The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2038: Man's evil fire

After Ye Ziyu finished speaking, he felt that his blush was about to overflow.

However, even so, she still looked at Lin Xiangnan, staring at her without blinking.

Lin Xiangnan only felt that Ye Ziyu's seduce was a bit of a fire. After all, he was a man who had been suffering for twenty-nine years, and he was the most beaten-up sacrifice on weekdays.

At this moment, being seduced by the girl he likes so brightly and without concealment, if he can be calm, he is definitely not a normal man.

"Ye Ziyu, do you want to be shameless?" Lin Xiangnan's Adam's apple rolled down, suppressing the evil fire in his heart.

"Shameless." Ye Ziyu curled his lips. "What is your face? Didn't that thing give you everything after knowing you?"

"..." Lin Xiangnan was a little bit dumbfounded, probed his long arms, and rubbed Ye Ziyu's head indulgently, "Yes, yes, you gave me your face... I just said, why is my skin thicker now? , It turned out to be your pot."

Ye Ziyu pursed her mouth while wrinkling her nose, and sat down while the waiter served the meal.

After the two had finished eating, Yan Zhan and Qin Luoxin had just finished eating.

"Would you like to go out and sit together?" Lin Xiangnan suggested, but his eyes were on Yan Zhan.

He just asked, Ye Ziyu nodded hurriedly and looked at Qin Luoxin with an expectant smile.

Yan Zhan glanced at Qin Luoxin lightly, and said lightly, "Okay."

"Let's go!" Lin Xiangnan said, pulling Ye Ziyu's hand and walking outside the restaurant.

They didn't go anywhere else. This is a commercial area. In addition to the popularity of teahouses in Feiluo City, there is also a big teahouse here. It is very suitable for chatting.

"You two must have something to say," Lin Xiangnan said to Ye Ziyu after he glanced at Qin Luoxin lightly after entering, "I happen to have something to talk about with Yan Zhan, you go talk about your little girl, eh?"


Ye Ziyu nodded with a smile, and then gestured with Qin Luoxin.

Qin Luoxin is no better than Ye Ziyu's temperament, because life has been relatively hard, she is always a little reserved.

"Young Master Nan is very thoughtful!" Yan Zhan watched Ye Ziyu happily took Qin Luoxin's hand to a place with a good view, "Is this to let them give each other's advice first?"

Lin Xiangnan chuckled softly, "I don't want the truth to come out and burden Tzuyu." "Isn't this Zhan Shao's mind?"

Yan Zhan glanced at Lin Xiangnan, "In this way, Tzuyu still has weight in your heart."

"There are not many people who can walk into my Lin Xiangnan's heart. Naturally, those who walk in are worthwhile."

"What about Su Xiaoxiao?" Yan Zhan's vision became far-reaching.

Lin Xiangnan frowned slightly, "It's not comparable, is it?"

"Because Su Xiaoxiao is dead?" When Yan Zhan said this, his voice was calm, but he was provocative.

Sure enough, Lin Xiangnan's expression changed.

Yan Zhan sneered slightly, "It's also..." He raised his eyebrows slightly, "If Su Xiaoxiao is not dead, there will be nothing wrong with Tzuyu, and you will not be where you are."

When the words fell, he ignored Lin Xiang Nanyin's anger, but turned around and went to the other seat.

Lin Xiangnan took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to fight a severe battle, and followed.


"You never told me that you were in Feiluo City, and I never asked." Ye Ziyu pulled the melon seeds, a bit of sadness that was unrememberable.

Qin Luoxin smiled, "How long have we been apart? How does your expression feel like ten or eight years?"

Ye Ziyu was stunned, then laughed.

Although the time has not been long, she has experienced too many things this year, even death experience once, so she feels a kind of melancholy, right? !

"Tzuyu, why did you come here?" Qin Luoxin asked.

Ye Ziyu shrugged, "It's very dramatic. Anyway, I still can't figure it out..." She shrugged, "I had to go back this morning, but because I met Lin Xiangnan by accident, I didn't go."

Qin Luoxin's eyes turned slightly, thinking about Ye Ziyu's original departure today. Does it mean that she is worried that she thinks too much?

"Is it the one beside you?" Qin Luoxin asked, "Is it your boyfriend?"

Ye Ziyu nodded in embarrassment.

"Why haven't I heard you say it before?" Qin Luoxin frowned slightly.

"Before..." Ye Ziyu smiled bitterly, "Because it was not stable, I didn't say anything. Later, it stabilized and something happened, so..."

"Then how long do you plan to stay here?" Qin Luoxin said with a smile, "I opened a flower shop here, and I have settled here. If you don't rush to go, let's go out and play together?"

"I don't know how long I will stay now!" Ye Ziyu looked back at Lin Xiangnan's table, "However, I should not be leaving for the time being."

Qin Luoxin heard that Ye Ziyu would not leave for the time being, and the anxiety in her heart filled with it again.

Ye Ziyu felt Qin Luoxin's emotions and looked at her blankly.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, and Zi Ziyu thought it was because she hadn't seen each other for too long, and suddenly met in a strange place, so she didn't think much about it.

It just suddenly occurred to me that Yan Zhan and Qin Luoxin also knew each other, and he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

"It's late, shall we go back?"

Just as Ye Ziyu wondered whether to ask about Qin Luoxin's relationship with Yan Zhan, Lin Xiangnan walked over.

"Anyway, I have to stay here for a while, and I have a lot of time to chat together." Lin Xiangnan reached out to Ye Ziyu.

Ye Ziyu almost instinctively put his hand on Lin Xiangnan's hand, and when he held it, he got up.

"I'm leaving first with Tzuyu, and I'll think about it with Master Zhan." After Lin Xiangnan spoke to Yan Zhan, he nodded slightly with Qin Luoxin and left with Ye Ziyu.

Ye Ziyu was actually a little dumbfounded. For some reason, she felt that the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Yan Zhan stayed in place and didn't move, watching Lin Xiangnan just leave with Ye Ziyu.

Just now, when he mentioned Shi Shaoqin, Lin Xiangnan lost his face.

Who on the road does not know that Gu Beichen and Shi Shaoqin had an indelible connection?

As Gu Beichen's brother, Lin Xiangnan hates Wuwu and Wu... also natural!

"A Zhan..." Qin Luoxin gently pulled off Yan Zhan's sleeves, and forbearance, still did not ask Ye Ziyu, "Shall we go back?"

Originally Yan Zhan promised her to come out to eat alone, she was very happy.

However, I never thought that I would meet Ye Ziyu here...

What I didn't expect was that she knew Lin Xiangnanhui, Yan Zhan and Master Zhan.

Yan Zhan glanced at the worried Qin Luoxin, nodded, settled the bill and led her away.


After Lin Xiangnan and Ye Ziyu arrived at "House Product Life", Ye Ziyu did not get out of the car.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiangnan asked knowingly.

Ye Ziyu squeezed her fingers and said, closing the corners of her mouth, "I want to live there with you."

Lin Xiangnan did not speak.

"The house is too big and empty alone." Ye Ziyu explained hurriedly.

Lin Xiangnan sighed softly and nodded under Ye Ziyu's expectant eyes.

Seeing Lin Xiangnan's promise, Ye Ziyu raised her mouth happily, got out of the car with him, and walked towards him.

At the entrance of the building, Ye Ziyu discovered that they were separated by a building.

"Unexpectedly that we are so close, I haven't met these days..." Ye Ziyu muttered, and went out of the elevator with Lin Xiangnan, and walked to his house, "Is there a good heart?

Lin Xiangnan listened to Ye Ziyu's dissatisfied mutter there, with a smile on his lips.

If you were left on the mission, you could still have her by her side, listening to her little girl complaining...It's great.

Lin Xiangnan pressed the password, Ye Ziyu looked at it carefully and memorized the password.

Naturally, Lin Xiangnan did not pierce her careful thoughts. He opened the door as he did not know, and walked in with Zi Ziyu... It's just that the two of them just entered the house and looked at them with a bath towel wrapped around their chests. The key part was blocked, Pei Nan, who was wiping his wet hair barefoot, was shocked in place...

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