The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2109: Inexplicably uncomfortable

Zhou Moran's emotions were suddenly interrupted. After looking awkwardly at Lin Xiangnan, he circled his arm, and the girl who looked like a pet, frowned slightly.

Lin Xiangnan was indifferent, his emotions did not fluctuate too much because of the girl's sudden behavior, just looking back...

He twisted his eyebrows and looked at a girl with pretty short hair, her skin was tanned, but her eyes were brighter, "Xiao Mi?!" "Yes!" Luo Xiaomi now raised her eyebrows and put one hand on her chest. Said, "I am my little uncle's favorite niece, Uncle Nan, your favorite little niece... Xiaomi!" She sighed exaggeratedly, "Although I am now wrapped in a chocolate skin, this is healthy. And will

Sweet the hearts of those around you! "

"..." Lin Xiangnan was amused by Luo Xiaomi's words, "I haven't seen you for so many years, the thickest-skinned person in the Gu family is still you!"

Luo Xiaomi immediately grumbled and said, "Uncle Nan, aren't you afraid of hurting my heart?"

Lin Xiangnan chuckled and rubbed Luo Xiaomi's head.

Zhou Moran didn't have time to think about Luo Xiaomi's identity, so she heard her dissatisfied say: "Uncle Nan, how can you learn to laugh so involuntarily after not seeing you for so many years, don't tell me this is a mature performance?"

Zhou Moran looked at Lin Xiangnan and sighed darkly when he saw his eyes darkened.

"When did you come back?" Lin Xiangnan changed the subject, "I have been a war correspondent for a few years, and I look really healthy and strong."

"That is," Luo Xiaomi said, raising her eyebrows with some pride, "there are a few more scars on her body!"

Lin Xiangnan was a soldier in the past and participated in peacekeeping operations. Naturally, he knows the dangers that war reporters will also endure.

"Will you come back and leave?" Lin Xiangnan didn't ask about the battlefield in depth, and his avoidance was a bit obvious.

"I'm not leaving, I plan to find a man like my uncle to marry..." Luo Xiaomi smiled, "I want to be a happy little woman like my uncle!"

Lin Xiangnan listened and rubbed Luo Xiaomi's head again with a smile.

Ling Xiye's hand holding the knife and fork tightened unconsciously. He looked at Lin Xiangnan's beloved Luo Xiaomi, inexplicably dazzling.

"Sure enough, just like the rumors, I am entangled with many girls..." Ling Xiye snorted, "This is a public place, or how elegant a place, really dazzling!"

Huo Lianchen's gaze fell on Ling Xiye's hands that clenched the knife and fork, frowned slightly invisible, and then tilted his head to look at Lin Xiangnan.

Seeing that Lin Xiangnan didn't know what he had said to Luo Xiaomi, Luo Xiaomi circled his arms happily, leaned his head on his shoulder, and smiled brilliantly.

"You seem to be very concerned about him?" When Huo Lianchen asked, he looked at Ling Xiye with a deep gaze.

"No?!" Ling Xiye shrugged, "I just heard him gossip too much recently, and I feel a little brainwashed."

With that, Ling Xiye curled his eyebrows, always feeling that he was a little guilty about saying this?

However, although she came to the traffic police team for a week and listened to a lot of things about the forestry bureau, the meeting was also the crash and the moment.

Can't she be brought down by this person just because she hit the car of the forest bureau, so you pay attention? !

Huo Lianchen looked at Ling Xiye with a deep gaze. Her words were true, but he always felt that something was wrong?


Mo Palace.


The voice of milk and milk came with tenderness. Lin Xing with two pigtails was eager, and his running posture was a little unstable.

Behind him was a servant cautiously following, not daring to be too protective, and afraid that she would fall.

Graphite Chen put down the book in his hand and looked at the small figure running, his eyes were soft, his mouth was smiling, and his voice was like a spring breeze and said: "Little Qiyue, if you fall, my brother won't hold you... Because it will be dirty!"

Lin Xing pursed his mouth immediately, but he didn't run away obediently. It was obvious that his small steps were still a bit anxious.

Just like Star at the beginning likes to stick to his stones, now Lin Xing likes to stick to her brother.


Xi Cheng sighed long and sighed completely while shaking his head.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at him without saying anything, looking at Xiao Qiyue who threw into Star's arms in the distance.

"Time flies..." Xi Cheng sighed again. "It feels like saving Star is still yesterday. He has grown up like this." He sighed again, "Saving Ye Ziyu seems to be yesterday too, but She has been back to Los Angeles for almost a year, and Xiao Qiyue is almost two years old."

Shi Shaoqin's sight gradually grew farther...

He lived before, just to let more people accompany him to hell.

Because of Star, he tried hard to touch the sun, and he also met the sun.

However, once he felt that time passed slowly, and every day was suffering.

And now...

The appointment time with Xiao Ye is getting closer, which means that Star will face more cruel training at the same time, he will also leave his side!

"Little Qin..."

Carney came over in due course.

Shi Shaoqin took back his thoughts, and on his handsome face, which did not leave much trace of time, he glanced at Carney without emotion and motioned to him.

"The two have already met." Carney shrugged and said with some dumbfounding, "I don't know if it was destined or what, the way they met was because Ye Ziyu hit Lin Xiangnan's car again."

"Isn't it?!" When Xi Cheng heard this, he couldn't help being surprised. "I heard that she was hitting Lin Xiangnan's car in a big way during the previous investigation. Come again this time!"

Carney raised his eyebrows, indicating that it was so.

"It seems that these two people are quite fate... well, the crash fate!" Xi Cheng laughed.

"If you encounter it, don't stare at it," Shi Shaoqin said calmly, "How will it develop next is also a matter for the two of them..."

One thought that the other party was dead, and the other had no impression of the past.

Ye Ziyu is not amnesia, it is caused by human intervention, not that she can remember when she meets familiar people and scenes.

Because the dosage is too large and it is a modified Silence, even the progesterone hormone cannot remind Ye Ziyu of the past...unless the Xicheng antidote study is successful.

Actually, this is also good.

If Ye Ziyu and Lin Xiangnan have no fate and fall in love with others, forgetting the past is best for her.

As for Lin Xiangnan...

Shi Shaoqin looked at Lin Xing who was tired of Star's arms and narrowed his eyes.

After Silence had a reaction on Lin Xing, she could be regarded as Lin Xiangnan's thoughts after she solved it.

"I told everyone in the dark to withdraw!" Carney nodded.

At the beginning, when Ye Ziyu was skin-planting and plastic surgery, based on her situation at the time, Qin Shao had bothered to find Ling Xiye's identity and made a five or six-point portrait.

Before Ye Ziyu recovered and was about to wake up from a coma, she was taken to a nursing home in Los Angeles.

The nursing home lived with her mother who was in a trance because Ling Xiye had originally left and couldn't accept it.

This is the identity that Qin Shao gave Ye Ziyu a worry-free identity...

As for whether Ye Ziyu and Lin Xiangnan were able to create sparks in the end, or to find another love, it was beyond their control.

But can Lin Xiangnan really recognize her?

The appearance has changed, and the voice has some influence on the vocal tract because of the heavy smoke... When you think that a person is dead and you don't want to find another girl, it is difficult to recognize it, right? ! However, it has nothing to do with them, they have done enough...

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