's rapidly changing expression, his heart was filled with happiness.

"Xiangnan, I'm fine...really!" Ye Ziyu's voice was soft, she rubbed Lin Xiangnan lightly with her forehead, her eyes fell on his left hand that was bitten by her, "I'm just a little tired."

Lin Xiangnan closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly.


At this moment, he must be calmer than ever!

However, looking at Ziziyu's flowers that seemed to be dilapidated, he found that he was almost unable to calm down.

"Can you persist?" Lin Xiangnan gritted his teeth for a while and asked.

Ye Ziyu nodded lightly, her head was dizzy, her back and shoulders were really insensible, so wood, it seemed to be separated from her body and feeling.

"Sit here first. When I just came over, I saw some herbs outside that I could use temporarily..." Lin Xiangnanqiang forced himself to calm down.

Before the opponent's person can find this place, he must first treat Ye Ziyu's wound, otherwise he will go out...

Next, Lin Xiangnan dared not think about it.

He held Ye Ziyu to one side, let her sit on a rock, and locked her eyes tightly.

Ye Ziyu almost couldn't open her eyes.

She wanted to tell Lin Xiangnan not to go. Without him, she was a little scared.

Well, not some, but a lot...

"Yeah." Ye Ziyu answered softly, but this sound seemed to affect the wound, and she frowned with pain.

Looking at her like this, Lin Xiangnan clenched his hand slightly, abruptly withdrew his gaze, got up and went outside.

Because they often need field training and deserted places are more common, they must be proficient in many survival skills.

Identifying herbal medicine is also one of the must-masters.

Lin Xiangnan quickly picked some medicinal herbs that could be used, and when he came back, he used big leaves to pick up some water from a spring on the mountain.

"Take two mouthfuls to moisturize your throat first, eh?" Lin Xiangnan gently lifted Ye Ziyu up.

This time it was not training. He didn't have anything like compressed biscuits on his body. He came all the way, as if against him, and didn't see any wild fruits or anything.

Ye Ziyu was really thirsty. She drank two sips of mountain springs, and the cool feeling made her feel refreshed.

"This grass is edible," Lin Xiangnan took one of the grasses, "I just washed it with a mountain spring, and the entrance should be fine."

Hearing Lin Xiangnan's behavior, Ye Ziyu suddenly wanted to laugh, twitching at the corner of her mouth, as if she had a wound, she twisted her eyebrows.

Lin Xiangnan frowned, as if she didn't know what Ye Ziyu was laughing at now?

"At this time," Ye Ziyu said weakly and weakly, "you can even consider washing it."

Lin Xiangnan's face turned dark, "Don't you girls all like to be cleaner?"

Ye Ziyu smiled again, without saying anything, and ate some when Lin Xiangnan handed the grass.

It tasted a bit sour and astringent, not tasty, and she had no appetite.

But at this moment, her hypocrisy will become a burden for Lin Xiangnan, so she will do what he asks her to do.

According to common sense, he should treat her wound first.

However, let her eat this grass first...

This grass should also help her wounds or something, right?

Ye Ziyu thought this way, trying hard to keep her attention away from one place, fearing that the pain would make her unable to stand the momentary relaxation.

Lin Xiangnan looked at Ye Ziyu's wound from time to time, but still insisted on letting her finish eating the grass first.

That one is for internal use, it can help him to be nervous when he fetches the bullet for her.

She can't faint for the time being!

Although, he knew that just relying on such a little herbal medicine, he had too much hope...

"Little Yu'er, I want to get the bullet out of your body first." Lin Xiangnan said in a tight voice, "Leave it in for too long, your arm will have sequelae, and your body will not be able to bear it."

"Yeah." Ye Ziyu leaned against Lin Xiangnan's arms and responded softly, "Will it hurt?"

Lin Xiangnan squeezed his hand, "Yes!" "Oh." Ye Ziyu responded weakly, and looked at Lin Xiangnan, "Then can you give me a kiss first... Maybe, I can feel less pain."

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