The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2149: "Lonely" bugle

"No time!" Lin Xiangnan refused directly.

When Li Hao heard this, he suddenly twisted his eyebrows, "But..."

Unfortunately, Lin Xiangnan didn't give him a chance to speak again, so he hung up the phone.

If he doesn't do those jobs, someone will do it naturally.

This system is not impossible to transfer without him.

Before, he sacrificed everything for his faith.

Now he just wants to love Tzuyu and stay with her...


Li Hao looked sad when he heard the hung-up tone of ‘beep beep’ from the phone.

It was not because Lin Xiangnan refused, because he would refuse, he had basically guessed it.

Old Lin and sister-in-law have been away for so long, when is the captain planning to let them go? !

"Hey..." Li Hao sighed, his eyebrows tightened tighter.

After a while, Li Hao called Ouyang Ba and said in a dull voice: "Director, Forest Bureau doesn't care..."

Ouyang Ba was silent, and after a few seconds, he hung up the phone without saying anything.

Li Hao sighed again, standing on the steps of the General Administration Building, looking at a few police cars parked in the yard, he couldn't tell what it was like.

In the General Administration, during the holidays, there are no people except the staff on duty and a leader on duty.

He will be here today, for the captain on duty.

He didn't know whether the captain knew that he would have a queue on duty. Anyway, the normal shift might not be there, let alone on duty. He came every time.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Even if something happened, he could handle it even after he had been in "Silver Fox" for several years.

But nothing can arouse the interest of the captain. This is the biggest problem he has encountered so far.

"Li Hao, haven't you left yet?" Wang Qiang walked over from the playground in the yard of the unit while holding a water cup and wearing sportswear.

Li Hao looked over, grinned and said, "I'm about to leave!"

Wang Qiang ‘haha’ smiled, "I came over and saw you have been frowning, what do you think?"

Speaking of this, Li Hao sighed, "What else can I think about the forest bureau!"

Wang Qiang smiled and pointed to the pavilion on one side, "Go, go sit there."

"Okay!" Li Hao responded and walked over with Wang Qiang.

"In the previous meeting, it was said that the military area was going to have an event with the police..." Wang Qiang said, glanced at Li Hao's eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I suggested that Xiang Nan should be held responsible."

In the Los Angeles police system, few knew that Lin Xiangnan came from a special force. He didn't care about it casually. Everyone spread the word that it was originally from the military area's logistics department.

"I called the Bureau of Forestry just now, and the Bureau of Forestry is not interested." Li Hao slumped his shoulders, slightly tilted his head and hummed, "If the Bureau of Forestry plays, we don't need to think about the result, we are sure to win."

Wang Qiang looked at Li Hao's appearance of "protecting the calf" and laughed, "It's been more than two years now, the needle is blunt if it is not worn!"

"..." Li Hao opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was a fact.

Li Hao felt sorry when he thought that Lin Xiangnan used to be a god-level figure in the military area and now looks decadent.

Wang Qiang and Li Hao chatted. Although he knew about Lin Xiangnan's birth, he didn't know many things. After chatting with Li Hao, he finally learned something.

"It's a pity..." Wang Qiang sighed deeply, his eyes fell to the front, and said quietly, "In this system for so many years, I have brought a lot of people, in fact, I feel the most regrettable, only two."

Li Hao looked at Wang Qiang, "Who?"

"One to the south, one..." Wang Qiang breathed out again, "Ye Chenyu."

"Chen Ju's husband?"

"Yeah." Wang Qiang withdrew his gaze, "One is a natural soldier, the other is a natural policeman... Good luck tricks people." He sighed and got up, "It's late, get off work!"

After speaking, he took the cup on the stone table and went to the building.

Li Hao stood there, looking at Wang Qiang's back, he was a little depressed, and he became more depressed.

"Wang Ju is chatting with me, it is purely unhappy for me..." Li Hao thought for a while and walked out of the game a little depressed.

But as soon as the talent left the door, the phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Xu Zhao. He immediately picked it up with bright eyes, "Why call me all of a sudden?" He paused, "Don't tell me, this time you brought the silver fox to Los Angeles. ."

"You want to be beautiful!" Xu Zhao snorted lightly, "this time it is Xi Hongwen who will pass by, and Jiang Lian should follow too..."

"Then what?" Li Hao suddenly felt short of interest.

Xu Zhao held a mobile phone in one hand and a training cap in the other hand and patted his lap lightly, "I heard that there will be activities on both sides."

This is it again!

Li Hao rolled his eyes, "Please let me go..." He sighed deeply, "The captain is not interested, so he just hung up my phone."

"This time Xi Hongwen is going, why can't you look forward to it?" Xu Zhao raised his eyebrows. "Haha!" Li Hao laughed dryly, "It's not the first time he has come to Los Angeles. Which time did he drink to death with the captain?" He sighed deeply, just in time to see a female traffic policeman riding a motorcycle in front of him. After passing, I subconsciously remembered the collision incident of Ling Xiye, "I think I want to bring the captain back to life.

, Unless the sister-in-law is resurrected...Unfortunately, it is impossible in this life! "

Xu Zhao was silent before he said: "Xi Hongwen is not in his personal past this time. Maybe there will be a turning point."

"Hope!" Li Hao said without any hope. "I just finished duty for the captain. I'm going to have a meal and I'm hanging up."

"Yeah." Xu Zhao responded and hung up the phone.

For more than two years or almost three years, he knew all the news about Linzi, but the two had never met.

It's not that I don't want to meet, it's that I'm afraid!

There is also guilt.

in case……

He could have known earlier that Xiao Ye Zi had left Fengcheng, and forced her to come back from Feiluo City. Wouldn't the ending be different? !

Xu Zhao looked down at himself and smiled.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the knot between him and Linzi was at the time of the explosion, and he did not let him go back...

Even if Lin Zi knew that he was right at the time.

But this is how people are, many times, many things, when you can't get through that level, and when you raise everything on yourself, you won't let yourself go.

Xu Zhao put on his training hat and walked towards the cafeteria...

The setting sun shrouded Xu Zhao with loud military songs and the shouts of'one, two, three, four'. At this moment, he was alone.

Linzi, I hope that when we meet, you are you, and I...also me! Xu Zhao stopped and watched the various teams gathered at the entrance of the cafeteria singing pre-dinner songs. He suddenly remembered that when he was in the military academy, the first time he and Lin Zi had a fight was to compare songs before dinner Loud voice...

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