The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2050: Reluctance before separation

Lin Xiangnan ignored Pei Nan's scream, looked at his pants, his face was completely annoyed and disgusting.

Pei Nan couldn't drive away, it was Master Zhan who put it right beside him. If you drive away, there will be another one.

After a month of getting along, I knew that Pei Nan was not a woman who was just trying to seduce him. Therefore, it is better to keep Pei Nan with someone who is unknown and needs to be re-run.

The most important thing is that women are emotional animals. No matter how indifferent and rational, women are still different from men in some cases.

When it was critical, he didn't mind using Pei Nan.

Lin Xiangnan went to get his mobile phone and glanced at the half cup of orange on the coffee table with an annoying look. He had every reason to believe that Pei Nan had just done it on purpose.

Lin Xiangnan dialed Ye Ziyu's phone while walking upstairs...

"Hello, the call you dialed is in progress, please try again later."

"..." Lin Xiangnan curled his eyebrows and dialed again, still on the phone.

He simply changed his pants first, and when he dialed, he was still on the phone.

Lin Xiangnan twisted his eyebrows and sent a message to Ye Ziyu: Who has been on the phone for so long at night? call back!


"Don't be afraid, I will go over..." Ye Ziyu had already arrived at the gate of the community at this moment.

She didn't have time to wailing Lin Xiangnan's bastard, who actually did nasty things with Pei Nan.

As soon as she went downstairs, she received a call from Qin Luoxin, saying that when she came out of the flower shop, she originally wanted to go to the supermarket to buy something, but she accidentally hit someone.

Ye Ziyu hurriedly stopped the taxi and went to the hospital Qin Luoxin said. He was still talking with her along the way, for fear that she would be afraid.

When he arrived at the hospital, looking at Qin Luoxin sitting in the lounge chair in the corridor, Ye Ziyu hung up the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and hurriedly walked over in three and two steps.

"Luo Xin..."

"Tzuyu, what should I do?" Qin Luoxin's eyes were a little red because of worry and fear, "I'm still in the emergency room and haven't come out yet."

"It's okay, it's going to be okay." Ye Ziyu hugged Qin Luoxin, comforted, and looked at the direction of the emergency room.

She herself hit a car several times, and was even directly hit and admitted to the hospital once, which made her cross with Huo Lianchen.

Therefore, Ye Ziyu had lingering fears about the crash.

After about ten minutes, the door of the emergency room was opened.

Qin Luoxin and Ye Ziyu hurriedly got up and greeted them, "Doctor, how are people?"

"Fortunately, most of them are just skin injuries, that is, some minor concussions. They need to be hospitalized for observation for two days." The doctor looked at Qin Luoxin and sighed and shook his head. "The little girl should be careful when driving. Something is going to happen, how troublesome?!"

"Hmm..." Qin Luoxin started crying when he heard that the other party was fine.

After Ye Ziyu thanked the doctor, and comforted Qin Luoxin for a while, the two went to see the patient.

The other party was a man, and he couldn't tell his age, because his hair was a bit messy, he also had a beard, and his body was full of alcohol, and he felt a bit decadent.

Ye Ziyu thought about the two girls staying here. It was always a little inconvenient. Besides, when the person woke up, if compensation was involved, the two of them seemed unsure.

After thinking about it, Ye Ziyu took out his phone to see if Yan Zhan had time to come over.

He took out his mobile phone, and when he saw Lin Xiangnan's "questioning" message, Ye Ziyu suddenly thought of what he saw at that moment, and was so angry that he deleted the message and exited the interface and dialed Yan Zhan's number.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Yan Zhan's voice is a usual indifferent tone, which is not difficult to hear, showing a bit of gentle concern.

Ye Ziyu explained the situation, before asking if Yan Zhan would have time to come over, he immediately said, "I'm here now. Before I come, you two don't do anything alone!"

"Well, good!" Ye Ziyu answered.

Yan Zhan came quickly, almost... Ziziyu thought he was near this hospital.

With Yan Zhan, both Ye Ziyu and Qin Luoxin seemed to have the backbone.

"You two go there to rest first," Yan Zhan looked at Qin Luoxin, "I'll go and discuss with that person about compensation."

Qin Luoxin nodded, seeing Yan Zhan turned around and went to the ward, and went to the rest area with Ye Ziyu.

Both of them were silent.

In the hospital at night, there was a subtle breath, and the people under pressure seemed to dare not take a breath.

"Tzuyu, thank you tonight." Qin Luoxin said softly, lowering her eyes.

Ye Ziyu took her hand, "We are sisters!"

Qin Luoxin tilted her head slowly and looked at Ye Ziyu for a while, as if determined, and it seemed that because Ye Ziyu called Yan Zhan to come over, she caused a certain degree of pressure. After all, she has been avoiding these days. Questions not discussed, asked out.

"Tzuyu, what is the relationship between you and Yan Zhan?" Qin Luoxin lowered her eyes and asked, "Or should I ask, what is the relationship between you and Master Zhan?"

Xu is because they are orphans, they are more sensitive.

Whether it was Ye Ziyu or Qin Luoxin, they were seeing each other in their hearts, and what did they realize when they knew that each other and Yan Zhan knew each other? !

Ye Ziyu didn't know how to answer, she didn't want to hurt Qin Luoxin.

Qin Luoxin twitched at the corner of her mouth and laughed at herself, raising her eyes to look at Ye Ziyu again, "I know, it's not suitable to ask this now."

"Luo Xin, I..."

"It's all handled." Yan Zhan came over at the right time and interrupted what Ye Ziyu was about to say.

He looked at Qin Luoxin, as if he hadn't noticed the breath between the two of them just now, and said to himself: "Please take care of you, and the compensation has already been agreed, we can go."

Qin Luoxin and Ye Ziyu nodded, got up and walked out with Yan Zhan...

After getting in the car, Ye Ziyu remembered something, "Luo Xin hasn't eaten yet, let's go find a place to eat something?!"

Yan Zhan glanced at the two girls in the back seat from the rearview mirror, said "Um", started the car, and found a place to eat.

Because of Qin Luoxin's piercing, Ye Ziyu didn't know what to say, plus Yan Zhan's own indifference, the three of them were silent when eating.

"Send Luo Xin first, then Ziyu."

After eating, Yan Zhan said according to the route.

"Tzuyu, you stay with me today, can you?" Qin Luoxin asked.


"Go back to each house tonight," Yan Zhan interrupted Ye Ziyu again, "whatever you want to talk about, tonight is not a good time."

Qin Luoxin shook her hands, and a touch of self-deprecation crossed the corner of her mouth.

Yan Zhan, are you worried that I feel unstable at night, or are you afraid of embarrassing Tzuyu? !

Ye Ziyu didn't like to avoid problems, but she knew that it was inappropriate to talk to Qin Luoxin about these things today.

"Luo Xin, I have something to do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will go to the flower shop to find you the day after tomorrow, shall we have dinner together?"

Qin Luoxin looked at Ye Ziyu and nodded gently.

Yan Zhan and Ye Ziyu sent Qin Luoxin into the house, and then returned to the "House Product Life" together.

"I'll go upstairs first..." Ye Ziyu felt a little depressed, whether it was because of Lin Xiangnan or Qin Luoxin.

She turned around to open the door of the co-pilot, but was suddenly pulled by Yan Zhan.

Ye Ziyu turned his head and looked at Yan Zhan, with doubts in his eyes... But this situation fell in Lin Xiangnan's eyes from the entrance of Ye Ziyu Building, as if he had become reluctant before parting!

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