The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2074: A knife to the heart

Ye Ziyu entered the study quietly. Although she knew that no one would come in at this time, she was still very nervous because of her guilty conscience.

Looking around, there is not much difference between this and a normal study.

In addition to being large, there are many books on the shelves, and there are also many things that look like handicrafts and are like antiques.

In Fengcheng, Dad’s study room is also very large, but compared to here, it is only one-third of it.

Ye Ziyu swallowed secretly, went around in the study, flipped through some things that seemed to be informative, and then carefully recovered.

"What is there that Xiang Nan wants to know or is curious about?" Ye Ziyu muttered to himself while standing there, and looked around.

Finally, she looked at the large desk, thought about it, and walked over.

The drawers were not locked. Ye Ziyu held his breath and looked at them one by one, but there was no important or special information.

It was basically about business dealings, and she couldn't understand it either.

Ye Ziyu went to the other side and opened the door of a small cabinet.

Ye Ziyu's eyes lit up when he saw a safe hidden inside.

But there was only one moment, and it went dark again.

She doesn't know the password!

Ye Ziyu turned her head and looked at a built-in safe on the side of the bookcase, which was twice the size of the safe, and twisted her eyebrows.

There is already a safe outside, and another one is hidden inside this cabinet. Is there anything special?

Ye Ziyu received her gaze, then looked at the safe in the cabinet, put her mouth down, closed the cabinet door, and got up.

She looked around again, and finally fell on the cabinet in front of the desk by the side wall, and walked over.

Open it, there are various archive boxes inside.

Ye Ziyu roughly scanned the circle, all of which were reports.

Just when she was a little anxious to close the cabinet door, her eyes suddenly swept across the top layer, a file bag protruding slightly.

I don't know why, but because the portfolios in the upper row are all neat, and the portfolio with a slightly exposed corner looks abrupt, Ye Ziyu stood on her toes and took it out.

Nothing is written on the portfolio.

Ye Ziyu flipped left and right before unbuttoning the rope, opening the portfolio and pulling out the contents...

After turning over page by page, Ye Ziyu's heart only felt gradually tightened by the rope.

Her breathing became heavy, and every time she felt her nerves hurt.

When she saw the end, Ye Ziyu dropped her hand weakly, looking at the rows of file boxes a little dull.

Ha ha!

She didn't know what to look for, but felt that there seemed to be something Lin Xiangnan wanted.

But what? !

What did she find?

Ye Ziyu bit her lip fiercely, not to let her tumbling emotions suddenly turn into sadness and sarcasm.

This is the information from Dad's investigation of Xiangnan. She didn't understand why Lin Xiangnan was wanted.

kill? !

Ha ha……

Not only did he give up his faith for Su Xiaoxiao, he even killed someone?

Ye Ziyu's body trembled uncontrollably, and the chill that overflowed from the bottom of her heart made her feel that her whole body was covered by snow and ice, and the cold made her feel bitter.

Ye Ziyu closed her eyes, she was a little unable to face this matter.

Although, according to my father's information, the man who killed Su Xiaoxiao was damned.

However, Xiang Nan does not have the right to use the death penalty to punish a person.

He is a soldier!

How can he know the law to break the law? !

The feeling of giving a knife to the heart made Ye Ziyu's painful eyebrows knotted tightly.

Ye Ziyu only felt a little dizzy. She grabbed the information and suddenly opened her eyes. She didn't even dare to think about it and hurriedly put the paper back into the portfolio, trying to keep herself a little sober and put the portfolio back Later, after closing the cabinet door, he hurried out of the study.

But at the moment she left the study, she could no longer control her emotions, raising her leg and ran to her room on the third floor.

She leaned against the door, her eyes were red, and when she looked at the line of sight in front of her, she felt that she was full of blood-like red.

After experiencing death, she also knows how it feels like a bullet hits her body...

Because of this, when she thought of Lin Xiangnan killing someone for Su Xiaoxiao, she fell into a kind of fear.

And this kind of fear is not afraid of Lin Xiangnan, but afraid of him being arrested.

Zizi Yu's breathing became short and thick, and she raised her hand to press the position of the heart, as if this way, she could restrain the beating feeling.

So, Xiang Nan kept looking at the study because he knew that the handle was in his father's hands?

Is Xiang Nan doing things for his father because of this threat?

Or do you have other problems?

Ye Ziyu, you must be calm, you must be calm.

Ye Ziyu swallowed several times before calming herself a little bit.

However, her mind is still very messy, so messy that she doesn't know how to organize it.

Xiang Nan knew the cause of Su Xiaoxiao's death, so he killed someone and fled to Feiluo City...

After arriving in Feiluo City, my father took a fancy to him, in order to keep him by his side, not only her but also the handle.

So, Xiang Nan stayed and worked for Dad...

and many more!

Ye Ziyu's eyes widened suddenly, and there were two problems in her confused mind that she couldn't figure out.

If when she had a fever in the hospital, what she had heard Xiang Nan in a daze, was what she understood, then was his murder real or fake?

If what she saw just now was the truth, then why did Dad leave behind someone who killed someone and was still being dealt with by the army?

The most important thing is, what method does Dad use to make Xiangnan live in Feiluo in an upright manner?

Ye Ziyu felt as if he saw the problem, but it seemed to be messier.

Or, she didn't understand anything, or didn't want to understand? !

Ye Ziyu closed his eyes again, and clenched his hands because of his breathing.

Where is the problem?

Where is she going to believe?

Ye Ziyu suddenly opened his eyes again, hurriedly took out the phone, found Xu Zhao's number with trembling fingers, and dialed it...

Xu Zhao went through all the formalities from the agency and brought it out. Just when he got to the parking lot, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

He took it out and saw that it was Ye Ziyu. He suppressed his emotions and seemed indifferent, but in fact he answered the phone very anxiously.

"Do you still know to call me?" Xu Zhao gritted his teeth.

Before Ye Ziyu said that he couldn't come back to Jincheng, so he stopped answering his phone, and only contacted him on WeChat, still in text form.

She made it clear that she didn't dare to face it. "Brother Xu, I'm asking you..." Ye Ziyu didn't care about other opening remarks, and asked breathlessly, "Is it because of Lin Xiangnan that..." She bit her lip, "Because he killed someone? "

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