The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2082: For Star, no mistakes

Lin Xiangnan was drinking the soup, but he looked at Ye Ziyu calmly.

He couldn't feel real happiness from her, it was a feeling.

In recent days, Tzuyu seems to be more and more happier... even if she pretends very well.

Lin Xiangnan and Yu Guang passed Zhan Xiaoyun, and when he continued to drink the soup, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

The interaction between Tzuyu and Zhan Xiaoyun reveals the sincerity. Whether he is Tzuyu's biological father or not, in the end, Tzuyu's heartbreak will be unavoidable.

He only hopes that Tzuyu can minimize that sadness when he knows what Zhan Xiaoyun really does...

But for Tzuyu, there is little love before righteousness.

And this love, Zhan Xiaoyun may begin to make use of it, but now, it is sincere.

The four people at the table drank Ye Ziyu and boiled the soup with their own hands. Except for Yan Zhan's consistent silence, the other three were talking and laughing, as if nothing happened and existed, and it would not come.

Although Yan Zhan didn't speak, because the atmosphere was relaxed, occasionally a faint smile would flash across the depths of his eyes...making the air in the atmosphere softer and more comfortable.

And the joy at this moment, none of the four of you here would have thought that it would be the last happiness for each other...


Mo Palace.

Shi Shaoqin sat under the parasol and looked at Star, who was studying with the judo teacher. His beautiful mouth, occasionally raised a shallow smile because of the little guy's actions.

Shi Juexi came over slowly, sat down on a chair, and after watching Star study for a while, she also laughed, "Really, he receives so many things now, is it too complicated?"

When the words fell, he looked at Shi Shaoqin.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at him, and his gaze fell on Star again, "I didn't intend to let him focus on learning..." His voice was calm with a smile that was elegant, "He is very smart and shouldn't be limited to a certain one. Kind of things."

Shi Juxi frowned slightly, "But it's too complicated."

"If he can't accept it, he will say it." Shi Shaoqin retracted his gaze and took a sip from the teacup on the side. "Star is such an opinionated child, so he will accept it only if he can absorb it."

Shi Juxi doesn't really understand Shi Shaoqin's way of educating Star, but the relationship between the big and the young has long been understood by others.

As long as they understand each other, that's fine!

"Are you going out to take Star this time?" Shi Yuexi turned the subject.

Shi Shaoqin shook his head slightly, "Things are a bit complicated, don't take him..." He looked at Shi Juxi, "If things are out of control, you will send Star to XK!"

Shi Juxi heard from Kani that Shaoqin was going to help Lin Xiangnan this time, and it was a thankless thing to do things like gangsters.

If you don't handle it well, the people in the bright face will not sympathize with you, and the people in the dark night will isolate you. At the same time, the crowd will make you completely ruined under the anger, just in case.

But this was an opportunity for Shaoqin to come out, Shi Juxi did not persuade even though he was worried.

"Okay." Shi Juexi responded.

In fact, he wants to persuade Shaoqin to bring Star, so Shaoqin will calculate and arrange more carefully, just because he doesn't want Star to be injured.

"Don't worry, even if I don't have Star by my side, I won't be slack in the slightest..." Shi Shaoqin saw through Shi Juxi's thoughts, and said leisurely, "Star chose to stay by my side. I am responsible for his childhood."

Shi Yuexi listened and smiled somewhat relievedly, without saying anything? !



Lin Xiangnan's accident and the death of Old Lin made the Lin family more and more low-key.

Although the term has not yet changed, everyone knows that the history of the Lin family will probably be rewritten.

Xi Hongwen was wearing a training uniform, holding an armed belt in his hand, patted his leg lightly, and stared deeply at Xu Zhao, who was really staring at the training of the Silver Fox Special Team.

"This Xu Zhao is really not a fuel-efficient lamp..." Luo Hai walked over and handed Xi Hongwen a bottle of water, "How long is this, except for those two or three stings and Li Hao, who taught the people of Silver Fox More loyal?!"

Xi Hongwen glanced at Luo Hai and chuckled lightly, "Having been dormant for so many is naturally not a simple character to be able to airborne from the agency."

"Yes!" Luo Hai smiled, "The more I think about it now, the more failure Lin Xiangnan has done."

Xi Hongwen smiled indifferently at the corner of his mouth, and did not answer.

"I heard that Nanbian has already finished the battle post." Luo Hai looked at Xu Zhao, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "'Southern Wolf, North Silver Fox' has won and lost in the big and small competitions for so many years. Hearing that there was a replacement, Wei Chen immediately posted the war post. I'm afraid Xu Zhao will be uncomfortable this time."

Xi Hongwen narrowed his gaze slightly, "Wei Chen and Lin Xiangnan are sentiments that have been struck out."

"The difficulty is, Xu Zhaoming knows that Wei Chen is resentful this time, but he can't refuse... after all, it is an agreed battle between the North and the South." Luo Hai chuckled, "I heard that Wei Chen prepared for Xu Zhao this time. It’s a lot of'surprise', and I want to give him a prestige."

Listening to Luo Hai's more excited voice, Xi Hongwen glanced at him lightly, and was stunned when he saw his sudden reaction. Then he changed the subject, "Is there anything that needs to be cultivated among the recruits selected for training this time?"

"Really..." Luo Hai stopped when he was about to drink water, his eyes shining brightly, "It's Jiang Lian, he doesn't talk a lot, but he has very good physical fitness... The most important thing is his brain and durability. Definitely good seedlings."

"Then focus on training!" Xi Hongwen said, "Silver Fox is the only one in the special operations brigade, and I don't want to be in this situation when I take over after the brigade commander is transferred."

"I know, don't worry!" Luo Hai said with a smile.

"Then why are you standing here?" Xi Hongwen looked at Luo Hai.

Luo Hai was stunned, then smiled and shook his head, "Okay, I'm going to stare!"

"Yeah." Xi Hongwen replied, and after Luo Hai had left, his eyes were placed on Xu Zhao again.

While he was observing Xu Zhao, Zhao Lin, who had just sent him the document to the group office, did not get off the car, followed his line of sight, and sent a message to Li Jincheng.

For so long, Lin Xiangnan has not heard from him, as if the world has evaporated...

With the postponement of the change of term, the people above and those who are concerned about the change of term have already become a little uncomfortable.

After sending the message successfully, Zhao Lin deleted the message, looked at Xi Hongwen again, and got out of the car.


Trading day.

Lin Xiangnan cleaned up some of the stubble that had emerged. After washing the foam around his mouth, he looked at himself in the mirror like a cheetah...

Success or failure is this time!

Any mistake in any link will not only bear the charge, but also make more people, because Zhan Xiaoyun's "business" is a matter of life and death.

And Tzuyu...Lin Xiangnan narrowed his gaze, deep in his eyes there was firmness and conviction that could not be wrong.

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