"I ordered some meals, and we talked while we were eating?" the middle-aged man asked, "Does Miss Jian have any restrictions?"

"No, I can." Jian Mo said with a generous smile.

At work, she is not the wife of Emperor Gu Beichen, the president of the emperor, nor the mother of three children, but just a professional woman with high professional quality.

Star was lying in a hidden place, looking at Jian Mo with bright eyes...

This time, the light in the eyes is not only the love of "aunt", but the curiosity of mother.

Shi Shaoqin was standing behind Star, his long body in the small corridor leading to the back kitchen had an aura of domineering emanating from within.

That kind of aura is born with him, and is imprinted in his bones.

"Young Master Qin, it's time to serve." Someone on the side said quietly.

Shi Shaoqin tilted his head and glanced at the man, nodded slightly, then said to Star, "Star, do you want to continue?"

"Yeah." Star answered, already retracting his head, and went to the back kitchen with Shi Shaoqin again.

Standing on the small bench, Star poses on the prepared seafood risotto with vegetables.

There are trees made of broccoli and flowers made of carrots...

A plate of seafood risotto, not to mention the ingredients, but also embellishment when people eat, the mood will follow a good vegetable shape.

"Do you want to serve Mo'er yourself?" Shi Shaoqin asked.

Star looked up at Shi Shaoqin, smiled and shook his head, "No more..."

Shi Shaoqin frowned slightly, apparently he didn't expect Star to refuse.

Obviously he was outside just now, and his joy when he looked at Mo'er was all reflected on his little face.

"When you can't be with you, it's better not to meet each other." Star put the cut half of cherry tomatoes on the plate and looked at his "artistic" risotto with satisfaction, and continued, "So, in the future It’s better to see you when you can accompany you."

Shi Shaoqin frowned slightly. He looked at Star without speaking, but he understood the little guy's thoughts.

Star meant that he didn't see him again before letting Mo'er know him? !

"Stone, okay?" Star pleased and pointed to the risotto he had set.

Shi Shaoqin looked down, and when he saw the risotto on the plate full of children's artistic sense, his eyes were stained with a smile.

Although this western restaurant is not a high-end place, it is mostly for the white-collar workers nearby to talk about work or something while eating.

However, no matter how high-quality, it is estimated that Star will not be able to make the "supernatural" risotto.

"For Mo'er, it's very good." Shi Shaoqin looked at Star, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Star is so smart and caring that, at a young age, he always warms him in his little human way.

Shi Shaoqin's eyes became deeper when he watched Star. Star probably thought, if Mo'er knew he was Gu Yan, he wouldn't be able to be by his side, right? !

Some things, whether adults or children, have the same perception.

Approach, leave...

Human nature is always the most complex and the simplest.

Jian Mo looked at the rich seafood risotto in front of you, and pulled the corners of his mouth uncontrollably, "Is this restaurant going to be on sale today? It's too rich..."

The middle-aged man looked at the rich seafood risotto and wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare.

Most of the people in the restaurant pretend to eat. Which one doesn't know, this plate of risotto was made by the young master?

If anyone dared to laugh, it would be miserable to look back.

"It is estimated that the back chef is in a good mood..." the middle-aged man said with a smile, "Miss Jian is so thin, so I should eat more."

Jian Mo is not a coy person, shrugging, smiling and eating while talking to the middle-aged man about the preliminary design plan.

I thought that such a rich plate might not be enough to eat, but, unexpectedly, it was eaten clean in the end.

Star was lying in the corner, watching Jian Mo eat all the risotto, his mouth was almost reaching the bottom of his ears.

"Mom likes what Star does!" Star raised his eyebrows and said to Shi Shaoqin behind.

"Yeah." Shi Shaoqin replied faintly, and kept watching with Star.

Until, Jian Mo saw that working hours were almost the same, and after speaking a few more words with the middle-aged man, she got up and left.

Jian Mo didn't know such an episode.

When I knew that this plate of risotto was Star, that is, when Xiao Yan made it for her, it would have been many years...

The Star at that time was so good that people could only look up.

Star also chose the best time and appeared in front of Gu Beichen and the others.

"Stone..." Star's little hand was led by Shi Shaoqin and strolled on the streets of Los Angeles.

"Huh?" Shi Shaoqin said lightly.

Star raised his head and smiled at him, then said, "Star is a stone star!"

Shi Shaoqin lowered his eyes and chuckled, then nodded.

The entanglement with Gu Beichen, never thought it would be like this...

It doesn't matter to him whether he has stretched out his hands in the dark to disturb the situation all his life.

But because of the current situation, he would help Lin Xiangnan to the greatest extent.

Just because of the cause and effect and gains between people, we should bear it.


It rained all day in Feiluo City. It was not particularly heavy, but it was not too light, which filled the air with a layer of coolness.

Ye Ziyu came to the city after having lunch in the villa.

He didn't go back to the "House Products Life", but at a coffee shop near the Qin Luoxin flower shop, sitting by the window, watching the rain in a daze.

Lin Xiangnan's lack of contact, and the need to talk to Qin Luoxin about each other's "purpose" of coming to Feiluo City, two things are the same as the weather, and they are pressed in Ye Ziyu's heart.

The phone was silently flashing the screen on the desktop, Ye Ziyu didn't notice at first, she answered the call only ten seconds later.

"Luo Xin..."

"Tzuyu, where are you?" Qin Luoxin made a tight voice.

Ye Ziyu could hear that she was also nervous.

"I'm near the flower shop, are you finished?"

"Well, it's over." Qin Luoxin twitched, "Shall we go to eat hot pot? It's the best time to eat hot pot in this weather."

"Okay!" Ye Ziyu responded, "I'll look for you."


Ye Ziyu hung up the phone, checked out, and left the coffee shop.

When holding the umbrella and walking to the flower shop, Ye Ziyu's steps were uncontrollable and solemn.

In the past at Xiaohua’s mother, because of the tight funds and no social help, when they were young, when the weather was cold, they would lie in bed and imagine that they would eat together in a hot pot.

I reported the name of the dish myself, as if I reported something, what would I eat in my mouth? !

Later, she was adopted by the Ye family. Although she was trembling, life was still worry-free.

Once, my brother took her to eat hot pot and called Luo Xin and the others together.

That was the first realization of my dream as a child.

Everyone has eaten a lot of things, but after all, they are all children, and their belly is that big.

Later, when each other was able to eat hot pot, they found that being busy took up most of the time, and everyone had no chance to eat together.

In the box, the red soup pot was tumbling, and the sound of raindrops knocking on the glass was indescribable and depressing. "Tzuyu, do you know?" Qin Luoxin put the lamb slices into the pot, "I grew up, and the person I envied the most was you..."

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