The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2048: Inexperienced, naive

Lin Xiangnan opened the box and took out a sculpture of a human head inside, his eyes deepened.

He flipped it over and checked it carefully, and it was still a hollow sculpture, nothing surprising.

The fixed shatterproof foam in the box is nothing surprising.

Lin Xiangnan's eyes were deep and he put the sculpture back, and signaled the workers to re-seal it.

He looked back at the Yan Zhan who was still standing there, and didn't say anything. He turned around randomly in the warehouse.

"Shao Zhan, he is..." the administrator asked with some worry.

Yan Zhan chuckled, "I just want to see if the first batch of goods he ships will be black."

When the administrator heard this, he smiled, "Sure enough, I am a novice." He glanced at Lin Xiangnan lightly, and said without much favor, "The day after this will be shipped, what is the use of his inspection now?"

Yan Zhan's voice was very low, but he said in a deep voice: "When it is shipped, he will still check it."

The manager twisted his eyebrows. Although it was not unexpected, he still sneered in disgust, "I can't check anything today. What can I check on the day of shipment?"

They can blatantly send out the "goods" not only because they have opened up the roads of all parties, but also because they are too secretive. People who are not familiar with the procedures cannot see that the goods they trade in are actually inside. There is universe inside.

Including packing the box at this time and Lin Xiangnan just unpacking, all the sculptures are problematic.

"No experience, naturally you can't find anything..." Yan Zhan kept his tone of voice, watching Lin Xiangnan walk towards him, sneer deep in his eyes.

"Can I go to another warehouse?" Lin Xiangnan asked curiously.

"Okay." Yan Zhan did not refuse, allowing Lin Xiangnan to wander around the warehouse base that controls the economy of Feiluo City.

Because it was too big, they didn't finish the tour in the morning. Lin Xiangnan and Yan Zhan ate together with the workers in the cafeteria. They planned to continue the tour after eating.

"When you arrive, I can watch it..." Lin Xiangnan asked with amusement.

Yan Zhan took a sip of the soup and glanced lightly at Lin Xiangnan and said: "Foster father has the heart to win you over. You haven't decided yet. Naturally, there are things that you won't, and you don't dare to let you intervene."

Lin Xiangnan casually put a piece of meat into his mouth, the eating posture, revealing the charm of the evil ruffian, provoked the women eating at the nearby table, whispering one by one.

"For this blatant matter, the adoptive father will naturally let you take care of it first, and you can never raise an idler." Yan Zhan's words were full of cynicism.

Lin Xiangnan smiled, "It used to be too hard, I don't mind eating soft rice or something now." He shrugged, "However, I'm really curious about the way of Master Zhan...I don't mind running around. "

Yan Zhan chuckled lightly, looked at each other with Lin Xiangnan, then retracted and continued to eat his own meal.


Ye Ziyu stood at the First People's Hospital of Feiluo City, watching the crowds entering and leaving the door, pinching the straps on her chest, taking a deep breath, bit her lip, but did not go in.

"Forget it, let's have lunch first!" Ye Ziyu pouted, turned around, and found a fast food restaurant near the hospital.

The food near the hospital is the same in any city, expensive and not tasty.

Ye Ziyu took a few bites casually and lost his appetite.

Of course, she had no appetite, and she still had trouble with Lin Xiangnan.

Standing at the door of the hospital again, the anxiety not only didn't decrease, it was a little bit more.

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and went to the hospital.

Just when she entered the hospital, Zhan Xiaoyun's phone vibrated.


"Master Zhan, Miss Tzuyu went to the hospital."

Zhan Xiaoyun twisted his eyebrows slightly, and a worried voice suddenly appeared in his eyes and said: "Let's see if you are sick?" With that, the lines on his face became strained.

I was angry with Lin Xiangnan last night and fell ill today. Do you not know how to take care of yourself? !

Zhan Xiaoyun hung up the phone, with a haze over his face.

"Master Zhan." She Xiaoya walked in from outside at the right time, "Zhan Shao took Lin Xiangnan to the warehouse. Lin Xiangnan has been shopping all morning."

Zhan Xiaoyun snorted coldly. Xu was because Ye Ziyu's going to the hospital had something to do with Lin Xiangnan. He was sullen in his heart and said coldly, "Let him go, and he won't find anything. Let him walk around. Wander around... only to put down the alert, it is easy if you want to do something with him."

"Yes!" She Xiao answered, and paused, "Master Zhan is uncomfortable?"

Zhan Xiaoyun waved his hand, "It's Tzuyu who is uncomfortable and went to the hospital."

She Xiaoya frowned slightly, and her eyes were slightly puzzled when she looked at Zhan Xiaoyun.

When he thought that Qin Luoxin was the daughter of Mrs. Ming, although Master Zhan was happy, he never showed such concern.

But for Ye Ziyu, Master Zhan seems to have become his own daughter since the first meeting. !


Ye Ziyu went to the laboratory and took Zhan Xiaoyun's hair, "I want to do a paternity test..."

When the inspector saw that there were only two hairs, he frowned slightly, "It's a bit young." After a pause, he looked at Ye Ziyu, "Is there nothing else? For example, saliva?"

Ye Ziyu shook his head.

The inspector unscrewed his eyebrows again, "Although the hospital has just installed new equipment, it can also be inspected, but I don’t know if you can get samples from these two..." Then, he picked up his hair with tweezers, "It’s okay. , Both have hair follicles."

Ye Ziyu bit her lip, feeling a little nervous.

The inspector put down the hair and took samples for Ye Ziyu, "After five days, come and get the results."

"Good." Ye Ziyu nodded, "Thank you doctor."

The inspector smiled and watched Ye Ziyu leave and took the sample to do the registration.

After leaving the laboratory, Ye Ziyu went to the pharmacy to get some cold medicine by the way. When he left the hospital, he subconsciously looked back at the direction of the inspection building before leaving.

Just as she turned and walked towards the subway station, a figure walked out at the entrance of the hospital...

He took out his cell phone, dialed the phone first, and asked other people to follow Ye Ziyu to protect, and then returned to the hospital.

After learning that Ye Ziyu was here to do a paternity test, she immediately twisted her eyebrows and called Zhan Xiaoyun.

"You mean..." Zhan Xiaoyun got up after smashing the cigar and walked to the window with a faint voice, "Tzuyu tested my DNA and her DNA?!"


Zhan Xiaoyun didn't speak immediately, thinking that these days, there are not many "daughters" but the "dad" who warms his heart, suddenly felt a little congested.

"Master Zhan, do you need to destroy the sample?"

"No." Zhan Xiaoyun's eyes were far-reaching, but her voice calmly said, "This time I failed. If Tzuyu wants a result, he can always get a sample from me."

"That..." The man on the phone stopped talking.

Zhan Xiaoyun's eyes grew deeper and deeper, "Give her the result she wants, isn't it all right?!" Tzuyu is still too naive. In Feiluo City, is there anything he can't control? !

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