The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2061: Cool, Star’s little evil

Three days later.

When Shi Shaoqin took Star, Qingqing and Carney to Feiluo City, he did not notify Zhan Xiaoyun.

Of course, Shi Shaoqin knew very well that their plane hadn't landed yet, I'm afraid Zhan Xiaoyun already knew when they landed.

A group of people checked in at the Sovereign Hotel, and the entire first floor of the Supreme Suite was covered by Shi Shaoqin.

On the one hand, he doesn't want anyone to disturb.

On the other hand, it is naturally for the safety of Star.

In addition to the room they lived in, Shi Shaoqin's people also lived on the entire floor.

The top floor of Sovereign Hotel, the garden cafe.

After the noon sun, after the fall, there is no summer heat.

Star ate cake and drank milk tea, "Stone, let's wait for the Ferris wheel, okay?"

"Good." Shi Shaoqin responded with a faint smile.

Star shook his small body happily, and then quietly made an "OK" gesture with Qingqing.

The last time he and Stone came over, he had sat on the Ferris wheel. When he came this time, he agreed to take Qingqing to sit with him.

Star's small movements didn't escape Shi Shaoqin's sight, he lowered his eyes slightly, narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.

Apart from him, Qingqing is Star's favorite person.

Because of company, so close.

Shi Shaoqin raised his eyes and glanced at Kani lightly.

Carney nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

After a few people took a break, Shi Shaoqin took Qingqing and Star to the amusement park.

Carney did not follow.

When they arrived at Feiluo City, the people who waited for Master Zhan would definitely meet them first.

"I'm going to buy a cone with Qingqing." After Star arrived at the amusement park, he dragged Qingqing to the cold drink stand with ease.

As long as it is not too much, generally speaking, Shi Shaoqin will not prevent Star from eating anything.

After all, a child’s childhood should not be restricted...

At least, don't cause children's excessive curiosity and unsatisfied extravagant hopes because of adults' own concerns and constraints.

Shi Shaoqin retracted his gaze on Star and stood there waiting.

Suddenly, he glanced at the surrounding eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of the Ferris wheel...

I saw Ye Ziyu standing sideways relative to Shi Shaoqin's line of sight, looking up at the Ferris wheel slightly, wondering what he was thinking?

Why is she here? !

Shi Shaoqin frowned slightly invisible. He didn't expect that the girl who had "saved" Star in Los Angeles would meet in Fei Luo City.

She was originally from Feiluo City?

"Stone, eat!" A small evil voice came from Star's immature, interrupting Shi Shaoqin's thoughts.

Shi Shaoqin withdrew his gaze indifferently, lowered his eyes, and landed on the cone in Star's hand.

For Shi Shaoqin, this is not a serious cone.

I saw the white ice cream with azure blue jam, the color was very nice.

However, considering the evil factors in Star's body now, Shi Shaoqin has reason to believe that this sweet cone, which looks so pure and enticing, is definitely not as good as the color on the surface.

Qingqing held the cone that had been drizzled with red jam in her hand, took a bite, and tried her best to endure the laugh of wanting to watch the show.

Star's request, even if Shao Qin knew it was a trap, he would not refuse it.

Although Shao Qin had always been a man with an elegant appearance and a devil in his heart, in front of Star, he was just Star's stone.


The ice cream at the entrance spreads across the taste buds with a sharp drop of coldness. If it were not for Shi Shaoqin's strong willpower, he would definitely change his face.

Star slapped his eyelashes, and said with a cute smile: "Qingqing eats watermelon flavor, I eat pineapple flavor...for the stone, it is the extra abnormal mint!"

"..." Shi Shaoqin only felt that the cold breath hit his forehead, and for a while, he was a little dazed.

Qingqing hurriedly tilted her head back and smiled, but couldn't hold back anyhow, her shoulders trembled slightly.

Want to see how indifferent and bloodthirsty Chin can be a normal person is definitely the time to be "tortured" by Star.

Shi Shaoqin twisted his eyebrows because of the cold touch on his taste buds, looked at Star's happy little appearance, shook his head with a helpless smile, and handed out his hand, "Let's go!"

Star happily put his little hand in Shi Shaoqin's big palm, and happily ate the cones as he walked forward.

"Stone, is it delicious?"

"It's not delicious!" Shi Shaoqin gave a slight meal, "I don't like sweets."

"I like it!" Star curled his mouth.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at him, smiled and shook his head, then softly responded.

Just when Shi Shaoqin and Star were about to walk to the parallel line of Ye Ziyu, she retracted her gaze on the Ferris wheel, turned around slowly, and walked to the cold drink station somewhat blankly.

After buying a couple's drink, Ye Ziyu looked at it for a while before leaving the amusement park in his arms.

The phone rang when Ye Ziyu left the amusement park. She took it out and saw that it was Zhan Xiaoyun calling, and picked it up, "Dad!"

"Where are you?" Zhan Xiaoyun's soft voice came, "I was just getting better, so I ran out again."

"I'll just come out and walk around..." Ye Ziyu said with a chuckle, "It just so happens that the weather today is good."

"Shall we have dinner together tonight?" Zhan Xiaoyun asked, and sighed softly, "Call Luo Xin together."

"Dad..." Ye Ziyu frowned slightly, with a touch of resistance in her eyes.

At the hot pot restaurant that night, Luo Xin's questioning still echoed in his mind.

She didn't want to lose one of the few relatives, so in the end, she didn't get the DNA result.

Whether it is because of Luo Xin or Lin Xiangnan, what she can do now is don't hesitate, and can only go on firmly according to what she feels in her heart.

"I heard what A Zhan said. I saw you and talked about it." Zhan Xiaoyun sighed softly. "You were not in good health two days ago. I didn't say anything. I called Luo Xin together tonight. Go to the villa for a meal."

Ye Ziyu was silent and did not speak.

"Tzuyu, I know you care about Luo Xin, and the two daughters are not a burden to Dad, but an extra joy." Zhan Xiaoyun took a sip of the cigar and exhaled the smoke and continued, "I understand. You, so let Dad take care of this matter, okay?"

Ye Ziyu was a little bit sour in her heart. It was a kind of happiness that came from his father's desire to shelter his daughter from wind and rain and solve problems.

"Okay!" Ye Ziyu responded gently.

Zhan Xiaoyun smiled, "Well, after you go shopping, go directly to the villa, or I will let Xiaoya pick you up."

"I can go back by myself..."


Ye Ziyu hung up the phone and looked at the drink in her hand. After a touch of a touch, she went to the trash can and threw it away and walked to the taxi boarding area.

Sitting in a taxi, looking at the prosperity of Feiluo City, Ye Ziyu always felt that she was still in the city.

There are some things that you want to know when you don’t know, and you don’t want to know when you may know. Everyone has a calamity in their life, Ye Ziyu, can you persist to the end and overcome this calamity?

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