The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2010: Surprise, her life experience?

"You!" Yan Zhan directly offered the conditions.

Lin Xiangnan sneered coldly, " may not be able to get it."

"Oh?" Yan Zhan said softly, "Then let's wait and see."

"Want to wait and see, as if...we must leave first!"

Yan Zhan raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at each other with Lin Xiangnan. The two of them had already left quickly when someone approached nearby...

Li Hao led the team, but the Silver Fox Special Team did not catch Lin Xiangnan.

Not only that, even the people Liang Junqing arranged on the periphery did not see anyone leaving.

It seemed that Lin Xiangnan had suddenly evaporated.

"Okay, I see!" After Liang Junqing said, hung up the phone and looked at Chief Luo who was drinking tea, "No one caught him."

Head Luo listened, raised his eyes and looked at Liang Junqing, his eyes darkened, and he started thinking.

"Although Lin Xiangnan has the ability to escape, he is too weird to escape..." Liang Junqing frowned.

Chief Luo's eyes became more and more acquainted, and after a while, he said quietly, "Could it be..." He suddenly stopped talking, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

Liang Junqing looked at Chief Luo, "What does the chief mean?"

"Wait, you can't stop the arrest." Chief Luo sneered, "Xu Zhao also beat himself up this time. I'm afraid he knew that Lin Xiangnan had asked Li Yunze to meet, so he let the ten o'clock lurking approach. Dare to start with yourself."

"Being betrayed by my brother, Lin Xiangnan is really sad." Liang Junqing said with a chuckle, "Xu Zhao is also cruel."

"I like such a person..." Chief Luo's eyes deepened. "Although Lin Xiangnan was not caught this time, Silver Fox also neglected his duty. It may be that he was indulging in not going all out."

When the words were over, Chief Luo looked at Liang Junqing with profound meaning.

Liang Junqing nodded clearly, "It happened that Xu Zhao was rectified during his injury and took over when he was better."

"Xu Zhao is a talent..." Chief Luo sighed softly, "No loss was on par with Lin Xiangnan back then. He has a good mind and planned everything."

Liang Junqing nodded in agreement, "This time not only did Lin Xiangnan have no way out, but it became a logical matter for him to take over Silver Fox, and it counts..." He paused, "The most important thing is that we got him'framed'. Lin Xiangnan’s evidence will only be in line with us in the future."

Chief Luo lowered his eyes and chuckled. Obviously, although Lin Xiangnan was a bit dissatisfied with not catching Lin Xiangnan, he could get Xu Zhao completely, which was the biggest gain.


Time, day by day.

In a blink of an eye, it has been half a month since Lin Xiangnan escaped from the junkyard.

For the outside world, this half month is just day after day.

But for the people involved in the Lin Xiangnan incident, the past half a month can be described as suffering and suffering.

The silver fox, who had been intensively trained for failing the mission, didn't believe it when he thought of Lin Xiangnan shooting Xu Zhao. On the one hand, they couldn't help but believe it. The torment in his heart can be imagined.

But their suffering was not more ferocious than the Lin family such as Lin Bojin and Lin Songnian.

The Xi family tried their best to hit the Lin family this time, but Xi Hongwen, who was most likely to get into trouble, actually took a few blows on certain occasions.

It is rumored that Xi Hongwen fell in love with Lin Xiangnan's woman. This was when she showed her kindness to that woman, and got the beauty by taking advantage of the emptiness.

Anyway, if he strikes, the result is not much worse.

Xu Zhaojiu died all his life. If it were not for Li Yunze, it could be said that his situation was in crisis.

And Li Yunze also tried his best to save Xu Zhao, because he knew very well that if Xu Zhao really died, Lin Xiangnan's affairs would be more complicated.

And Chief Luo and the others naturally also secretly investigated why Li Yunze avoided them to Fengcheng.

Finally, it was discovered that Li Yunze had a medicine that could temporarily cause people to hold their breath, as if death.

Everyone speculated that Lin Xiangnan met with Li Yunze because he wanted to feign death and that Li Yunze could turn the situation into peace during the period of drug danger.

However, all these plans seemed to be disrupted by Xu Zhao's shot...


A certain city, a certain cafe.

Lin Xiangnan looked at the man sitting in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, did not speak, but there was a cold expression on his face, "You are the one who wants to see me?"

"It seems...Do you know who I am?" Zhan Xiaoyun asked with a chuckle, that was especially kind.

"Guess what." Lin Xiangnan sneered, "However, are you not afraid of appearing in front of me like this unscrupulously?"

"What are you afraid of?" Zhan Xiaoyun laughed amusingly, "Now you are hard to protect yourself, do you have time to catch me?"

"..." Lin Xiangnan listened, but because the temples moved forbearing, he did not speak.

"I'm here to see you, so I'm not afraid of what you can do?" Zhan Xiaoyun said while stirring the coffee gently, "Lin Xiangnan, you are desperate now, why don't you come and help me."

"Impossible!" Lin Xiangnan immediately refused.

Zhan Xiaoyun chuckled, "Don't you want to avenge Su Xiaoxiao?"

Lin Xiangnan twisted his eyebrows, "I have already taken revenge!"

"No," Zhan Xiaoyun smiled and raised his eyes, "Fan Yiyun is just a discarded son, and you don't know the person who really played chess." He gradually settled, "And now you can't find that person except me. ."

"Then, because I'm doing things by your side, I'll be even more unwashed in the future, plus the contamination on my hands, I can only do this for the rest of my life...!" Lin Xiangnan sneered.

"No, you can only do this not by my side, but..." Zhan Xiaoyun laughed, "You are already dead."

Lin Xiangnan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and his hands clenched.

Zhan Xiaoyun took a cup of coffee and took a sip, still with that kind smile, "You are a wise man, and you know that I am just checking and balancing there..." He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Stay by my side and help I do things to take revenge for Su Xiaoxiao!"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm an undercover agent?" Lin Xiangnan sneered.

"Don't be afraid!" Zhan Xiaoyun laughed, "Shoot Fan Yiyun, and then shot his brother in public...seriously, if you are undercover, I really admire you."

White is white!

It is true that Lin Xiangnan killed people, even if he had thousands of reasons, he would kill people.

Moreover, he shot his "brother", which is different from Fan Yiyun.



Ye Ziyu sat on the lounge chair on the side of the road, looking at the hospital diagonally in front of him, yet he had not come out of the shock just now.

Brother Xu said... Lin Xiangnan fired his gun.

how come?

For Su Xiaoxiao, it is not counted that he was on the run, but he would shoot his brother? !

The Lin Xiangnan she knew was not like that, was it!

Ye Ziyu bit her lip, and under her tear-covered eyes, she was almost unable to hold on with resistance.

It has been more than half a month since I knew that Lin Xiangnan had an accident. She didn't know anything, the only thing she knew... was that Lin Xiangnan did everything for Su Xiaoxiao!

Don't you want his faith?

Someone sat down next to him, and Ye Ziyu subconsciously tilted his head to look at it... it was Yan Zhan.

"Tzuyu," Yan Zhan sighed lightly, "You are not happy here, have you ever thought about leaving?"

"Huh?" Ye Ziyu was blank.

Yan Zhan looked at her, "Have you ever thought about your life experience?"

Ye Ziyu's eyes became more and more blank. "You know very well that you are adopted by the Ye family," Yan Zhan said slowly, "Do you want to meet your real relatives? For example...your biological father?"

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